Workouts, Happenings, and Updates at REDSHED CROSSFIT
The Blog

Programming Week of 250310
Day 1- Monday 250310 A1. 4 goblet squats at 5551 tempo, rest to 1:30 then A2 A2. 8/8 bent over rows, no rest into A3.

Programming Week of 250303
CrossFit Open WOD 25.2 announcement Thursday 250306. Keep yourself primed and ready during the week!

Programming Week of 250224
Day 1- Monday 250224 A1. 10 dual db deadlifts, rest tom then A2 A2. 10 alt dual db strict curls, rest tom then A3 A3.

Programming Week of 250217
DELOAD WEEK Day 1- Monday 250217 A. Tabata mash up 16x (8:00) 20 sec max ring rows, 10 sec rest 20 sec max hrpu, 10

Programming Week of 250210
Day 1- Monday 250210 Strength Day 1- Week 6 of 6 A. Back squat every 2:30 x 5 S- 5×1 start at 80-85% of week

Programming Week of 250203
Day 1- Monday 250203 Strength Day 2 Week 5 of 6 A1. Deadlifts S- 5 reps at 90-95% of week 1 5RM ME- 10 reps

Programming Week of 250127
Halfway through the strength cycle. Adding in some more pushing options. Weights are starting to increase back towards rep maxes.

Programming Week of 250120
O.S.C.A.R. donation drive this Saturday! Bring a donation for the shelter and workout with puppies! All up for adoption!

Programming Week of 250113
Week 2 of 6 in the strength cycle. Athletes can choose a Strength tract or a Muscle Endurance tract for the 2 strength days. The chosen tract will be for the duration of the 6 week cycle.

Programming Week of 250106
This week starts a new strength cycle. Back squats and deadlifts. Athletes will have 2 tracts to choose from in this cycle. An option of 1 rm strength or an option of muscle endurance.
the CrossFit Open is 8 weeks asway!

Programming Week of 241230
The final days of 2024 are upon us. Let’s keep moving and setting the foundation for an epic 2025 year of fitness!

Programming Week 241223
We are deep into the Holiday season! Be sure to sign up for the 12 days of CrossFitMas and wear your festive attire!!!

Programming Week of 241216
Let’s keep to our fitness routines during the busy holiday season. Show up with whatever you have and we’ll make it work for you!!!

Programming Week of 241209
Deload and repeat week. The goal is consistency during the holiday season. Many events pull our attention. Keep carving out time for your fitness and build up your resiliency!

Programming Week of 241125
WOW do we have an action packed week ahead!
November marks 16 years of RedShed CrossFit and we’re celebrating the only way we know how, with a WOD!
We say “Grace” mid week with the annual testing of this benchmark WOD.
After you’ve had your fill of turkey, join us on Friday for filthy, dirty action.
Round the the week with a snatch strength Saturday.

Programming Week of 241118
Starting the week with a 24:00 EMOM intended to keep you moving. Week 4 of 6 for the Olympic Clean & Jerk mixed with “Grace” prep. Embracing and continuing the development of our strict strength.
This week introducing the Performance/Endurance options. On the days we have task priorities programmed there will be an option to lower the intensity. This option noted as Endurance.
Finish the work week with a partner WOD.

Programming Week of 241111
Week 3 of this strength cycle. We start preparing for GRACE. Continue to develop strict pulling and t2b capacity. Round out the workweek with skill time!

Programming Week of 241104
Welcome to your FREE WEEK at RedShed CrossFit!
We have an action packed week. Monday tests a CrossFit Open WOD. Wednesday is strength day. Friday get ready for a community Friday Night Lights. Saturday we have Hero WOD Chad!

Programming Week of 241028
Lots happening at RedShed CrossFit this week!
We kick off a new strength cycle with a focus on the Clean & Jerk and strict pulling strength.
Friday starts our annual Bring a Friend and Free Week of CrossFit event. Check the homepage for sign up details!

Programming Week of 241021
This is a bit of a deload week so there won’t be much barbell or prescribed weights. Athletes are encouraged to choose their own weights based on intended stimulus notes.
Monday: Benchmark WOD Fight Gone Bad. Score is TOTAL reps over the 17 minutes. The intention is to go all out for 5:00, 1:00 rest x 3. Created to simulate an MMA fight.
Tuesday: A mx of strength and skill mashed into EMOMs. Score is TGU #, pull-up variation, sled #
Wednesday: “Jani-Ro” is our very own benchmark WOD and the namesake of our annual breast cancer fundraising event. We don’t do this WOD outside of the event very often. Jani-Ro is a 10:00 AMRAP of 10 wallballs, 10 kbs, 10 burpees. That is being broken out into repeats. Intention is to have equal work/rest ratio. Score sill be YOUR fastest round. Make it fun! wear pink and or you F2F gear!
Thursday: Getting familiar with staying in the seat.
Friday: Grunt work. Choose your own weights. Work for 40min. Ring Muscle Up progression (RMU) options will be taught in the warm-up that day.

Programming Week of 241014
Ease your way into the week with an Aerobic Flow Monday. Tuesday tests the 1RM Squat Clean. This is week 6 of 6 in the Squat Clean cycle. Wednesday get back under the bench and a gross finisher. Thursday continues the aerobic repeat tradition, Friday gives a sneak peak to the next strength cycle!

Programming Week of 241007
Week 5 of 6 for this strength cycle. Working to 95% of the 1rm and spending time under load. Later in the week the grip strength is tested.

Programming Week of 240930
Monday: This week we move to barbell bench presses followed by a mental grind.
Tuesday: 5 rounds for time testing the endurance of the upper body.
Wednesday: Strength Day! Continuing the work of squat cleans at heavier weights.
Friday: Aerobic intervals in the morning, throwback WOD late night.
Friday: The coaches have worked together to program this one! Come in on Friday to see what it is!

Programming Week of 240923
Monday: 3 7:00 AMRAPs throwback style. Tuesday: Working on speed under the bar with a squat clean complex. Use the high hang to drop!
Wednesday: Last week with dumbbell benchpress.
Thursday: Aerobic intervals and late night throwback thursday (check SLACK for the WOD.
Friday: Play on the classic WOD Cindy.

Programming Week of 240916
Week 2 of 6 for the strength cycle. Time to correct bad habits and work the movement form!

Programming Week of 240909
This week starts the new STRENGTH CYCLE! Squat clean and bench press.
On Friday we celebrate Coach Scott’s birthday with a throwback WOD (15 years ago!).
Let’s see those squat clean numbers.

Programming Week of 240902
Day 1- Monday 240902 A. Lazar For Time 3 Rounds 30 calorie row 10 bar muscle ups Rest 3:00 3 Rounds 30 calorie row 15

Programming Week of 240826
Last week of the strength cycle. We’ll retest the 1 rep max (1RM) front squat. Know your weight from week 1 and exceed it!!! Saturday

Programming Week of 240819
Day 1- Monday 240819 A. Push press 3×5 (week 5 of 6) From the rack, 5-10 lb more than last week or 75% of your

Programming Week of 240812
Monday week 4 of 6 front squats are getting heavy! Tuesday 4 5 minute AMRAP couplets. Wednesday push presses and a 21-15-9. Thursday going the distance and working the abs. Friday a spin on a RedShed classic. Saturday, coach’s choice!

Programming Week of 240805
Monday kicks off the week with a 20 minute AMRAP with a rope climb interruption. Tuesday continues the push press strength followed by a descending ladder. Wednesday continues to build the 5×5 front squat. Thursday aerobic conditioning and yoga for athletes. Friday rounds out the week with benchmark “Jackie”.

Programming Week of 240729
Monday starts the rest of the 6 week strength cycle using weights established last week. Strength followed by a spicy couplet. Tuesday is the heavy day of the week, front squats. Wednesday, how much work can you get done in 30 seconds?! Thursday trains the cardio equipment and some yoga for athletes. Friday we hae our RedShed benchmark WOD “Ruben James”. Saturday, coach’s choice!

Programming Week of 240722
New technical focus starting this week for 6 weeks; front squats and push presses. The days with the technical components rotate week to week between Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Fridays will use the two movements.

Programming Week of 240715
This week we’re throwing it back to 2021. Repeating an entire week to test and see where we stand.

Programming Week of 240708
This is our last week of the Snatch technique and strength work.
Monday takes us on a pull/pull journey. Tuesday tests the 1RM Squat Snatch. Wednesday is a grind. Thursday eases up with active recover in the form of cardio. Friday uses a % of Tuesday’s strength. Saturday, coach’s choice!

Programming Week of 240701
Monday starts the week and a new month, July. Long couplets that look easy on paper. Tuesday is the second to last week of snatches. Wednesday ping pongs back and forth with short punchy intervals. Thursday, 4th of July, limited hours and a grind of a WOD. Friday is another opportunity to build your snatch. Saturday, coach’s choice. It’s a great day to be great!

Programming Week of 240624
This week we start our CrossFit Kids classes Tuesday & Saturday mornings, Thursday afternoon.
Monday turns up the volume with light load. Technical Tuesday continues with squat snatches and summer gymnastics goals. Wednesday a task for time! Thursday gets back into short intervals. Friday WORLD PRIDE DAY! We celebrate with a partner WOD. Saturday as always, coach’s choice. See you at the Shed!!!

Programming Week of 240617
Monday EMOMs, EMOMs, EMOMs, bring an extra set of legs! Technical Tuesday brings in the power snatch. Wednesday learn the ropes and go for an interrupted 15:00 AMRAP. Thursday cardio intervals on your machine of choice. Friday puts Tuesday’s power snatch weight to the test!

Programming Week of 240610
Start the week off with Turkish get-ups and static holds. Tuesday focuses on overhead squat technique and summer gymnastics goals. Wednesday is a chance to get after it with a 4 rounds for time burner. Thursday set your own workout with a 1:oo test to start. Friday tests benchmark and hero wod Randy.

Programming Week of 240603
June is here and so is the start of our new cycle. We ask you to show up with a gymnastic skill in mind you’d like to work on over the summer.
Stating this week with unilateral strength on the dumbbell. Technical Tuesday has us working on the overhead squat and summer gymnastics goals. Mostly bodyweight Wednesday. Row’d Royalty 22.2 repeat on Thursday. Friday get you refining your overhead squat skills from Tuesday.

Programming Week of 240527
Monday: Memorial Day HERO WOD Buro. Tuesday is our last week of the 8 week back squat cycle. Wednesday a mix of AMRAPS. Thursday Row’d Royalty repeat. Friday a good old fashioned aerobic flow AMRAP.

Programming Week of 240520
A similar start to this week as last week.
Monday: some running followed by a couple of AMRAP triplets.
Tuesday: week 3 of 4 for 20 unbroken back squats.
Wednesday: Repeats to train some sprint like action.
Thursday: gearing up for the Row’d Royalty on-line rowing competition. Repeating a comp WOD.
Friday- take it easy if you’re doing MURPH the next day or GET IT if you’re going away for the holiday weekend.
Saturday- Hero WOD MURPH!
Sunday- Rest Day

Programming Week of 240513
Starting the week with a CrossFit Main site WOD. Tuesday we add weigh to our 20 back squats. Wednesday back to back AMRAPs. Thursday cardio. Friday 20 rounds with a heavy barbell.

Programming Week of 240506
Monday starts the week with an ascending ladder accumulating lots of volume. Tuesday starts the second half of our back Squat cycle, 20 rep max. Wednesday we celebrate Coach Lily with a birthday WOD. Thursday gets us on 2 modalities. Friday a FOR TIME triplet to ring in the weekend. Saturday we celebrate Coach Dan’s birthday. Lots going on, we’ll see you at the Shed!

Programming Week of 240429
Starting the week off with focused movements. 5-6 minutes for each individual movement. Tuesday, week 4 of our back squat cycle mixed with strict pulling strength. Wednesday sees a return of 40 min GRUNT WORK and some quality time with the med balls. Thursday test your cardio duathlon. Friday gets us under heavy barbells. Saturday continues Murph prep!

Programming Week of 240422
Monday: QF WOD 1
Tuesday: Back squats
Wednesday: Trio of couplets
Thursday: run
Friday: Heavy barbell

Programming Week of 240415
Monday: AMRAPs
Tuesday: Back Squat day
Wednesday: Dumbbell unilateral work
Thursday: Running intervals
Friday: Aerobic flow with a barbell
Saturday: Muprh prep

Programming Week of 240408
This week starts a new 8 week cycle.
Strength focus: Back Squat
Gymnastics focus: Pull-ups
Endurance focus: Running
Monday starts us off with rounds for time and an AMRAP. Tuesday is back squat day and baseline setting. Wednesday chipper, Thursday running repeats, and Friday a benchmark with a twist. Moving forward each Saturday is Murph prep.

Programming Week of 240401
This is a second week of repeat WODs. This week features workouts from April 2019. A mix of Olympic lifts, functional body building, and aerobic repeats. Later in the week we start to introduce Murph prep.

Programming Week of 240325
Throwing it back to 2016 this week. Kicking off the week with AMRAPs. Tuesday has us taking out all the toys. Wednesday has an opportunity to get heavy. Thursday aerobic repeats via tabatas. Friday more sled and sprints with a FOR TIME finisher.
Friday Night JANI-RO breast cancer fundrasier. No afternoon classes.

Programming Week of 240318
Keeping weights light. You’ll see more body weight movements than usual. This is a week to feel good in your body. By Tuesday most of our athletes that competed in the Open will have ther competition come to a close. From a programming stand point we’re using this to regroup and set our focus to the rest of the year. Next week we’ll start a new strength and skill focus!

Programming Week of 240311
Last week of the CrossFit Open 2024. This week is a mix bag of movements and time domains. When is it not. Saturday we tackle 24.3 as a community.

Jani-Ro Breast Cancer Fundraiser
12th Annual
RedShed CrossFit
Breast Cancer Fundraiser
🟣 Jani-Ro 🟣
This event is named after two members of our RedShed community, Janice Garry and Rosemary Santarpia Stefiniw. These women fought for their lives when diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. This event honors that fight and celebrates their survival and thriving lives.

Programming Week of 240304
Week 2 of the CrossFit Open. Goals for the week are to stay mobile, limber, and ready to tackle this weeks challenge!

Programming Week of 240226
First Open workout is this week! Move with intention and choose your intensity appropriately.

Programming Week of 240212
Monday back to back EMOMs of strength and skill work. Tuesday gets heavy on the barbell. Wednesday OPen Repeat. Thursday cardio reset. Friday 30min EMOM with the stones!

Programming Week of 240205
Monday starts off the week with upper body push/pull and fun with EMOMs. Tuesday brings some QT with the barbell snatch. Wednesday we repeat Open WOD 20.2. Thursday regulates with long aerobic intervals. Friday fires up the barbell. Check back to see what Coach Shaun has lined up for Saturday.

Programming Week of 240129
Monday hits with a 7 RFT grind. Open repeat WODs Tuesday and Friday this week. Wednesday challenges you to get after it!

Programming Week of 240122
Changing the order around this week. Monday starts the week with our negatives and clean skill/strength work. Tuesday long aerobic flow AMRAP. Wednesday CF Open repeat day. Thursday is similar to the previous week, but different. Friday another aerobic flow with a chance to push some weight around, literally.
Saturday houses your second CF Open repeat of the week.

Programming Week of 240115
Partner action for the Monday holiday. Open repeats of Tuesday and Friday this week. Continuing to build our cleans mid week. Active recovery on Thursday with Aerobic intervals and yoga.

Programming Week of 240108
Monday gets the systems primed with midline and shoulder work. Tuesday is your first OPEN repeat of the week, 13.2. This is NOT a test. Wednesday is your chance to throw some weight around and work on gymnastics skills. Thursday aerobic intervals lead into a Friday Aerobic repeat WOD. Saturday is the day to TEST and get after Open WOD 21.1.

Programming Week of 240101
The CrossFit Open 24 starts in 8 weeks. Each week we will repeat at least one Open wod from passed years. This week we have 2!

Programming Week of 231225
Last week of 2023. We finish up the short deadlift cycle with a heavy 1rm or a heavy 3rm. We also have our final SPRINT day of the year mid week. The rest of the week presents opportunities to move your bodies! New Year’s Eve we have a team marathon row challenge. Sign up at the whiteboard.

Programming Week of 231218
Monday: t2b endurance work
Tuesday: building on deadlifts. Next week we’ll work on heavy single again. If you have no interest in doing a 1rm DL don’t worry, we have a plan for you! Don’t let that deter you from coming in to Tuesday’s WOD.
Wednesday: Last GRUNT work of 2023!!
Thursday: QT with damper settings.
Friday: sorry not sorry
Saturday: get festive with your gym attire!!!

Programming Week of 231211
After this week we have one more week each of GRUNT and SPRINT work.
We will continue to build our deadlifts for the remained of 2023.
Friday presents an opportunity to work on your rope skills: practice your feet wrap, grip strength, the lean back, or even your legless climbs!

Programming Week of 231204
Monday kicks off the week with short AMRAPs. Tuesday gets us lifting heavy. Wednesday GRUNT work. Easing towards Friday. Holiday Party this Friday!

Programming Week of 231127
We are in the holiday season. Easing into the week with EMOMs and AMRAPs. Mid week brings around a repeat SPRINT day. Thursday is a chance to get in some QT with your favorite cardio machine. Rounding out the week with another repeat. This repeat is FOR TIME!

Programming Week of 231120
Monday GRACE test. the rest of the week offers a variety of ways to keep active. Bookend the week with another benchmark, Filthy 50!

Programming Week of 231113
Welcome to your FREE WEEK!
Monday brings our final prep of GRACE. Testing taking place next week. Midweek sprint to shake off the cold. Saturday culminates the week in a community event celebrating 15 years of RedShed CrossFit!

Programming Week of 231106
Challenging ourselves with heavy push jerks at the start of the week. Tuesday bring us a classic RedShed WOD “Jani-Ro”. Midweek long slow day. Friday we take it light in order to save our legs for Saturday, hero WOD CHAD.

Programming Week of 231030
This week closes out our October Farmer’s Carry Challenge. We continue to build our barbells to “Grace” weights. Midweek sprint followed by a long, slow Thursday aerobic session. Rounding out the week with a chance to throw some heavy weights around!

Programming Week of 231023
Continued training for “Grace”. Mid week Grunt work. Finishing up the week with escalating reps!

Programming Week of 231016
Continuing our “GRACE” prep this week by adding some load. Strict pressing and OH stability on Tuesday. Mid-week SPRINT work. Rounding it out with partner work on Friday!

Programming Week of 231009
Continuing with OH and midline stability. Working on our strict pressing. Mid week GRUNT work. Friday introduces a NEW RedShed Benchmark WOD named after our 2022 Athlete of the Year Jim Marrero!!!

Programming Week of 231002
Staying off the pull-up bars and rings this week. Continuing to focus on overhead stability and strict pushing strength. Working towards handstand push-ups. Midweek brings us a sprint session. Rounding out the week with RX levels in an aerobic flow.

Programming Week of 230925
Another week of training at the Shed! Introducing handstand push up skill work on Tuesday. You’ll see a longer time domain on Wednesday.
Friday 230825
Day 5 Friday 230825 A For Time 35:00 cap, DB NTE 50/35 50 Dual DB deadlifts 50 Dual DB farmer hold lunges 50 Dual
Thursday 230824
Day 4 Thursday 230824 A Tabata Row/Bike/Ski 8x 20sec work 10sec rest Rest 3:00 x3 Different apparatus each round Rest 3:00 after 3rd round
Wednesday 230823
Day 3 Wednesday 230823 A CPJ mid week special (week 4 of 4) 1 set every 3:30 x 6 Build barbell no more than
Tuesday 230822
Day 2 Tuesday 230822 A1 6-8 FFESS on 1 riser, each leg, rest TOM A2 10 alt strict DB curls, rest TOM A3 AMRAP
Monday 230821
Day 1 Monday 230821 A Tabata mash-up 20sec on 10sec rest x8 Active hang Air squats Rest 3:00 then B B EMOM 10:00 3
Friday 230818
Day 5 Friday 230818 A For Time 20 wall climbs 200m run 40 BJSD nte 30” 400m run 50 alt DB power snatches 50/35
Thursday 230817
Day 4 Thursday 230817 A Total Distance 1:00 work… 1:00 rest 2:00 work… 1:00 rest 3:00 work… 1:00 rest 4:00 work… 1:00 rest 3:00
Wednesday 230816
Day 3 Wednesday 230816 A. CPJ mid week special (week 3 of 4) 1 set every 3:30 x 6 Build barbell no more than
Tuesday 230815
Day 2 Tuesday 230815 A1 6-8 RFESS each leg, rest to TOM then A2 A2 6-8 bent over row each arm, rest to TOM
Monday 230814
Day 1 Monday 230814 REPEAT: 160412, 160719, 190813 Workloads A-C capped at 5:00. Complete descending ladder @ 85-95% effort Barbell NTE 135/95, same barbell
Friday 230811
Day 5 Friday 230811 A AMRAP 3:00 Stone carry + 3 burpees after each down and back B AMRAP 3:00 Burpee + Pull-up/c2b/mu +
Wednesday 230809
Day 3 Wednesday 230809 A. CPJ mid week special (week 2 of 4) 1 set every 3:30 x 6 Build barbell no more than
Tuesday 230808
Day 2 Tuesday 230808 A1. 6-8 back squats OR 4 tempo back squats 33×1, rest TOM then A2 A2. 6-8 dual DB strict press,