01.17.2010-Sunday-Rest Day

RedShed Rest Day

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Don't forget to do your burpees and/or double unders today!

Some things to think about on the rest day:

1. Your Warm-Up:  Don't cheat your warm-up… it is the most important part of your visit to the shed!  We will be experimenting with some new warm-up tactics in the very near future (like on Monday!)

2. Respect:  Yup, respect the equipment, respect the building, and respect your fellow athletes.  Kettlebells and unweighted barbells are not to be dropped.  The water and cups cost money, please use them wisely.  Be kind, and clean up your training area from sweat, blood, tears, skin, chalk etc.  Treat the bathroom as you do in your own home.  Supervise your children, keep them off the training floor, off of the equipment etc.  And respect your fellow athletes and their space… allowing for proper warm-up and training to take place at all times!

3. The Cool-Down:  Another area NOT to be taken lightly.  Avoid flopping on the floor in a heap of exhaustion. Instead, keep moving… walk it off, hit the rower and row lightly until you start to breathe at a normal rate… this will benefit you greatly.

4. Flexibility:  Use the foam rollers, and add some flexibility movements to your warm-up and, more importantly, your cool-down.  Adding time for flexibility will take seconds off your WODs.

5. Have Fun:  CrossFit can be very competitive, which in turn, can be very unhealthy if not handled properly.  Don't lose sight of why you train.  One of the best parts about the shed is that it is fun.  We all are in it for the same reason, and training together everyday is fun.  Finding out what you are capable of is very exciting!  I believe I have the best job in the world, because I get to see my friends, everyday, achieve amazing things. 


Have a great Sunday Rest Day!


DAY 14 of the burpee/d-u challenge


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0 thoughts on “01.17.2010-Sunday-Rest Day”

  1. Rest Day Reading (courtesy of CF Breakaway):
    A posting on a little bit of everything…what speaks to you?
    The greatest pleasures in life were not the lazy, easy, spoon fed things but the things covered with sweat, a little bruised and battered, the things that teeter on the edge of exhaustion and pain and fear and failure.
    The willingness to walk, arm in arm, often bloodied and bruised, into new levels of challenge, into harms way, from complacency to extreme discomfort, to carry our weakest to the finish line is what makes our community a model for my life, my relationships and for the path I want for my children.
    FoodFreak, but I don’t WANT and knowingly CHOOSE NOT TO do what you do, come what may.
    If you use near perfect form in your quest for productive application of force, if you have proper recovery time, if your body is thriving and well balanced because you SMR/Foam Roll and maintain long, fluid ROM from proper stretching technique, if you focus your intentions and actions with a positive, strong, confident attitude as a foundation, your are gonna be hawter than the sun. Crazy hawt! A veritable hawtasaurus.
    We need to fail to force an adaptive response that will elicit greater output. We can never let our shortcomings make decisions for us. We want to be good at everything, we want no excuses, we need to know we never, ever, shied away from the challenge. We know you do, too.
    And finally…is hawtasaurus a real word?!
    Have a super rest day, ShedHeads!

  2. Rest Day Reading (courtesy of CF Breakaway):
    A posting on a little bit of everything…what speaks to you?
    The greatest pleasures in life were not the lazy, easy, spoon fed things but the things covered with sweat, a little bruised and battered, the things that teeter on the edge of exhaustion and pain and fear and failure.
    The willingness to walk, arm in arm, often bloodied and bruised, into new levels of challenge, into harms way, from complacency to extreme discomfort, to carry our weakest to the finish line is what makes our community a model for my life, my relationships and for the path I want for my children.
    FoodFreak, but I don’t WANT and knowingly CHOOSE NOT TO do what you do, come what may.
    If you use near perfect form in your quest for productive application of force, if you have proper recovery time, if your body is thriving and well balanced because you SMR/Foam Roll and maintain long, fluid ROM from proper stretching technique, if you focus your intentions and actions with a positive, strong, confident attitude as a foundation, your are gonna be hawter than the sun. Crazy hawt! A veritable hawtasaurus.
    We need to fail to force an adaptive response that will elicit greater output. We can never let our shortcomings make decisions for us. We want to be good at everything, we want no excuses, we need to know we never, ever, shied away from the challenge. We know you do, too.
    And finally…is hawtasaurus a real word?!
    Have a super rest day, ShedHeads!

  3. Rest Day Reading (courtesy of CF Breakaway):
    A posting on a little bit of everything…what speaks to you?
    The greatest pleasures in life were not the lazy, easy, spoon fed things but the things covered with sweat, a little bruised and battered, the things that teeter on the edge of exhaustion and pain and fear and failure.
    The willingness to walk, arm in arm, often bloodied and bruised, into new levels of challenge, into harms way, from complacency to extreme discomfort, to carry our weakest to the finish line is what makes our community a model for my life, my relationships and for the path I want for my children.
    FoodFreak, but I don’t WANT and knowingly CHOOSE NOT TO do what you do, come what may.
    If you use near perfect form in your quest for productive application of force, if you have proper recovery time, if your body is thriving and well balanced because you SMR/Foam Roll and maintain long, fluid ROM from proper stretching technique, if you focus your intentions and actions with a positive, strong, confident attitude as a foundation, your are gonna be hawter than the sun. Crazy hawt! A veritable hawtasaurus.
    We need to fail to force an adaptive response that will elicit greater output. We can never let our shortcomings make decisions for us. We want to be good at everything, we want no excuses, we need to know we never, ever, shied away from the challenge. We know you do, too.
    And finally…is hawtasaurus a real word?!
    Have a super rest day, ShedHeads!

  4. Rest Day Reading (courtesy of CF Breakaway):
    A posting on a little bit of everything…what speaks to you?
    The greatest pleasures in life were not the lazy, easy, spoon fed things but the things covered with sweat, a little bruised and battered, the things that teeter on the edge of exhaustion and pain and fear and failure.
    The willingness to walk, arm in arm, often bloodied and bruised, into new levels of challenge, into harms way, from complacency to extreme discomfort, to carry our weakest to the finish line is what makes our community a model for my life, my relationships and for the path I want for my children.
    FoodFreak, but I don’t WANT and knowingly CHOOSE NOT TO do what you do, come what may.
    If you use near perfect form in your quest for productive application of force, if you have proper recovery time, if your body is thriving and well balanced because you SMR/Foam Roll and maintain long, fluid ROM from proper stretching technique, if you focus your intentions and actions with a positive, strong, confident attitude as a foundation, your are gonna be hawter than the sun. Crazy hawt! A veritable hawtasaurus.
    We need to fail to force an adaptive response that will elicit greater output. We can never let our shortcomings make decisions for us. We want to be good at everything, we want no excuses, we need to know we never, ever, shied away from the challenge. We know you do, too.
    And finally…is hawtasaurus a real word?!
    Have a super rest day, ShedHeads!

  5. Rest Day Reading (courtesy of CF Breakaway):
    A posting on a little bit of everything…what speaks to you?
    The greatest pleasures in life were not the lazy, easy, spoon fed things but the things covered with sweat, a little bruised and battered, the things that teeter on the edge of exhaustion and pain and fear and failure.
    The willingness to walk, arm in arm, often bloodied and bruised, into new levels of challenge, into harms way, from complacency to extreme discomfort, to carry our weakest to the finish line is what makes our community a model for my life, my relationships and for the path I want for my children.
    FoodFreak, but I don’t WANT and knowingly CHOOSE NOT TO do what you do, come what may.
    If you use near perfect form in your quest for productive application of force, if you have proper recovery time, if your body is thriving and well balanced because you SMR/Foam Roll and maintain long, fluid ROM from proper stretching technique, if you focus your intentions and actions with a positive, strong, confident attitude as a foundation, your are gonna be hawter than the sun. Crazy hawt! A veritable hawtasaurus.
    We need to fail to force an adaptive response that will elicit greater output. We can never let our shortcomings make decisions for us. We want to be good at everything, we want no excuses, we need to know we never, ever, shied away from the challenge. We know you do, too.
    And finally…is hawtasaurus a real word?!
    Have a super rest day, ShedHeads!

  6. Rest Day Reading (courtesy of CF Breakaway):
    A posting on a little bit of everything…what speaks to you?
    The greatest pleasures in life were not the lazy, easy, spoon fed things but the things covered with sweat, a little bruised and battered, the things that teeter on the edge of exhaustion and pain and fear and failure.
    The willingness to walk, arm in arm, often bloodied and bruised, into new levels of challenge, into harms way, from complacency to extreme discomfort, to carry our weakest to the finish line is what makes our community a model for my life, my relationships and for the path I want for my children.
    FoodFreak, but I don’t WANT and knowingly CHOOSE NOT TO do what you do, come what may.
    If you use near perfect form in your quest for productive application of force, if you have proper recovery time, if your body is thriving and well balanced because you SMR/Foam Roll and maintain long, fluid ROM from proper stretching technique, if you focus your intentions and actions with a positive, strong, confident attitude as a foundation, your are gonna be hawter than the sun. Crazy hawt! A veritable hawtasaurus.
    We need to fail to force an adaptive response that will elicit greater output. We can never let our shortcomings make decisions for us. We want to be good at everything, we want no excuses, we need to know we never, ever, shied away from the challenge. We know you do, too.
    And finally…is hawtasaurus a real word?!
    Have a super rest day, ShedHeads!

  7. If there is a hiphopposaurus I’m sure there is hawtasaurus.
    here are two quotes I found I thought worthy;
    Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.
    Thomas Jefferson
    Exercise is labor without weariness.
    Samuel Johnson

  8. If there is a hiphopposaurus I’m sure there is hawtasaurus.
    here are two quotes I found I thought worthy;
    Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.
    Thomas Jefferson
    Exercise is labor without weariness.
    Samuel Johnson

  9. If there is a hiphopposaurus I’m sure there is hawtasaurus.
    here are two quotes I found I thought worthy;
    Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.
    Thomas Jefferson
    Exercise is labor without weariness.
    Samuel Johnson

  10. If there is a hiphopposaurus I’m sure there is hawtasaurus.
    here are two quotes I found I thought worthy;
    Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.
    Thomas Jefferson
    Exercise is labor without weariness.
    Samuel Johnson

  11. If there is a hiphopposaurus I’m sure there is hawtasaurus.
    here are two quotes I found I thought worthy;
    Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.
    Thomas Jefferson
    Exercise is labor without weariness.
    Samuel Johnson

  12. If there is a hiphopposaurus I’m sure there is hawtasaurus.
    here are two quotes I found I thought worthy;
    Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.
    Thomas Jefferson
    Exercise is labor without weariness.
    Samuel Johnson

  13. great article once again J9! This article reminds me of a past rest day topic…”why do I (we) Crossfit?”
    I (+ turnip) Crossfit because I want to show my future child (children…??) that striving for fitness, health and constantly challenging yourself feels amazing!! And…that women CAN do whatever it is they set their minds to do.
    I am thankful for all the STRONG WOMEN at the Shed, whom I constantly learn from on a daily basis!

  14. great article once again J9! This article reminds me of a past rest day topic…”why do I (we) Crossfit?”
    I (+ turnip) Crossfit because I want to show my future child (children…??) that striving for fitness, health and constantly challenging yourself feels amazing!! And…that women CAN do whatever it is they set their minds to do.
    I am thankful for all the STRONG WOMEN at the Shed, whom I constantly learn from on a daily basis!

  15. great article once again J9! This article reminds me of a past rest day topic…”why do I (we) Crossfit?”
    I (+ turnip) Crossfit because I want to show my future child (children…??) that striving for fitness, health and constantly challenging yourself feels amazing!! And…that women CAN do whatever it is they set their minds to do.
    I am thankful for all the STRONG WOMEN at the Shed, whom I constantly learn from on a daily basis!

  16. great article once again J9! This article reminds me of a past rest day topic…”why do I (we) Crossfit?”
    I (+ turnip) Crossfit because I want to show my future child (children…??) that striving for fitness, health and constantly challenging yourself feels amazing!! And…that women CAN do whatever it is they set their minds to do.
    I am thankful for all the STRONG WOMEN at the Shed, whom I constantly learn from on a daily basis!

  17. great article once again J9! This article reminds me of a past rest day topic…”why do I (we) Crossfit?”
    I (+ turnip) Crossfit because I want to show my future child (children…??) that striving for fitness, health and constantly challenging yourself feels amazing!! And…that women CAN do whatever it is they set their minds to do.
    I am thankful for all the STRONG WOMEN at the Shed, whom I constantly learn from on a daily basis!

  18. great article once again J9! This article reminds me of a past rest day topic…”why do I (we) Crossfit?”
    I (+ turnip) Crossfit because I want to show my future child (children…??) that striving for fitness, health and constantly challenging yourself feels amazing!! And…that women CAN do whatever it is they set their minds to do.
    I am thankful for all the STRONG WOMEN at the Shed, whom I constantly learn from on a daily basis!

  19. Great quotes and perspective on what is the foundation of our motivation at the Shed! I can honestly say the energy, the drive, the people to aspire to become, the encouragement, is like none other I have ever experienced in any group I have belonged to outside of my family. I thank each and everyone of you for what you bring to the shed and directly and indirectly to me. I feel very fortunate every day for this experience.

  20. Great quotes and perspective on what is the foundation of our motivation at the Shed! I can honestly say the energy, the drive, the people to aspire to become, the encouragement, is like none other I have ever experienced in any group I have belonged to outside of my family. I thank each and everyone of you for what you bring to the shed and directly and indirectly to me. I feel very fortunate every day for this experience.

  21. Great quotes and perspective on what is the foundation of our motivation at the Shed! I can honestly say the energy, the drive, the people to aspire to become, the encouragement, is like none other I have ever experienced in any group I have belonged to outside of my family. I thank each and everyone of you for what you bring to the shed and directly and indirectly to me. I feel very fortunate every day for this experience.

  22. Great quotes and perspective on what is the foundation of our motivation at the Shed! I can honestly say the energy, the drive, the people to aspire to become, the encouragement, is like none other I have ever experienced in any group I have belonged to outside of my family. I thank each and everyone of you for what you bring to the shed and directly and indirectly to me. I feel very fortunate every day for this experience.

  23. Great quotes and perspective on what is the foundation of our motivation at the Shed! I can honestly say the energy, the drive, the people to aspire to become, the encouragement, is like none other I have ever experienced in any group I have belonged to outside of my family. I thank each and everyone of you for what you bring to the shed and directly and indirectly to me. I feel very fortunate every day for this experience.

  24. Great quotes and perspective on what is the foundation of our motivation at the Shed! I can honestly say the energy, the drive, the people to aspire to become, the encouragement, is like none other I have ever experienced in any group I have belonged to outside of my family. I thank each and everyone of you for what you bring to the shed and directly and indirectly to me. I feel very fortunate every day for this experience.

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