120430 Day 1
Day 1WOD 120430 AMRAP in 15:00 of:5 thrusters – 115/8510 burpees15 t2b20 double unders (x4 singles) crossfit.com
Day 1WOD 120430 AMRAP in 15:00 of:5 thrusters – 115/8510 burpees15 t2b20 double unders (x4 singles) crossfit.com
RedShed Rest Day! How To Become An Overnight Success (courtesy of CF Lisbeth) crossfit.com
Strength Week of 120430back squat, strict press, deadlift5 @ 55%5 @ 65%max reps @ 75% ShedKickers Week of 120430 CFWE SK_minute 0:00, max power cleans – 185minute 1:00, 1 rope ascent… add weight to barbellminute 2:00, max power cleans – 205minute 3:00, 1 rope ascent… add weight to barbellminute 4:00, max power cleans – 225minute
Day 6WOD 120428 7:30-8:30 – WOD 8:30-10:00 – New Athletes 10:30-12:30 – WOD AMRAP in 15:00 of:20 wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' target20 sdhp – 75/5520 box jumps – 24"/20", games standards20 push press – 75/5510 burpees crossfit.com
Day 5WOD 120427 For time:1500m row or 1 mile run100 sandbag squats75 pull-upspartition as desired crossfit.com
Day 4120426 Barbell ProgressionsCore and Mobility Work Test 1RM for: back squat, strict press, deadlift crossfit.com
Day 3WOD 120425 For time:21-15-9front squats – 135/95deadlifts – 135/95ring dips run 400m after each triplet Happy Birthday W! crossfit.com
Day 2WOD 120424 AMRepsAP of:5:00 wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' target4:00 burpees3:00 box jumps/step down – 20" box, must stand tall at top of box AND step down2:00 abmat sit-ups1:00 ohs – 45# barbell crossfit.com
Day 1WOD 120423 For time:buy-in=50 walking lunges w/sandbag (total steps) 5 rounds of:15 kb swings – 24kg/16kg7 hang squat snatch – 95/65 cash-out=35 sandbag thrusters crossfit.com