Workouts, Happenings, and Updates at REDSHED CROSSFIT

The Blog

221005 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 221005 A. EMOM 8:001) 10 Empty barbell curls2) 6 ½ kneeling press each armRest 2:00, then BB. EMOM 8:001) 30sec Hollowbody hang2) 6

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221004 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 221004 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Split Jerks 5×31 set every 2:00 build to find 3RMRest 3:00, then BB. AMRAP 20:00200m Run10 medBall

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221003 Monday

Day 1WOD 221003 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 1 set every 3:00 x 53 man makers5 dual DB. DeadliftsFarmer’s Carry down and backRest 3:00, then

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220930 Friday

Day 5WOD 220930 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 30:001) Dual DB bench press, left, right, both x 32) 6 OH walking lunges each arm3)

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220929 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220929Aerobic Intervals + Flexibility Training A. Over/UnderSelect 1 of 3 movements:• wallballs• Burpees• Box jumpsGoal is to row the distance and end on

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220928 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220928 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 10-6-4-2… 6:00 capCaloriesAlt DB Snatches 50/35T2BRest 4:00, then BB. 10-6-4-2… 6:00 capCaloriesAlt DB Squat Clean ThrustersBurpeesRest 4:00,

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220927 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220927Focus: Grip Strength Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 1 set complex every 2:00, x 5… build bar accordingly1 Deadlift + 1 Hang Squat

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220926 Monday

Day 1WOD 220926Focus: Strength Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Split Jerks 5 x 31 set of 3 reps every 1:30, x 565% of 1RM from

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220923 Friday

Day 5WOD 220923 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 1 set at high intensity3 box jumps 24/206 hang power snatch/cleans 115/759cal/7cal – apparatus of choice0:00, 6:00,

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220922 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220922Aerobic Intervals + Flexibility A. Damper Fun2:00 work, 1:00 rest x 10Damper settings:2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, athlete’s choiceFirst

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220921 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220921 Warm-up – Coach’s ChoiceFocus – Split Jerk A. Split jerks5 x 5 @ 50% of 1rm from 2209121 set every 2:30Rest an

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220920 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220920 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. AMRAP :30 Hollow Body Rocks, rest :30A2. AMRAP :30 jumping jacks, rest :30A3. AMRAP :30 T2B, rest

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220919 Monday

Day 1WOD 220919 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8-10 RFESS each leg, rest :30 then A2A2. 8-10 Dips (ring, box, bench, supported/unsupported, rest :30 then

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Week of 220919 Preview

Day 1WOD 220919 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8-10 RFESS each leg, rest :30 then A2A2. 8-10 Dips (ring, box, bench, supported/unsupported, rest :30 then

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220916 Friday

Day 5 WOD 220916 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice Aerobic Flow A. AMRAP 30:00 200m run 10 deadlifts 185/125 5 pull-up + t2b combo 15 BJSD

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220915 Thursday

Day 4 WOD 220915 Aerobic Repeats + Flexibility Training A. Duathlon Pick 2 apparatuses 1 set every 3:00 x 8 20-18 calories Alternate apparatus each

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220913 Tuesday

Day 2 WOD 220913 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice Weight is the athlete's choice. Same weight is used for the entire WOD A. AMRAP 3:00 TGU

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220912 Monday

Day 1 WOD 220912 TEST DAY Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Split Jerks 0:00 5 split jerks 3:00 5 split jerks 6:00 3 split jerks

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220909 Friday

Day 5WOD 220909 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 1 set every 2:00 x 540du/ 80 singles10 ab-mat sit-upsRest 5:00B. For time 15:00 cap100 overhead squats

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220908 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220908Aerobic Repeats + Flexibility Training A. Complete workload @ 90% aerobic effort8:00 work, 4:00 rest4:00 work, 2:00 rest2:00 work, 1:00 rest1:00 work, no

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220907 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220907 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Tabata Mash-up:20 back squats from the rig 95/65:10 rest:20 double unders:10 rest x8Rest 2:00B. Tabata Mash-up:20 sh2oh

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220906 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220906 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 6-8 CGBP rest to 1:30 then A2A2. 6-8 dual db deadlifts, rest :30 then A3A3. 6-8 squat

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220905 Monday

Day 1WOD 220905 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. For Time 40:00 Cap15mu/c2b/pu in unbroken sets of 3 or 515 stone to shoulder400m run15 t2b in

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220902 Friday

Day 5WOD 220902Repeat WOD 210903 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 5:003 unbroken power cleans… build bar over 5 setsRest 5min, then BB. AMRAP 20:00

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220901 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220901Repeat WOD 210902Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 8 x 2:00 @ 90% aerobic effort, rest 1min b/t sets… apparatus

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220831 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220831Repeat WOD 210901 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. @ 0:00, 0:20, 0:40 – execute 5 pull-ups (ring rows, jumping, kipping)… rest to 2:00

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220830 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220830Repeat WOD 210831 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 10:00Evens – 150m/135m row or skiOdds – power clean cluster – 2. 2. 2,

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220829 Monday

Day 1WOD 220829Repeat WOD 210830 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 6 loaded squats… Athlete’s Choice… Back, Front or Overhead… rest to top of minute, then

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Week of 220829 Preview

Day 1WOD 220829Repeat WOD 210830 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 6 loaded squats… Athlete’s Choice… Back, Front or Overhead… rest to top of minute, then

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220826 Friday

Day 5WOD 220826Repeat WOD 210827 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 5:00… build complex as you go1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean +

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220825 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220825Repeat WOD 210826Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Complete each piece @ 90% aerobic effort… apparatus is Athlete’s Choice5:00 work,

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220824 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220824Repeat WOD 210825 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 12:001) 8 db chest press2) 10/10 unloaded RFESS3) 20 alternating golfer’s bendsRest to 15:00,

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220823 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220823Repeat WOD 210824 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 3 sets @ strict temp… this has a 6:00 window… B starts @ 6:0010 unbroken,

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220822 Monday

Day 1WOD 220822Repeat WOD 210823 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 10 dual dumbbell deadlifts… rest to top of minute, then A2A2. 3 unbroken hang clean

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220819 Friday

Day 5WOD 220819Repeat WOD 210820 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Tabata Mash-up8 sets of:20sec – hang power cleans… nte 115/75… rest 10sec20sec – air squats…

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220818 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220818Repeat WOD 210819Aerobic Intervals + ROMWOD Warm-up – Set up Erg monitors for 200m intervals w/30sec rest b/t sets, and execute 4 sets…

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220817 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220817Repeat WOD 210818 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 1 set every 3min, x 5… build as you go… no failed attempts please2 squat

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220816 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220816Repeat WOD 210817 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 6-8 half kneeling db press each arm (working arm is opposite of kneeling knee)… rest

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220815 Monday

Day 1WOD 220815Repeat WOD 210816 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 4 x 6/6 barbell split stance RDL… work every 3minRest b/t sets = 2 tgu

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220812 Friday

Day 5WOD 220812Repeat WOD 210813 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Tabata Mash-up20sec – Russian kb swings (athlete’s choice), rest 10sec20sec – bjsd/step-ups, rest 10secX 8Rest

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220811 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220811Repeat WOD 210812Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD A. 150cal/100cal row/ski/bike erg… 45sec FLR every 15cal/10cal… cap is Coach’s Choice… no drag calories allowed!B. ROMWOD

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220810 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220810Repeat WOD 210811 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 12 ring push-ups* (feet on box)… rest to top of minute, then A2A2. 3 rope

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220809 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220809Repeat WOD 210810 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8 dual dumbbell step-ups each leg… working leg is static on the box (2 risers

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220808 Monday

Day 1WOD 220808Repeat WOD 210809 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 3 front squats @ 33X1 tempo… rest to top of minute, then A2A2. AMRAP 30sec

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220805 Friday

Day 5WOD 220805Repeat WOD 210806 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice Friday Grinder!A. Complete workload for time… barbells nte 135/9550cal – apparatus of choiceThen, 3 rounds of:6

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220804 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220804Repeat WOD 210805Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD A. 4 x 5:00 @ 90% aerobic effort… rest 1min b/t setsB. ROMWOD Optional FBB for Open

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220803 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220803Repeat WOD 210804 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8-10 db chest press… rest 30sec, then A2A2. 8-10 goblet reverse lunges, total reps, alternating

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220802 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220802Repeat WOD 210803 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 6-8 split stance barbell RDL each leg… rest 30sec, then A2A2. 6-8 single arm shoulder

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220801 Monday

Day 1WOD 220801Repeat WOD 210802 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 6-8 RFESS each leg (loaded… use the benches)… rest 30sec, then A2A2. 6-8 push-ups @

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Week of 220801 Preview

Day 1WOD 220801Repeat WOD 210802 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 6-8 RFESS each leg (loaded… use the benches)… rest 30sec, then A2A2. 6-8 push-ups @

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220729 Friday

Day 5 WOD 220729Repeat WOD 220325 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice Aerobic Flow Friday!A. EMOM 5:00… build your bar1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean

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220728 Thursday

Day 4 WOD 220728Repeat WOD 220324Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD A. Choose a distance and execute as many rounds as possible in 24:00 of the following

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220727 Wednesday

Day 3 WOD 220727Repeat WOD 220323 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 8:001) 6 renegade rows2) AMRAP 30sec – heavy goblet squatsRest to 10:00, then

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220726 Tuesday

Day 2 WOD 220726Repeat WOD 220322 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 5 back squats… rest to top of the minute, then A2A2. Pull-up cluster… 3.

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220725 Monday

Day 1 WOD 220725Repeat WOD 220321 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. @ 0:00… 5 strict press@ 2:00… 3 strict press@ 4:00… 1 strict pressA2. @

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220722 Friday

Day 5WOD 220722Repeat WOD 220218Repeat WOD 170110Repeat WOD 160121 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 1 set @ 85-95% effort500m row20 kb swings – Athlete’s Choicerest

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220721 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220721Repeat WOD 220217Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 10 x 1:30 @ 90% aerobic effort… rest 1:00 b/t setsB. ROMWOD

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220720 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220720Repeat WOD 220216Repeat WOD 170207 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Complete workload @ 90+% effort… barbells not to exceed 115/75… workload capped @

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220719 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220719Repeat WOD 220215Repeat WOD 170106 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 20 unbroken back squatsRx’d recovery = 3:00 row @ 70-80% effort@ 7:00 on

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220718 Monday

Day 1WOD 220718Repeat WOD 220214Repeat WOD 170203 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. AMRAP 3:00 @ 80-90% effortburpee ring muscle-ups – OR – burpee pull-upsrest 2min,

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Week of 220718 Preview

Day 1WOD 220718Repeat WOD 220214Repeat WOD 170203 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. AMRAP 3:00 @ 80-90% effortburpee ring muscle-ups – OR – burpee pull-upsrest 2min,

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220715 Friday

Day 5WOD 220715Repeat WOD 211217 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 90sec SB… rest 30sec, then A2A2. 90sec SB… rest 30sec, then A3A3. 120sec FLRRest 4min,

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220714 Thursday

Day 4WOD 220714Repeat WOD 211216Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD A. Choose a distance, execute that distance @ 90% effort every 3min, x 8400m row/ski… 800m bike

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220713 Wednesday

Day 3WOD 220713Repeat WOD 211215 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. AMRAP 1:00, x 7… rest 1min b/t AMRAPs150m/135m row/ski + burpees until time expiresRest 5min

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220712 Tuesday

Day 2WOD 220712Repeat WOD 211214 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Goblet Split Squat – 5/5. 5/5. 5/5. 5/5. 5/5.Do 5 goblet split squats each leg

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$25 Per Class


3 Gold Mine Rd.
Flanders, New Jersey 07836



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