Day 1- Monday 241118
A. EMOM 24:00
Min 1: medball box step overs nte 24” 20#
Min 2: burpee to a 6” target
Min 3: Farmer’s carry, athlete’s choice
Min 4: calories
Day 2- Tuesday241119
A. 1 set every 2:00 x 5
2 front squats + split jerks
Build to 80-85% of last week heaviest C&J
Rest 2:00 then B
B. 1 every 2:00 x 5
Squat Clean & Split Jerk
Build to a heavy rep
Lift every 2:00
Rest 2:00 then C
C. Every 30 sec for 5:00 (10 sets)
3 power clean & push jerk
65-70% of B
Day 3- Wednesday 241120
A1. 30sec max strict and/or weighted pulling reps, rest tom then A2
A2. 10 hrpu, rest to 3:00 back to A1 x3
No additional rest into B1
B1. 30 sec max strict t2b, rest tom then B2
B2. 3-5 deadlifts build each round, rest to 3:00 then back to B1 x3
Rest an additional 1:00 then C
C. Performance or Endurance options
Open WOD 22.2
For time 10:00 cap
Deadlifts 225/155 rx, 135/95 scaled, 185/125 masters 55+rx, 115/85 masters 55+ scaled
Bar facing burpees jump over bar rx, step over scaled
1 set every 2:00 x 5
7 deadlifts
5: lunge + lunge + burpee
Day 4- Thursday 241121
A. For Endurance
(3 different machines: row, bike, ski, run)
6:00 apparatus 1
3:00 apparatus 2
1:00 apparatus 3
2:00 rest, repeat 2x total
B. Yoga for Athletes
Day 5- Friday 241122
A. AMRAP 22:00
Partner WOD
500m row
10 wallballs
10 t2b or ghd or toes to rig
10 burpee box jump overs
Switch after each partner completes their task
Day 6- Saturday 241123
Coach’s choice
Classes 7, 8, &9am
Day 7- Sunday 241124
See slack and Zen Planner for programming
8:00am OLY
9:00am Endurance
10:00am CrossFit Kids