Day 1 Monday 230918
A AMRAP 7:00 90% effort
7 v-ups
14 double unders/ 42 singles
7 kb sdlhp 24/16kg
Rest to 10:00 then B
B AMRAP 7:00 90% effort
5 pull-ups
5/5 db power snatches 50/35
10 single db reverse front rack lunges
Rest to 20:00 then C
C AMRAP 10:00 90% effort
200m run
10 wallballs nte 20#
30 sec FLR
Day 2 Tuesday 230919
A1. 5 push presh, rest TOM build each set
A2. 3-5.3-5-3-5.3-5 strict pulling reps rest 10sec at dot
Rest to 3:00 back to A1 x 3
Rest to 10:00 then B
B EMOM 10:00
Min 1: burpee box jump overs 24/20
Min 2: rest
Rest to 22:00 then C
C For Time
Alt db hang clean and jerk 50/35
Day 3 Wednesday 230920
Sprint day
A1. 0:00, 9:00… 20:00, 29:00
5 50’ shuttle run (down and back = 1) + 30 lunges
A2. 3:00, 12:00… 23:00, 32:00
10 sec AB sprint + 30 air squats
A3. 6:00, 15:00… 26:00, 35:00
6/4 calorie ski + 30 push-ups
After 15:00 rest to 20:00 then repeat
Day 4 Thursday 230921
A Aerobic Intervals
6:00 apparatus 1
3:00 rest
6:00 apparatus 2
3:00 rest
6:00 apparatus 3
Rest as needed then B
B Yoga recovery
Day 5 Friday 230922
Coach Katie
Coach Mary G
Janice Garry
Rani Ginalski
A 11 rounds for time
2 deadlifts
2 hang power cleans
2 front squats
2 sh2oh
2 burpees over bar
2 t2b + pu/c2b/mu combo
*22 DU/ 5 bjsd every 4:00 starting at 0:00
0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 22:00…
*build barbell every other round including the 11th round
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
Day 6 Saturday 230923
Coach’s choice
Classes 7, 8, 9am
Day 7 Sunday 230924
RedShed Rest Day