02.14.2010-Sunday-RedShed Rest Day

RedShed Rest Day


Nice work this week, folks.  We lost half a day due to the snow, but all in all, we did OK.  Still, there are a lot of ShedHeads missing from our daily results.  I know that life can get in the way at times, but don't short-change your health! 

Rest Day Topic: Measurable Results!

Just as any coach, athlete, artist, or leader experiences success… so do they experience failure.  Many times their success is a result of exploring many different avenues, going back to the basics after being questioned by their peers, and ultimately trying, failing, and then learning from it.  So how does this relate to measurable results?  Think about it… a good coach or athlete will keep notes of successes and failures, a great artist or musician will keep his early works with him as a reminder of where he started, and provide the reality of how far he has come. 

At some point in your life, you had the opportunity to catch and ride a bolt of lightning!  Was it an accident, or was it a result of hard work and learning from your mistakes?  How long did you get to ride, or did you get thrown off for being too confident?  That greatness… that excitement comes to certain individuals for a reason… and the results are, more often than not, measurable.

Just some food for thought, my friends… take a look at some recent "measurable results"

First, let's look at the past two "Fran"s: times listed below are approximately 3 months apart

Kat-7:39 (35# thrusters, assisted pull-ups)/7:13 rx'd  …  J9-6:36/4:55  …  VonRon-6:56/5:45  …  Scott-8:48/5:25  …  Janice-9:44/8:36  …  Deb-8:32/5:42  That is just to name a few improvements.  SvW, Randy and Alex all improved by 1-4 minutes from their last "Fran".

Measurable results!

Second, let's take a look at yesterday's WOD:  about 5 months between this specific WOD

Janice went from 55# to rx'd weight of 65# and only lost a total of 11 reps!  Scott, Randy and VonRon improved by 2 full rounds, and Deb by 3!

Measurable results!

The athletes listed are not the only individuals who have experienced success, or are experiencing tremendous things right now.  You are too. 

What we do in the shed is hard.  What Janine and I ask of you is typically more than what you are willing to provide when you walk through the door.  Yet you do it, and you keep coming back… because the results are measurable… and they are directly related to your effort. 

… and as we move on, we will be asking more of you each day… each month… each year.

Keep track of your stuff, be in it to win it… for the long haul!  We are here for you!

DAY 42 of the burpee/d-u challenge



0 thoughts on “02.14.2010-Sunday-RedShed Rest Day”

  1. Don’t underestimate the power of keeping your own records.
    I am still encouraging the use of your notebooks, so that you can look back to determine where you may have been last time on a certain lift or # of rounds, etc. Nice job to those that do this on a regular basis.
    Awesone job in those measureable results improvements and for those that went from modified to rx.
    Have a fun rest day!
    76 days 3 hrs 49 mins 18 secs to the Tough Mudder!

  2. Don’t underestimate the power of keeping your own records.
    I am still encouraging the use of your notebooks, so that you can look back to determine where you may have been last time on a certain lift or # of rounds, etc. Nice job to those that do this on a regular basis.
    Awesone job in those measureable results improvements and for those that went from modified to rx.
    Have a fun rest day!
    76 days 3 hrs 49 mins 18 secs to the Tough Mudder!

  3. Don’t underestimate the power of keeping your own records.
    I am still encouraging the use of your notebooks, so that you can look back to determine where you may have been last time on a certain lift or # of rounds, etc. Nice job to those that do this on a regular basis.
    Awesone job in those measureable results improvements and for those that went from modified to rx.
    Have a fun rest day!
    76 days 3 hrs 49 mins 18 secs to the Tough Mudder!

  4. Don’t underestimate the power of keeping your own records.
    I am still encouraging the use of your notebooks, so that you can look back to determine where you may have been last time on a certain lift or # of rounds, etc. Nice job to those that do this on a regular basis.
    Awesone job in those measureable results improvements and for those that went from modified to rx.
    Have a fun rest day!
    76 days 3 hrs 49 mins 18 secs to the Tough Mudder!

  5. Don’t underestimate the power of keeping your own records.
    I am still encouraging the use of your notebooks, so that you can look back to determine where you may have been last time on a certain lift or # of rounds, etc. Nice job to those that do this on a regular basis.
    Awesone job in those measureable results improvements and for those that went from modified to rx.
    Have a fun rest day!
    76 days 3 hrs 49 mins 18 secs to the Tough Mudder!

  6. Don’t underestimate the power of keeping your own records.
    I am still encouraging the use of your notebooks, so that you can look back to determine where you may have been last time on a certain lift or # of rounds, etc. Nice job to those that do this on a regular basis.
    Awesone job in those measureable results improvements and for those that went from modified to rx.
    Have a fun rest day!
    76 days 3 hrs 49 mins 18 secs to the Tough Mudder!

  7. SD AZ Sectional Workouts Announced
    The SD AZ Sectionals will take place on March 27-28, but they giving you a big heads up. The WODs will carry some standards that you may not have seen in the past. Check them out.
    Workout 1:
    Three rounds for time of:
    15 Deadlift at 225 / 155 lbs
    21 Kettlebell swings 2 / 1.5 pood
    Run 400 meters
    (20 min time limit)
    Workout 2:
    Seven rounds for time of:
    7 Power snatches 95 / 65 lbs
    7 Box jumps 30″ / 25.5″
    (15 min time limit. You must jump with both feet at the same time. The ROM is ground to full extension either on or above the box. The difference in height for men and women is based on the average height difference in the US for men and women).
    Workout 3:
    3 Rounds flying pull-ups (see video below)
    21 / 10 Handstand push-ups (see video below)
    30 KB Front squats 2 / 1.5 pood
    150 meter Sand bag carry 80 / 50 lbs
    20 Squat clean thrusters 135 / 95 lbs
    Run 250 meters
    50 Burpees
    20 DB Shoulders to overhead 45 / 35 lbs
    40 / 20 Push-ups (chest to easy button from staples and full extension with hands leaving the ground at the top)
    Run 250 meters
    50 squats
    50 pull-ups (chin over the bar)
    (On the Flying pull-ups, both hands must touch the bottom, both hands must reach the top and both hands must reach the bottom before dropping to the ground for the trip to count. Going one hand at a time is allowed. HSPU is head touches ground to locked out. )
    Scoring will be the sum of your times for the first two workouts plus half of your time for the third workout.

  8. SD AZ Sectional Workouts Announced
    The SD AZ Sectionals will take place on March 27-28, but they giving you a big heads up. The WODs will carry some standards that you may not have seen in the past. Check them out.
    Workout 1:
    Three rounds for time of:
    15 Deadlift at 225 / 155 lbs
    21 Kettlebell swings 2 / 1.5 pood
    Run 400 meters
    (20 min time limit)
    Workout 2:
    Seven rounds for time of:
    7 Power snatches 95 / 65 lbs
    7 Box jumps 30″ / 25.5″
    (15 min time limit. You must jump with both feet at the same time. The ROM is ground to full extension either on or above the box. The difference in height for men and women is based on the average height difference in the US for men and women).
    Workout 3:
    3 Rounds flying pull-ups (see video below)
    21 / 10 Handstand push-ups (see video below)
    30 KB Front squats 2 / 1.5 pood
    150 meter Sand bag carry 80 / 50 lbs
    20 Squat clean thrusters 135 / 95 lbs
    Run 250 meters
    50 Burpees
    20 DB Shoulders to overhead 45 / 35 lbs
    40 / 20 Push-ups (chest to easy button from staples and full extension with hands leaving the ground at the top)
    Run 250 meters
    50 squats
    50 pull-ups (chin over the bar)
    (On the Flying pull-ups, both hands must touch the bottom, both hands must reach the top and both hands must reach the bottom before dropping to the ground for the trip to count. Going one hand at a time is allowed. HSPU is head touches ground to locked out. )
    Scoring will be the sum of your times for the first two workouts plus half of your time for the third workout.

  9. SD AZ Sectional Workouts Announced
    The SD AZ Sectionals will take place on March 27-28, but they giving you a big heads up. The WODs will carry some standards that you may not have seen in the past. Check them out.
    Workout 1:
    Three rounds for time of:
    15 Deadlift at 225 / 155 lbs
    21 Kettlebell swings 2 / 1.5 pood
    Run 400 meters
    (20 min time limit)
    Workout 2:
    Seven rounds for time of:
    7 Power snatches 95 / 65 lbs
    7 Box jumps 30″ / 25.5″
    (15 min time limit. You must jump with both feet at the same time. The ROM is ground to full extension either on or above the box. The difference in height for men and women is based on the average height difference in the US for men and women).
    Workout 3:
    3 Rounds flying pull-ups (see video below)
    21 / 10 Handstand push-ups (see video below)
    30 KB Front squats 2 / 1.5 pood
    150 meter Sand bag carry 80 / 50 lbs
    20 Squat clean thrusters 135 / 95 lbs
    Run 250 meters
    50 Burpees
    20 DB Shoulders to overhead 45 / 35 lbs
    40 / 20 Push-ups (chest to easy button from staples and full extension with hands leaving the ground at the top)
    Run 250 meters
    50 squats
    50 pull-ups (chin over the bar)
    (On the Flying pull-ups, both hands must touch the bottom, both hands must reach the top and both hands must reach the bottom before dropping to the ground for the trip to count. Going one hand at a time is allowed. HSPU is head touches ground to locked out. )
    Scoring will be the sum of your times for the first two workouts plus half of your time for the third workout.

  10. SD AZ Sectional Workouts Announced
    The SD AZ Sectionals will take place on March 27-28, but they giving you a big heads up. The WODs will carry some standards that you may not have seen in the past. Check them out.
    Workout 1:
    Three rounds for time of:
    15 Deadlift at 225 / 155 lbs
    21 Kettlebell swings 2 / 1.5 pood
    Run 400 meters
    (20 min time limit)
    Workout 2:
    Seven rounds for time of:
    7 Power snatches 95 / 65 lbs
    7 Box jumps 30″ / 25.5″
    (15 min time limit. You must jump with both feet at the same time. The ROM is ground to full extension either on or above the box. The difference in height for men and women is based on the average height difference in the US for men and women).
    Workout 3:
    3 Rounds flying pull-ups (see video below)
    21 / 10 Handstand push-ups (see video below)
    30 KB Front squats 2 / 1.5 pood
    150 meter Sand bag carry 80 / 50 lbs
    20 Squat clean thrusters 135 / 95 lbs
    Run 250 meters
    50 Burpees
    20 DB Shoulders to overhead 45 / 35 lbs
    40 / 20 Push-ups (chest to easy button from staples and full extension with hands leaving the ground at the top)
    Run 250 meters
    50 squats
    50 pull-ups (chin over the bar)
    (On the Flying pull-ups, both hands must touch the bottom, both hands must reach the top and both hands must reach the bottom before dropping to the ground for the trip to count. Going one hand at a time is allowed. HSPU is head touches ground to locked out. )
    Scoring will be the sum of your times for the first two workouts plus half of your time for the third workout.

  11. SD AZ Sectional Workouts Announced
    The SD AZ Sectionals will take place on March 27-28, but they giving you a big heads up. The WODs will carry some standards that you may not have seen in the past. Check them out.
    Workout 1:
    Three rounds for time of:
    15 Deadlift at 225 / 155 lbs
    21 Kettlebell swings 2 / 1.5 pood
    Run 400 meters
    (20 min time limit)
    Workout 2:
    Seven rounds for time of:
    7 Power snatches 95 / 65 lbs
    7 Box jumps 30″ / 25.5″
    (15 min time limit. You must jump with both feet at the same time. The ROM is ground to full extension either on or above the box. The difference in height for men and women is based on the average height difference in the US for men and women).
    Workout 3:
    3 Rounds flying pull-ups (see video below)
    21 / 10 Handstand push-ups (see video below)
    30 KB Front squats 2 / 1.5 pood
    150 meter Sand bag carry 80 / 50 lbs
    20 Squat clean thrusters 135 / 95 lbs
    Run 250 meters
    50 Burpees
    20 DB Shoulders to overhead 45 / 35 lbs
    40 / 20 Push-ups (chest to easy button from staples and full extension with hands leaving the ground at the top)
    Run 250 meters
    50 squats
    50 pull-ups (chin over the bar)
    (On the Flying pull-ups, both hands must touch the bottom, both hands must reach the top and both hands must reach the bottom before dropping to the ground for the trip to count. Going one hand at a time is allowed. HSPU is head touches ground to locked out. )
    Scoring will be the sum of your times for the first two workouts plus half of your time for the third workout.

  12. SD AZ Sectional Workouts Announced
    The SD AZ Sectionals will take place on March 27-28, but they giving you a big heads up. The WODs will carry some standards that you may not have seen in the past. Check them out.
    Workout 1:
    Three rounds for time of:
    15 Deadlift at 225 / 155 lbs
    21 Kettlebell swings 2 / 1.5 pood
    Run 400 meters
    (20 min time limit)
    Workout 2:
    Seven rounds for time of:
    7 Power snatches 95 / 65 lbs
    7 Box jumps 30″ / 25.5″
    (15 min time limit. You must jump with both feet at the same time. The ROM is ground to full extension either on or above the box. The difference in height for men and women is based on the average height difference in the US for men and women).
    Workout 3:
    3 Rounds flying pull-ups (see video below)
    21 / 10 Handstand push-ups (see video below)
    30 KB Front squats 2 / 1.5 pood
    150 meter Sand bag carry 80 / 50 lbs
    20 Squat clean thrusters 135 / 95 lbs
    Run 250 meters
    50 Burpees
    20 DB Shoulders to overhead 45 / 35 lbs
    40 / 20 Push-ups (chest to easy button from staples and full extension with hands leaving the ground at the top)
    Run 250 meters
    50 squats
    50 pull-ups (chin over the bar)
    (On the Flying pull-ups, both hands must touch the bottom, both hands must reach the top and both hands must reach the bottom before dropping to the ground for the trip to count. Going one hand at a time is allowed. HSPU is head touches ground to locked out. )
    Scoring will be the sum of your times for the first two workouts plus half of your time for the third workout.

  13. i agree Pat, i wasnt sure if i was reading it correctly.
    went ice fishing yesterday and missed so many opportunities to discuss the tough mudder, Dp’s gloves, and McCoy’s jock, both of the later can be found in any sporting goods department that has a boys section…
    in lieu of running with the conditions at hand currently, im guessing a few 5k rows are in our near future, and mybe a couple multi wod days to prepare for this thing, what do you think Coach, i know you’re going to program around it…
    Randy, are you in on this? i wonder if some of the shed heads who dont look at the blog are aware of this or not…
    while researching this, i came across a blog spot from CF South Brooklyn, not sure if they have a team together, but they are talking about it.

  14. i agree Pat, i wasnt sure if i was reading it correctly.
    went ice fishing yesterday and missed so many opportunities to discuss the tough mudder, Dp’s gloves, and McCoy’s jock, both of the later can be found in any sporting goods department that has a boys section…
    in lieu of running with the conditions at hand currently, im guessing a few 5k rows are in our near future, and mybe a couple multi wod days to prepare for this thing, what do you think Coach, i know you’re going to program around it…
    Randy, are you in on this? i wonder if some of the shed heads who dont look at the blog are aware of this or not…
    while researching this, i came across a blog spot from CF South Brooklyn, not sure if they have a team together, but they are talking about it.

  15. i agree Pat, i wasnt sure if i was reading it correctly.
    went ice fishing yesterday and missed so many opportunities to discuss the tough mudder, Dp’s gloves, and McCoy’s jock, both of the later can be found in any sporting goods department that has a boys section…
    in lieu of running with the conditions at hand currently, im guessing a few 5k rows are in our near future, and mybe a couple multi wod days to prepare for this thing, what do you think Coach, i know you’re going to program around it…
    Randy, are you in on this? i wonder if some of the shed heads who dont look at the blog are aware of this or not…
    while researching this, i came across a blog spot from CF South Brooklyn, not sure if they have a team together, but they are talking about it.

  16. i agree Pat, i wasnt sure if i was reading it correctly.
    went ice fishing yesterday and missed so many opportunities to discuss the tough mudder, Dp’s gloves, and McCoy’s jock, both of the later can be found in any sporting goods department that has a boys section…
    in lieu of running with the conditions at hand currently, im guessing a few 5k rows are in our near future, and mybe a couple multi wod days to prepare for this thing, what do you think Coach, i know you’re going to program around it…
    Randy, are you in on this? i wonder if some of the shed heads who dont look at the blog are aware of this or not…
    while researching this, i came across a blog spot from CF South Brooklyn, not sure if they have a team together, but they are talking about it.

  17. i agree Pat, i wasnt sure if i was reading it correctly.
    went ice fishing yesterday and missed so many opportunities to discuss the tough mudder, Dp’s gloves, and McCoy’s jock, both of the later can be found in any sporting goods department that has a boys section…
    in lieu of running with the conditions at hand currently, im guessing a few 5k rows are in our near future, and mybe a couple multi wod days to prepare for this thing, what do you think Coach, i know you’re going to program around it…
    Randy, are you in on this? i wonder if some of the shed heads who dont look at the blog are aware of this or not…
    while researching this, i came across a blog spot from CF South Brooklyn, not sure if they have a team together, but they are talking about it.

  18. i agree Pat, i wasnt sure if i was reading it correctly.
    went ice fishing yesterday and missed so many opportunities to discuss the tough mudder, Dp’s gloves, and McCoy’s jock, both of the later can be found in any sporting goods department that has a boys section…
    in lieu of running with the conditions at hand currently, im guessing a few 5k rows are in our near future, and mybe a couple multi wod days to prepare for this thing, what do you think Coach, i know you’re going to program around it…
    Randy, are you in on this? i wonder if some of the shed heads who dont look at the blog are aware of this or not…
    while researching this, i came across a blog spot from CF South Brooklyn, not sure if they have a team together, but they are talking about it.

  19. SvW
    might program around this a bit, but I don’t want to make all the non-mudders suffer, just like all of the non burpee/du peeps are suffering now.
    ordering more rings from Rogue this week, and hope to have them hanging from the ceiling this week as well. also plan on bring in the climbing rope too.
    contemplating replacing the burpee/du challenge with a monthly rowing challenge to improve overall stamina, and avoid injuries. I may need to rent your C2, or look to get a 4th.

  20. SvW
    might program around this a bit, but I don’t want to make all the non-mudders suffer, just like all of the non burpee/du peeps are suffering now.
    ordering more rings from Rogue this week, and hope to have them hanging from the ceiling this week as well. also plan on bring in the climbing rope too.
    contemplating replacing the burpee/du challenge with a monthly rowing challenge to improve overall stamina, and avoid injuries. I may need to rent your C2, or look to get a 4th.

  21. SvW
    might program around this a bit, but I don’t want to make all the non-mudders suffer, just like all of the non burpee/du peeps are suffering now.
    ordering more rings from Rogue this week, and hope to have them hanging from the ceiling this week as well. also plan on bring in the climbing rope too.
    contemplating replacing the burpee/du challenge with a monthly rowing challenge to improve overall stamina, and avoid injuries. I may need to rent your C2, or look to get a 4th.

  22. SvW
    might program around this a bit, but I don’t want to make all the non-mudders suffer, just like all of the non burpee/du peeps are suffering now.
    ordering more rings from Rogue this week, and hope to have them hanging from the ceiling this week as well. also plan on bring in the climbing rope too.
    contemplating replacing the burpee/du challenge with a monthly rowing challenge to improve overall stamina, and avoid injuries. I may need to rent your C2, or look to get a 4th.

  23. SvW
    might program around this a bit, but I don’t want to make all the non-mudders suffer, just like all of the non burpee/du peeps are suffering now.
    ordering more rings from Rogue this week, and hope to have them hanging from the ceiling this week as well. also plan on bring in the climbing rope too.
    contemplating replacing the burpee/du challenge with a monthly rowing challenge to improve overall stamina, and avoid injuries. I may need to rent your C2, or look to get a 4th.

  24. SvW
    might program around this a bit, but I don’t want to make all the non-mudders suffer, just like all of the non burpee/du peeps are suffering now.
    ordering more rings from Rogue this week, and hope to have them hanging from the ceiling this week as well. also plan on bring in the climbing rope too.
    contemplating replacing the burpee/du challenge with a monthly rowing challenge to improve overall stamina, and avoid injuries. I may need to rent your C2, or look to get a 4th.

  25. Hi all. Congratulations to all of you with those huge improvements!! NICE!!!! although I haven’t been at the shed due to illness I am watching you all on the board. It is great. I cant wait to see pictures from this TOUGH MUDDER event. You all can do it and do it well!!!
    I hope to be back in the swing on Monday!

  26. Hi all. Congratulations to all of you with those huge improvements!! NICE!!!! although I haven’t been at the shed due to illness I am watching you all on the board. It is great. I cant wait to see pictures from this TOUGH MUDDER event. You all can do it and do it well!!!
    I hope to be back in the swing on Monday!

  27. Hi all. Congratulations to all of you with those huge improvements!! NICE!!!! although I haven’t been at the shed due to illness I am watching you all on the board. It is great. I cant wait to see pictures from this TOUGH MUDDER event. You all can do it and do it well!!!
    I hope to be back in the swing on Monday!

  28. Hi all. Congratulations to all of you with those huge improvements!! NICE!!!! although I haven’t been at the shed due to illness I am watching you all on the board. It is great. I cant wait to see pictures from this TOUGH MUDDER event. You all can do it and do it well!!!
    I hope to be back in the swing on Monday!

  29. Hi all. Congratulations to all of you with those huge improvements!! NICE!!!! although I haven’t been at the shed due to illness I am watching you all on the board. It is great. I cant wait to see pictures from this TOUGH MUDDER event. You all can do it and do it well!!!
    I hope to be back in the swing on Monday!

  30. Hi all. Congratulations to all of you with those huge improvements!! NICE!!!! although I haven’t been at the shed due to illness I am watching you all on the board. It is great. I cant wait to see pictures from this TOUGH MUDDER event. You all can do it and do it well!!!
    I hope to be back in the swing on Monday!

  31. sure Randy, let me know what i can help you with. call me in the office in the morning, or my cell if you cant get me there.
    973.332.5331 (at risk for Dp’s late night drunk dialing)

  32. sure Randy, let me know what i can help you with. call me in the office in the morning, or my cell if you cant get me there.
    973.332.5331 (at risk for Dp’s late night drunk dialing)

  33. sure Randy, let me know what i can help you with. call me in the office in the morning, or my cell if you cant get me there.
    973.332.5331 (at risk for Dp’s late night drunk dialing)

  34. sure Randy, let me know what i can help you with. call me in the office in the morning, or my cell if you cant get me there.
    973.332.5331 (at risk for Dp’s late night drunk dialing)

  35. sure Randy, let me know what i can help you with. call me in the office in the morning, or my cell if you cant get me there.
    973.332.5331 (at risk for Dp’s late night drunk dialing)

  36. sure Randy, let me know what i can help you with. call me in the office in the morning, or my cell if you cant get me there.
    973.332.5331 (at risk for Dp’s late night drunk dialing)

  37. Any poke slows wanna Mudder with me? I doubt I’d even finish, but there’s a small part of me that really wants to do it. I would really like a buddy though to help cheer/pull me on. I’m pretty sure the rest of you will leave me choking on your dust.

  38. Any poke slows wanna Mudder with me? I doubt I’d even finish, but there’s a small part of me that really wants to do it. I would really like a buddy though to help cheer/pull me on. I’m pretty sure the rest of you will leave me choking on your dust.

  39. Any poke slows wanna Mudder with me? I doubt I’d even finish, but there’s a small part of me that really wants to do it. I would really like a buddy though to help cheer/pull me on. I’m pretty sure the rest of you will leave me choking on your dust.

  40. Any poke slows wanna Mudder with me? I doubt I’d even finish, but there’s a small part of me that really wants to do it. I would really like a buddy though to help cheer/pull me on. I’m pretty sure the rest of you will leave me choking on your dust.

  41. Any poke slows wanna Mudder with me? I doubt I’d even finish, but there’s a small part of me that really wants to do it. I would really like a buddy though to help cheer/pull me on. I’m pretty sure the rest of you will leave me choking on your dust.

  42. Any poke slows wanna Mudder with me? I doubt I’d even finish, but there’s a small part of me that really wants to do it. I would really like a buddy though to help cheer/pull me on. I’m pretty sure the rest of you will leave me choking on your dust.

  43. Sena-That sounds like fun! We can wear lederhosen!
    Ro-I agree that cheerleading is one of your strongest assets. I really enjoy working out with you for that very reason! You are also an amazing athlete and an ispiration.

  44. Sena-That sounds like fun! We can wear lederhosen!
    Ro-I agree that cheerleading is one of your strongest assets. I really enjoy working out with you for that very reason! You are also an amazing athlete and an ispiration.

  45. Sena-That sounds like fun! We can wear lederhosen!
    Ro-I agree that cheerleading is one of your strongest assets. I really enjoy working out with you for that very reason! You are also an amazing athlete and an ispiration.

  46. Sena-That sounds like fun! We can wear lederhosen!
    Ro-I agree that cheerleading is one of your strongest assets. I really enjoy working out with you for that very reason! You are also an amazing athlete and an ispiration.

  47. Sena-That sounds like fun! We can wear lederhosen!
    Ro-I agree that cheerleading is one of your strongest assets. I really enjoy working out with you for that very reason! You are also an amazing athlete and an ispiration.

  48. Sena-That sounds like fun! We can wear lederhosen!
    Ro-I agree that cheerleading is one of your strongest assets. I really enjoy working out with you for that very reason! You are also an amazing athlete and an ispiration.

  49. McCoy-
    DO IT! And let the rest of us know how it goes!
    Get your childcare lined up now for the Tough Mudder. The hill by the O’RedShed is perfect for practicing some hill climbing (and we can set it on fire-for added effects!)
    I think BF’s return will be at the Tough Mudder.

  50. McCoy-
    DO IT! And let the rest of us know how it goes!
    Get your childcare lined up now for the Tough Mudder. The hill by the O’RedShed is perfect for practicing some hill climbing (and we can set it on fire-for added effects!)
    I think BF’s return will be at the Tough Mudder.

  51. McCoy-
    DO IT! And let the rest of us know how it goes!
    Get your childcare lined up now for the Tough Mudder. The hill by the O’RedShed is perfect for practicing some hill climbing (and we can set it on fire-for added effects!)
    I think BF’s return will be at the Tough Mudder.

  52. McCoy-
    DO IT! And let the rest of us know how it goes!
    Get your childcare lined up now for the Tough Mudder. The hill by the O’RedShed is perfect for practicing some hill climbing (and we can set it on fire-for added effects!)
    I think BF’s return will be at the Tough Mudder.

  53. McCoy-
    DO IT! And let the rest of us know how it goes!
    Get your childcare lined up now for the Tough Mudder. The hill by the O’RedShed is perfect for practicing some hill climbing (and we can set it on fire-for added effects!)
    I think BF’s return will be at the Tough Mudder.

  54. McCoy-
    DO IT! And let the rest of us know how it goes!
    Get your childcare lined up now for the Tough Mudder. The hill by the O’RedShed is perfect for practicing some hill climbing (and we can set it on fire-for added effects!)
    I think BF’s return will be at the Tough Mudder.

  55. LOL J9… anyone know a pyrotechnician? (is that what they are called?)
    Shannon – lederhosen… totally! do you think i should weave us baskets? or is that overkill?
    Ro – you should just skippidy hop with us and we’ll cheer together . (probably scare off all passers by. )

  56. LOL J9… anyone know a pyrotechnician? (is that what they are called?)
    Shannon – lederhosen… totally! do you think i should weave us baskets? or is that overkill?
    Ro – you should just skippidy hop with us and we’ll cheer together . (probably scare off all passers by. )

  57. LOL J9… anyone know a pyrotechnician? (is that what they are called?)
    Shannon – lederhosen… totally! do you think i should weave us baskets? or is that overkill?
    Ro – you should just skippidy hop with us and we’ll cheer together . (probably scare off all passers by. )

  58. LOL J9… anyone know a pyrotechnician? (is that what they are called?)
    Shannon – lederhosen… totally! do you think i should weave us baskets? or is that overkill?
    Ro – you should just skippidy hop with us and we’ll cheer together . (probably scare off all passers by. )

  59. LOL J9… anyone know a pyrotechnician? (is that what they are called?)
    Shannon – lederhosen… totally! do you think i should weave us baskets? or is that overkill?
    Ro – you should just skippidy hop with us and we’ll cheer together . (probably scare off all passers by. )

  60. LOL J9… anyone know a pyrotechnician? (is that what they are called?)
    Shannon – lederhosen… totally! do you think i should weave us baskets? or is that overkill?
    Ro – you should just skippidy hop with us and we’ll cheer together . (probably scare off all passers by. )

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