02.14.2011-Monday-Day 1

Warm-up=Skills Practice
3×10 kb snatch (each arm), 10 double unders between each round


15:00 cap
5 rounds of:
12 kb swings – 32kg (24kg)
8 burpee box jumps – 24" (20")

Then in remaining time, as many reps as possible of overhead squats (no racks!)
barbell choices:  135# (95#), 115# (75#), 95# (55#)

SCORE= total pounds moved (reps x barbell weight), or WOD time!


002 003 001


Weekly CFE WODs (rowing or running) will be posted on Mondays, with results from the prior week being posted on Sundays.

Complete the CFE WOD as a substitute (on a day when the rowers are not being used), or in addition to your daily training.

C2: 3X3 minute intervals

Run: 3X600m intervals

Recovery: 3 minutes after each interval

Record: C2: Average watts of all 3 intervals; Run: Average time of all 3 intervals



Vday Pic 

Happy Valentine's Day…a little something special for everyone!





0 thoughts on “02.14.2011-Monday-Day 1”

  1. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    GEE, tough crowd, I miss a couple WODs they take me right off the banner! LOL…. I hope to be in tomorrow to do SOMEthing I can handle. The lifting thing, OMG intense! the workouts are 1.5-2 hours. Missing the shed….

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    GEE, tough crowd, I miss a couple WODs they take me right off the banner! LOL…. I hope to be in tomorrow to do SOMEthing I can handle. The lifting thing, OMG intense! the workouts are 1.5-2 hours. Missing the shed….

  3. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    GEE, tough crowd, I miss a couple WODs they take me right off the banner! LOL…. I hope to be in tomorrow to do SOMEthing I can handle. The lifting thing, OMG intense! the workouts are 1.5-2 hours. Missing the shed….

  4. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    GEE, tough crowd, I miss a couple WODs they take me right off the banner! LOL…. I hope to be in tomorrow to do SOMEthing I can handle. The lifting thing, OMG intense! the workouts are 1.5-2 hours. Missing the shed….

  5. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    GEE, tough crowd, I miss a couple WODs they take me right off the banner! LOL…. I hope to be in tomorrow to do SOMEthing I can handle. The lifting thing, OMG intense! the workouts are 1.5-2 hours. Missing the shed….

  6. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    GEE, tough crowd, I miss a couple WODs they take me right off the banner! LOL…. I hope to be in tomorrow to do SOMEthing I can handle. The lifting thing, OMG intense! the workouts are 1.5-2 hours. Missing the shed….

  7. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    GEE, tough crowd, I miss a couple WODs they take me right off the banner! LOL…. I hope to be in tomorrow to do SOMEthing I can handle. The lifting thing, OMG intense! the workouts are 1.5-2 hours. Missing the shed….

  8. Happy Valentine’s Day!
    GEE, tough crowd, I miss a couple WODs they take me right off the banner! LOL…. I hope to be in tomorrow to do SOMEthing I can handle. The lifting thing, OMG intense! the workouts are 1.5-2 hours. Missing the shed….

  9. New site looks great but I definitely need to get some glasses in order to read the Blog….
    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Here’s to LOVING Our families, Crossfit, fellow Shedheads, Our coaches, ridiculous muscle soreness, Saturday Partner WOD’s and apparently Kale Chips….

  10. New site looks great but I definitely need to get some glasses in order to read the Blog….
    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Here’s to LOVING Our families, Crossfit, fellow Shedheads, Our coaches, ridiculous muscle soreness, Saturday Partner WOD’s and apparently Kale Chips….

  11. New site looks great but I definitely need to get some glasses in order to read the Blog….
    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Here’s to LOVING Our families, Crossfit, fellow Shedheads, Our coaches, ridiculous muscle soreness, Saturday Partner WOD’s and apparently Kale Chips….

  12. New site looks great but I definitely need to get some glasses in order to read the Blog….
    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Here’s to LOVING Our families, Crossfit, fellow Shedheads, Our coaches, ridiculous muscle soreness, Saturday Partner WOD’s and apparently Kale Chips….

  13. New site looks great but I definitely need to get some glasses in order to read the Blog….
    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Here’s to LOVING Our families, Crossfit, fellow Shedheads, Our coaches, ridiculous muscle soreness, Saturday Partner WOD’s and apparently Kale Chips….

  14. New site looks great but I definitely need to get some glasses in order to read the Blog….
    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Here’s to LOVING Our families, Crossfit, fellow Shedheads, Our coaches, ridiculous muscle soreness, Saturday Partner WOD’s and apparently Kale Chips….

  15. New site looks great but I definitely need to get some glasses in order to read the Blog….
    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Here’s to LOVING Our families, Crossfit, fellow Shedheads, Our coaches, ridiculous muscle soreness, Saturday Partner WOD’s and apparently Kale Chips….

  16. New site looks great but I definitely need to get some glasses in order to read the Blog….
    Happy Valentine’s Day.
    Here’s to LOVING Our families, Crossfit, fellow Shedheads, Our coaches, ridiculous muscle soreness, Saturday Partner WOD’s and apparently Kale Chips….

  17. Ok so I made Kale chips last week and not really convinced yet. I had to bake them WAY longer than suggested and they still were not all crispy. I will say that I did enjoy the crispy ones but I need help. Steve loved them which just seems ridiculous because normally he would probably be making fun of me eating that stuff 🙂
    So send me some hints and ideas. I bought more Kale but plan on roasting it today, but willing to give the chips another shot.
    Have a great Valentine’s Day!!!!

  18. Ok so I made Kale chips last week and not really convinced yet. I had to bake them WAY longer than suggested and they still were not all crispy. I will say that I did enjoy the crispy ones but I need help. Steve loved them which just seems ridiculous because normally he would probably be making fun of me eating that stuff 🙂
    So send me some hints and ideas. I bought more Kale but plan on roasting it today, but willing to give the chips another shot.
    Have a great Valentine’s Day!!!!

  19. Ok so I made Kale chips last week and not really convinced yet. I had to bake them WAY longer than suggested and they still were not all crispy. I will say that I did enjoy the crispy ones but I need help. Steve loved them which just seems ridiculous because normally he would probably be making fun of me eating that stuff 🙂
    So send me some hints and ideas. I bought more Kale but plan on roasting it today, but willing to give the chips another shot.
    Have a great Valentine’s Day!!!!

  20. Ok so I made Kale chips last week and not really convinced yet. I had to bake them WAY longer than suggested and they still were not all crispy. I will say that I did enjoy the crispy ones but I need help. Steve loved them which just seems ridiculous because normally he would probably be making fun of me eating that stuff 🙂
    So send me some hints and ideas. I bought more Kale but plan on roasting it today, but willing to give the chips another shot.
    Have a great Valentine’s Day!!!!

  21. Ok so I made Kale chips last week and not really convinced yet. I had to bake them WAY longer than suggested and they still were not all crispy. I will say that I did enjoy the crispy ones but I need help. Steve loved them which just seems ridiculous because normally he would probably be making fun of me eating that stuff 🙂
    So send me some hints and ideas. I bought more Kale but plan on roasting it today, but willing to give the chips another shot.
    Have a great Valentine’s Day!!!!

  22. Ok so I made Kale chips last week and not really convinced yet. I had to bake them WAY longer than suggested and they still were not all crispy. I will say that I did enjoy the crispy ones but I need help. Steve loved them which just seems ridiculous because normally he would probably be making fun of me eating that stuff 🙂
    So send me some hints and ideas. I bought more Kale but plan on roasting it today, but willing to give the chips another shot.
    Have a great Valentine’s Day!!!!

  23. Ok so I made Kale chips last week and not really convinced yet. I had to bake them WAY longer than suggested and they still were not all crispy. I will say that I did enjoy the crispy ones but I need help. Steve loved them which just seems ridiculous because normally he would probably be making fun of me eating that stuff 🙂
    So send me some hints and ideas. I bought more Kale but plan on roasting it today, but willing to give the chips another shot.
    Have a great Valentine’s Day!!!!

  24. Ok so I made Kale chips last week and not really convinced yet. I had to bake them WAY longer than suggested and they still were not all crispy. I will say that I did enjoy the crispy ones but I need help. Steve loved them which just seems ridiculous because normally he would probably be making fun of me eating that stuff 🙂
    So send me some hints and ideas. I bought more Kale but plan on roasting it today, but willing to give the chips another shot.
    Have a great Valentine’s Day!!!!

  25. H5 for Vday? That sounds STD-ish.
    I’ve pretty much got the kale thing down . . . Brielle, if you had to bake em really long, I’m thinking they’re probably too wet when you put em in.
    After rinsing and drying (as well as I can with paper towels), I cut em up into potato chip size pieces, hand toss them with a little olive oil and sea salt. Lay em all out in a baking sheet and go for about 15minutes @ 350°. I’ve done two batches like this and they’ve come out pretty crispy. Some of the thick or more damp leaves come out not-so-crisp, but it’s just a couple and they still taste good.

  26. H5 for Vday? That sounds STD-ish.
    I’ve pretty much got the kale thing down . . . Brielle, if you had to bake em really long, I’m thinking they’re probably too wet when you put em in.
    After rinsing and drying (as well as I can with paper towels), I cut em up into potato chip size pieces, hand toss them with a little olive oil and sea salt. Lay em all out in a baking sheet and go for about 15minutes @ 350°. I’ve done two batches like this and they’ve come out pretty crispy. Some of the thick or more damp leaves come out not-so-crisp, but it’s just a couple and they still taste good.

  27. H5 for Vday? That sounds STD-ish.
    I’ve pretty much got the kale thing down . . . Brielle, if you had to bake em really long, I’m thinking they’re probably too wet when you put em in.
    After rinsing and drying (as well as I can with paper towels), I cut em up into potato chip size pieces, hand toss them with a little olive oil and sea salt. Lay em all out in a baking sheet and go for about 15minutes @ 350°. I’ve done two batches like this and they’ve come out pretty crispy. Some of the thick or more damp leaves come out not-so-crisp, but it’s just a couple and they still taste good.

  28. H5 for Vday? That sounds STD-ish.
    I’ve pretty much got the kale thing down . . . Brielle, if you had to bake em really long, I’m thinking they’re probably too wet when you put em in.
    After rinsing and drying (as well as I can with paper towels), I cut em up into potato chip size pieces, hand toss them with a little olive oil and sea salt. Lay em all out in a baking sheet and go for about 15minutes @ 350°. I’ve done two batches like this and they’ve come out pretty crispy. Some of the thick or more damp leaves come out not-so-crisp, but it’s just a couple and they still taste good.

  29. H5 for Vday? That sounds STD-ish.
    I’ve pretty much got the kale thing down . . . Brielle, if you had to bake em really long, I’m thinking they’re probably too wet when you put em in.
    After rinsing and drying (as well as I can with paper towels), I cut em up into potato chip size pieces, hand toss them with a little olive oil and sea salt. Lay em all out in a baking sheet and go for about 15minutes @ 350°. I’ve done two batches like this and they’ve come out pretty crispy. Some of the thick or more damp leaves come out not-so-crisp, but it’s just a couple and they still taste good.

  30. H5 for Vday? That sounds STD-ish.
    I’ve pretty much got the kale thing down . . . Brielle, if you had to bake em really long, I’m thinking they’re probably too wet when you put em in.
    After rinsing and drying (as well as I can with paper towels), I cut em up into potato chip size pieces, hand toss them with a little olive oil and sea salt. Lay em all out in a baking sheet and go for about 15minutes @ 350°. I’ve done two batches like this and they’ve come out pretty crispy. Some of the thick or more damp leaves come out not-so-crisp, but it’s just a couple and they still taste good.

  31. H5 for Vday? That sounds STD-ish.
    I’ve pretty much got the kale thing down . . . Brielle, if you had to bake em really long, I’m thinking they’re probably too wet when you put em in.
    After rinsing and drying (as well as I can with paper towels), I cut em up into potato chip size pieces, hand toss them with a little olive oil and sea salt. Lay em all out in a baking sheet and go for about 15minutes @ 350°. I’ve done two batches like this and they’ve come out pretty crispy. Some of the thick or more damp leaves come out not-so-crisp, but it’s just a couple and they still taste good.

  32. H5 for Vday? That sounds STD-ish.
    I’ve pretty much got the kale thing down . . . Brielle, if you had to bake em really long, I’m thinking they’re probably too wet when you put em in.
    After rinsing and drying (as well as I can with paper towels), I cut em up into potato chip size pieces, hand toss them with a little olive oil and sea salt. Lay em all out in a baking sheet and go for about 15minutes @ 350°. I’ve done two batches like this and they’ve come out pretty crispy. Some of the thick or more damp leaves come out not-so-crisp, but it’s just a couple and they still taste good.

  33. I finally hopped aboard the Kale chip bandwagon on Sunday. I thought they were pretty good. The tasted and texture was better than I expected, but I’ll still need to make another batch before I reach addict status.

  34. I finally hopped aboard the Kale chip bandwagon on Sunday. I thought they were pretty good. The tasted and texture was better than I expected, but I’ll still need to make another batch before I reach addict status.

  35. I finally hopped aboard the Kale chip bandwagon on Sunday. I thought they were pretty good. The tasted and texture was better than I expected, but I’ll still need to make another batch before I reach addict status.

  36. I finally hopped aboard the Kale chip bandwagon on Sunday. I thought they were pretty good. The tasted and texture was better than I expected, but I’ll still need to make another batch before I reach addict status.

  37. I finally hopped aboard the Kale chip bandwagon on Sunday. I thought they were pretty good. The tasted and texture was better than I expected, but I’ll still need to make another batch before I reach addict status.

  38. I finally hopped aboard the Kale chip bandwagon on Sunday. I thought they were pretty good. The tasted and texture was better than I expected, but I’ll still need to make another batch before I reach addict status.

  39. I finally hopped aboard the Kale chip bandwagon on Sunday. I thought they were pretty good. The tasted and texture was better than I expected, but I’ll still need to make another batch before I reach addict status.

  40. I finally hopped aboard the Kale chip bandwagon on Sunday. I thought they were pretty good. The tasted and texture was better than I expected, but I’ll still need to make another batch before I reach addict status.

  41. Dryness is definately key. If you have a salad spinner you can toss the choppped pieces in there and give a spin before tossing them with oil. I also found that making sure they weren’t clumped up too much and in a single layer helps to ensure an evenly crunchy texture.
    Or, you can just do what I do, eat the not as crunchy ones right off the baking sheet before I put whatever is left in a bag…if there are any left.
    Made 7 bunches last night and sadly I only have a bag left 🙁

  42. Dryness is definately key. If you have a salad spinner you can toss the choppped pieces in there and give a spin before tossing them with oil. I also found that making sure they weren’t clumped up too much and in a single layer helps to ensure an evenly crunchy texture.
    Or, you can just do what I do, eat the not as crunchy ones right off the baking sheet before I put whatever is left in a bag…if there are any left.
    Made 7 bunches last night and sadly I only have a bag left 🙁

  43. Dryness is definately key. If you have a salad spinner you can toss the choppped pieces in there and give a spin before tossing them with oil. I also found that making sure they weren’t clumped up too much and in a single layer helps to ensure an evenly crunchy texture.
    Or, you can just do what I do, eat the not as crunchy ones right off the baking sheet before I put whatever is left in a bag…if there are any left.
    Made 7 bunches last night and sadly I only have a bag left 🙁

  44. Dryness is definately key. If you have a salad spinner you can toss the choppped pieces in there and give a spin before tossing them with oil. I also found that making sure they weren’t clumped up too much and in a single layer helps to ensure an evenly crunchy texture.
    Or, you can just do what I do, eat the not as crunchy ones right off the baking sheet before I put whatever is left in a bag…if there are any left.
    Made 7 bunches last night and sadly I only have a bag left 🙁

  45. Dryness is definately key. If you have a salad spinner you can toss the choppped pieces in there and give a spin before tossing them with oil. I also found that making sure they weren’t clumped up too much and in a single layer helps to ensure an evenly crunchy texture.
    Or, you can just do what I do, eat the not as crunchy ones right off the baking sheet before I put whatever is left in a bag…if there are any left.
    Made 7 bunches last night and sadly I only have a bag left 🙁

  46. Dryness is definately key. If you have a salad spinner you can toss the choppped pieces in there and give a spin before tossing them with oil. I also found that making sure they weren’t clumped up too much and in a single layer helps to ensure an evenly crunchy texture.
    Or, you can just do what I do, eat the not as crunchy ones right off the baking sheet before I put whatever is left in a bag…if there are any left.
    Made 7 bunches last night and sadly I only have a bag left 🙁

  47. Dryness is definately key. If you have a salad spinner you can toss the choppped pieces in there and give a spin before tossing them with oil. I also found that making sure they weren’t clumped up too much and in a single layer helps to ensure an evenly crunchy texture.
    Or, you can just do what I do, eat the not as crunchy ones right off the baking sheet before I put whatever is left in a bag…if there are any left.
    Made 7 bunches last night and sadly I only have a bag left 🙁

  48. Dryness is definately key. If you have a salad spinner you can toss the choppped pieces in there and give a spin before tossing them with oil. I also found that making sure they weren’t clumped up too much and in a single layer helps to ensure an evenly crunchy texture.
    Or, you can just do what I do, eat the not as crunchy ones right off the baking sheet before I put whatever is left in a bag…if there are any left.
    Made 7 bunches last night and sadly I only have a bag left 🙁

  49. just made another batch of kale chips…I upped the temperature to 400 and left them a little longer than 15 minutes and things worked out really well. Janice, how does the bag thing work? Do they remain crunchy?

  50. just made another batch of kale chips…I upped the temperature to 400 and left them a little longer than 15 minutes and things worked out really well. Janice, how does the bag thing work? Do they remain crunchy?

  51. just made another batch of kale chips…I upped the temperature to 400 and left them a little longer than 15 minutes and things worked out really well. Janice, how does the bag thing work? Do they remain crunchy?

  52. just made another batch of kale chips…I upped the temperature to 400 and left them a little longer than 15 minutes and things worked out really well. Janice, how does the bag thing work? Do they remain crunchy?

  53. just made another batch of kale chips…I upped the temperature to 400 and left them a little longer than 15 minutes and things worked out really well. Janice, how does the bag thing work? Do they remain crunchy?

  54. just made another batch of kale chips…I upped the temperature to 400 and left them a little longer than 15 minutes and things worked out really well. Janice, how does the bag thing work? Do they remain crunchy?

  55. just made another batch of kale chips…I upped the temperature to 400 and left them a little longer than 15 minutes and things worked out really well. Janice, how does the bag thing work? Do they remain crunchy?

  56. just made another batch of kale chips…I upped the temperature to 400 and left them a little longer than 15 minutes and things worked out really well. Janice, how does the bag thing work? Do they remain crunchy?

  57. Rich, I think my bag mishap (chips got soggy) was because 1) there were a few of the moist ones in there and 2) they might have still been warm. I think if they’re all dry, they’ll keep just fine in a sealed bag.

  58. Rich, I think my bag mishap (chips got soggy) was because 1) there were a few of the moist ones in there and 2) they might have still been warm. I think if they’re all dry, they’ll keep just fine in a sealed bag.

  59. Rich, I think my bag mishap (chips got soggy) was because 1) there were a few of the moist ones in there and 2) they might have still been warm. I think if they’re all dry, they’ll keep just fine in a sealed bag.

  60. Rich, I think my bag mishap (chips got soggy) was because 1) there were a few of the moist ones in there and 2) they might have still been warm. I think if they’re all dry, they’ll keep just fine in a sealed bag.

  61. Rich, I think my bag mishap (chips got soggy) was because 1) there were a few of the moist ones in there and 2) they might have still been warm. I think if they’re all dry, they’ll keep just fine in a sealed bag.

  62. Rich, I think my bag mishap (chips got soggy) was because 1) there were a few of the moist ones in there and 2) they might have still been warm. I think if they’re all dry, they’ll keep just fine in a sealed bag.

  63. Rich, I think my bag mishap (chips got soggy) was because 1) there were a few of the moist ones in there and 2) they might have still been warm. I think if they’re all dry, they’ll keep just fine in a sealed bag.

  64. Rich, I think my bag mishap (chips got soggy) was because 1) there were a few of the moist ones in there and 2) they might have still been warm. I think if they’re all dry, they’ll keep just fine in a sealed bag.

  65. I luv the kale chip banter…so here is my daily story.
    I stopped in at SR to replenish the supply and as I was checking out a guy looked over and said a bouquet of kale for Valentine’s Day? What a great gift!
    And so the bouquet pic was created. It really WAS a massive bunch of kale.

  66. I luv the kale chip banter…so here is my daily story.
    I stopped in at SR to replenish the supply and as I was checking out a guy looked over and said a bouquet of kale for Valentine’s Day? What a great gift!
    And so the bouquet pic was created. It really WAS a massive bunch of kale.

  67. I luv the kale chip banter…so here is my daily story.
    I stopped in at SR to replenish the supply and as I was checking out a guy looked over and said a bouquet of kale for Valentine’s Day? What a great gift!
    And so the bouquet pic was created. It really WAS a massive bunch of kale.

  68. I luv the kale chip banter…so here is my daily story.
    I stopped in at SR to replenish the supply and as I was checking out a guy looked over and said a bouquet of kale for Valentine’s Day? What a great gift!
    And so the bouquet pic was created. It really WAS a massive bunch of kale.

  69. I luv the kale chip banter…so here is my daily story.
    I stopped in at SR to replenish the supply and as I was checking out a guy looked over and said a bouquet of kale for Valentine’s Day? What a great gift!
    And so the bouquet pic was created. It really WAS a massive bunch of kale.

  70. I luv the kale chip banter…so here is my daily story.
    I stopped in at SR to replenish the supply and as I was checking out a guy looked over and said a bouquet of kale for Valentine’s Day? What a great gift!
    And so the bouquet pic was created. It really WAS a massive bunch of kale.

  71. I luv the kale chip banter…so here is my daily story.
    I stopped in at SR to replenish the supply and as I was checking out a guy looked over and said a bouquet of kale for Valentine’s Day? What a great gift!
    And so the bouquet pic was created. It really WAS a massive bunch of kale.

  72. I luv the kale chip banter…so here is my daily story.
    I stopped in at SR to replenish the supply and as I was checking out a guy looked over and said a bouquet of kale for Valentine’s Day? What a great gift!
    And so the bouquet pic was created. It really WAS a massive bunch of kale.

  73. modified:
    Lenosky-71×95=6745 (limited ROM)
    Vinnie-4 rounds + 12 kb swings
    as rx’d:
    “Baseline” WOD:
    Welcome to the Shed!

  74. modified:
    Lenosky-71×95=6745 (limited ROM)
    Vinnie-4 rounds + 12 kb swings
    as rx’d:
    “Baseline” WOD:
    Welcome to the Shed!

  75. modified:
    Lenosky-71×95=6745 (limited ROM)
    Vinnie-4 rounds + 12 kb swings
    as rx’d:
    “Baseline” WOD:
    Welcome to the Shed!

  76. modified:
    Lenosky-71×95=6745 (limited ROM)
    Vinnie-4 rounds + 12 kb swings
    as rx’d:
    “Baseline” WOD:
    Welcome to the Shed!

  77. modified:
    Lenosky-71×95=6745 (limited ROM)
    Vinnie-4 rounds + 12 kb swings
    as rx’d:
    “Baseline” WOD:
    Welcome to the Shed!

  78. modified:
    Lenosky-71×95=6745 (limited ROM)
    Vinnie-4 rounds + 12 kb swings
    as rx’d:
    “Baseline” WOD:
    Welcome to the Shed!

  79. modified:
    Lenosky-71×95=6745 (limited ROM)
    Vinnie-4 rounds + 12 kb swings
    as rx’d:
    “Baseline” WOD:
    Welcome to the Shed!

  80. modified:
    Lenosky-71×95=6745 (limited ROM)
    Vinnie-4 rounds + 12 kb swings
    as rx’d:
    “Baseline” WOD:
    Welcome to the Shed!

  81. Bag works best for my KC obsession because I have to make LARGE batches to support my habit. I put in a freezer size bag and don’t zip the top closed all the way, only pinch it closed in like two spots.
    However what Marc said is key, they have to cool off a bit and you have to eat all the not so cruncy one’s before you put the rest in the bag or they de-crunchify the others.

  82. Bag works best for my KC obsession because I have to make LARGE batches to support my habit. I put in a freezer size bag and don’t zip the top closed all the way, only pinch it closed in like two spots.
    However what Marc said is key, they have to cool off a bit and you have to eat all the not so cruncy one’s before you put the rest in the bag or they de-crunchify the others.

  83. Bag works best for my KC obsession because I have to make LARGE batches to support my habit. I put in a freezer size bag and don’t zip the top closed all the way, only pinch it closed in like two spots.
    However what Marc said is key, they have to cool off a bit and you have to eat all the not so cruncy one’s before you put the rest in the bag or they de-crunchify the others.

  84. Bag works best for my KC obsession because I have to make LARGE batches to support my habit. I put in a freezer size bag and don’t zip the top closed all the way, only pinch it closed in like two spots.
    However what Marc said is key, they have to cool off a bit and you have to eat all the not so cruncy one’s before you put the rest in the bag or they de-crunchify the others.

  85. Bag works best for my KC obsession because I have to make LARGE batches to support my habit. I put in a freezer size bag and don’t zip the top closed all the way, only pinch it closed in like two spots.
    However what Marc said is key, they have to cool off a bit and you have to eat all the not so cruncy one’s before you put the rest in the bag or they de-crunchify the others.

  86. Bag works best for my KC obsession because I have to make LARGE batches to support my habit. I put in a freezer size bag and don’t zip the top closed all the way, only pinch it closed in like two spots.
    However what Marc said is key, they have to cool off a bit and you have to eat all the not so cruncy one’s before you put the rest in the bag or they de-crunchify the others.

  87. Bag works best for my KC obsession because I have to make LARGE batches to support my habit. I put in a freezer size bag and don’t zip the top closed all the way, only pinch it closed in like two spots.
    However what Marc said is key, they have to cool off a bit and you have to eat all the not so cruncy one’s before you put the rest in the bag or they de-crunchify the others.

  88. Bag works best for my KC obsession because I have to make LARGE batches to support my habit. I put in a freezer size bag and don’t zip the top closed all the way, only pinch it closed in like two spots.
    However what Marc said is key, they have to cool off a bit and you have to eat all the not so cruncy one’s before you put the rest in the bag or they de-crunchify the others.

  89. “de-crunchify” is now added to my vocabulary. I need to make more, myself. I’ve only made a bunch, each time. That’s about 2 cookie tray fulls. When it’s all done though, it only comes out to one freezer sized zip lock bag which I could om nom nom in one sitting if I really wanted to.
    I gotta get a few bunches and spend a couple hours making a few batches.

  90. “de-crunchify” is now added to my vocabulary. I need to make more, myself. I’ve only made a bunch, each time. That’s about 2 cookie tray fulls. When it’s all done though, it only comes out to one freezer sized zip lock bag which I could om nom nom in one sitting if I really wanted to.
    I gotta get a few bunches and spend a couple hours making a few batches.

  91. “de-crunchify” is now added to my vocabulary. I need to make more, myself. I’ve only made a bunch, each time. That’s about 2 cookie tray fulls. When it’s all done though, it only comes out to one freezer sized zip lock bag which I could om nom nom in one sitting if I really wanted to.
    I gotta get a few bunches and spend a couple hours making a few batches.

  92. “de-crunchify” is now added to my vocabulary. I need to make more, myself. I’ve only made a bunch, each time. That’s about 2 cookie tray fulls. When it’s all done though, it only comes out to one freezer sized zip lock bag which I could om nom nom in one sitting if I really wanted to.
    I gotta get a few bunches and spend a couple hours making a few batches.

  93. “de-crunchify” is now added to my vocabulary. I need to make more, myself. I’ve only made a bunch, each time. That’s about 2 cookie tray fulls. When it’s all done though, it only comes out to one freezer sized zip lock bag which I could om nom nom in one sitting if I really wanted to.
    I gotta get a few bunches and spend a couple hours making a few batches.

  94. “de-crunchify” is now added to my vocabulary. I need to make more, myself. I’ve only made a bunch, each time. That’s about 2 cookie tray fulls. When it’s all done though, it only comes out to one freezer sized zip lock bag which I could om nom nom in one sitting if I really wanted to.
    I gotta get a few bunches and spend a couple hours making a few batches.

  95. “de-crunchify” is now added to my vocabulary. I need to make more, myself. I’ve only made a bunch, each time. That’s about 2 cookie tray fulls. When it’s all done though, it only comes out to one freezer sized zip lock bag which I could om nom nom in one sitting if I really wanted to.
    I gotta get a few bunches and spend a couple hours making a few batches.

  96. “de-crunchify” is now added to my vocabulary. I need to make more, myself. I’ve only made a bunch, each time. That’s about 2 cookie tray fulls. When it’s all done though, it only comes out to one freezer sized zip lock bag which I could om nom nom in one sitting if I really wanted to.
    I gotta get a few bunches and spend a couple hours making a few batches.

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