03.19.2010-Friday-Day 4

Athlete's Choice:  "shedkicker" cannot be scaled

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILLER!!  Hope you get everything you want on your special day!

RSCF pics 1280 CF Pics 545

1)"Miller (Karen)" 

For time:  (you start and finish the WOD with a 400 meter run)

400 meter run

4 rounds of:

11 clean & jerk – 95# (65#)

11 front squats – 95# (65#)

11 knees to elbows

11 pull-ups

400 meter run

Karen came to the shed under the influence of the Oak Ridge Martial Arts Academy… and we are glad she did.  Overcoming the fear of the box jump, and mastering the kipping pull-up are some of her accomplishments.  In addition, she has bought into the lifestyle and practices some Paleo as well!!  With Miller, the effort is always there!


2)shedkicker (from CF main site)

For time:
5 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 15 reps
10 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 30 reps
15 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 45 reps
10 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 30 reps
5 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 15 reps

CF Pics 547 CF Pics 541 CF Pics 543 



0 thoughts on “03.19.2010-Friday-Day 4”

  1. Happy Birthday Miller
    Happy Birthday Charlie
    Happy Bithday SvW… Oh snap!(As BizMarkE would say)
    JR-get it done sub 20:00!!
    Who is vesting it today??
    One week ’til the NJ sectionals!! Start the good karma NOW!!
    FYI-the shed will be closed next Saturday 3/27 due to the Sectional Competition.
    Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

  2. Happy Birthday Miller
    Happy Birthday Charlie
    Happy Bithday SvW… Oh snap!(As BizMarkE would say)
    JR-get it done sub 20:00!!
    Who is vesting it today??
    One week ’til the NJ sectionals!! Start the good karma NOW!!
    FYI-the shed will be closed next Saturday 3/27 due to the Sectional Competition.
    Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

  3. Happy Birthday Miller
    Happy Birthday Charlie
    Happy Bithday SvW… Oh snap!(As BizMarkE would say)
    JR-get it done sub 20:00!!
    Who is vesting it today??
    One week ’til the NJ sectionals!! Start the good karma NOW!!
    FYI-the shed will be closed next Saturday 3/27 due to the Sectional Competition.
    Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

  4. Happy Birthday Miller
    Happy Birthday Charlie
    Happy Bithday SvW… Oh snap!(As BizMarkE would say)
    JR-get it done sub 20:00!!
    Who is vesting it today??
    One week ’til the NJ sectionals!! Start the good karma NOW!!
    FYI-the shed will be closed next Saturday 3/27 due to the Sectional Competition.
    Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

  5. Happy Birthday Miller
    Happy Birthday Charlie
    Happy Bithday SvW… Oh snap!(As BizMarkE would say)
    JR-get it done sub 20:00!!
    Who is vesting it today??
    One week ’til the NJ sectionals!! Start the good karma NOW!!
    FYI-the shed will be closed next Saturday 3/27 due to the Sectional Competition.
    Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

  6. Happy Birthday Miller
    Happy Birthday Charlie
    Happy Bithday SvW… Oh snap!(As BizMarkE would say)
    JR-get it done sub 20:00!!
    Who is vesting it today??
    One week ’til the NJ sectionals!! Start the good karma NOW!!
    FYI-the shed will be closed next Saturday 3/27 due to the Sectional Competition.
    Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

  7. Happy birthday y’all…
    Deb, please don’t encourage JR to use any more petroleum jelly products than he already frequents…
    its bad enough he gets to live out his role playing fantasies at the gym, first the bearded, shirtless wolfman jack costume, now the hockey mask!
    nice work morning crew, you guys owned that wod.

  8. Happy birthday y’all…
    Deb, please don’t encourage JR to use any more petroleum jelly products than he already frequents…
    its bad enough he gets to live out his role playing fantasies at the gym, first the bearded, shirtless wolfman jack costume, now the hockey mask!
    nice work morning crew, you guys owned that wod.

  9. Happy birthday y’all…
    Deb, please don’t encourage JR to use any more petroleum jelly products than he already frequents…
    its bad enough he gets to live out his role playing fantasies at the gym, first the bearded, shirtless wolfman jack costume, now the hockey mask!
    nice work morning crew, you guys owned that wod.

  10. Happy birthday y’all…
    Deb, please don’t encourage JR to use any more petroleum jelly products than he already frequents…
    its bad enough he gets to live out his role playing fantasies at the gym, first the bearded, shirtless wolfman jack costume, now the hockey mask!
    nice work morning crew, you guys owned that wod.

  11. Happy birthday y’all…
    Deb, please don’t encourage JR to use any more petroleum jelly products than he already frequents…
    its bad enough he gets to live out his role playing fantasies at the gym, first the bearded, shirtless wolfman jack costume, now the hockey mask!
    nice work morning crew, you guys owned that wod.

  12. Happy birthday y’all…
    Deb, please don’t encourage JR to use any more petroleum jelly products than he already frequents…
    its bad enough he gets to live out his role playing fantasies at the gym, first the bearded, shirtless wolfman jack costume, now the hockey mask!
    nice work morning crew, you guys owned that wod.

  13. Happy birthday Miller. Good luck on your WOD!
    And a very happy birthday to my honey, Charlie. I love you so much and I’m so proud of your dedication to keeping yourself fit. I want you around for a long time!

  14. Happy birthday Miller. Good luck on your WOD!
    And a very happy birthday to my honey, Charlie. I love you so much and I’m so proud of your dedication to keeping yourself fit. I want you around for a long time!

  15. Happy birthday Miller. Good luck on your WOD!
    And a very happy birthday to my honey, Charlie. I love you so much and I’m so proud of your dedication to keeping yourself fit. I want you around for a long time!

  16. Happy birthday Miller. Good luck on your WOD!
    And a very happy birthday to my honey, Charlie. I love you so much and I’m so proud of your dedication to keeping yourself fit. I want you around for a long time!

  17. Happy birthday Miller. Good luck on your WOD!
    And a very happy birthday to my honey, Charlie. I love you so much and I’m so proud of your dedication to keeping yourself fit. I want you around for a long time!

  18. Happy birthday Miller. Good luck on your WOD!
    And a very happy birthday to my honey, Charlie. I love you so much and I’m so proud of your dedication to keeping yourself fit. I want you around for a long time!

  19. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I wish I could be there to thank you all in person today but…unfortunately what I was fighting off all week has managed to get the better of me this morning. Cheryl made me some chicken soup and I’m going to stay home. Hopefully I will be in tomorrow for the Chazinator (Curious name for a wod)

  20. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I wish I could be there to thank you all in person today but…unfortunately what I was fighting off all week has managed to get the better of me this morning. Cheryl made me some chicken soup and I’m going to stay home. Hopefully I will be in tomorrow for the Chazinator (Curious name for a wod)

  21. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I wish I could be there to thank you all in person today but…unfortunately what I was fighting off all week has managed to get the better of me this morning. Cheryl made me some chicken soup and I’m going to stay home. Hopefully I will be in tomorrow for the Chazinator (Curious name for a wod)

  22. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I wish I could be there to thank you all in person today but…unfortunately what I was fighting off all week has managed to get the better of me this morning. Cheryl made me some chicken soup and I’m going to stay home. Hopefully I will be in tomorrow for the Chazinator (Curious name for a wod)

  23. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I wish I could be there to thank you all in person today but…unfortunately what I was fighting off all week has managed to get the better of me this morning. Cheryl made me some chicken soup and I’m going to stay home. Hopefully I will be in tomorrow for the Chazinator (Curious name for a wod)

  24. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I wish I could be there to thank you all in person today but…unfortunately what I was fighting off all week has managed to get the better of me this morning. Cheryl made me some chicken soup and I’m going to stay home. Hopefully I will be in tomorrow for the Chazinator (Curious name for a wod)

  25. Happy Birthday Miller and Charlie!
    Charlie- I hope you are feeling better tomorrow for your BDay WOD…eats lots of birthday cake (Cheryl that sounded so good when you, or should I say Ava, were telling me about it yesterday).

  26. Happy Birthday Miller and Charlie!
    Charlie- I hope you are feeling better tomorrow for your BDay WOD…eats lots of birthday cake (Cheryl that sounded so good when you, or should I say Ava, were telling me about it yesterday).

  27. Happy Birthday Miller and Charlie!
    Charlie- I hope you are feeling better tomorrow for your BDay WOD…eats lots of birthday cake (Cheryl that sounded so good when you, or should I say Ava, were telling me about it yesterday).

  28. Happy Birthday Miller and Charlie!
    Charlie- I hope you are feeling better tomorrow for your BDay WOD…eats lots of birthday cake (Cheryl that sounded so good when you, or should I say Ava, were telling me about it yesterday).

  29. Happy Birthday Miller and Charlie!
    Charlie- I hope you are feeling better tomorrow for your BDay WOD…eats lots of birthday cake (Cheryl that sounded so good when you, or should I say Ava, were telling me about it yesterday).

  30. Happy Birthday Miller and Charlie!
    Charlie- I hope you are feeling better tomorrow for your BDay WOD…eats lots of birthday cake (Cheryl that sounded so good when you, or should I say Ava, were telling me about it yesterday).

  31. Happy Birthday Miller & Charlie! Hope you guys enjoy your days. Cake is definitely a great fix for illnesses!!
    I am all full of glucose from my glucose test today, EHC was going NUTS! we are ready to go tonight!
    J9 – EHC = english hothouse cucumber…and it only gets more weird! LOL

  32. Happy Birthday Miller & Charlie! Hope you guys enjoy your days. Cake is definitely a great fix for illnesses!!
    I am all full of glucose from my glucose test today, EHC was going NUTS! we are ready to go tonight!
    J9 – EHC = english hothouse cucumber…and it only gets more weird! LOL

  33. Happy Birthday Miller & Charlie! Hope you guys enjoy your days. Cake is definitely a great fix for illnesses!!
    I am all full of glucose from my glucose test today, EHC was going NUTS! we are ready to go tonight!
    J9 – EHC = english hothouse cucumber…and it only gets more weird! LOL

  34. Happy Birthday Miller & Charlie! Hope you guys enjoy your days. Cake is definitely a great fix for illnesses!!
    I am all full of glucose from my glucose test today, EHC was going NUTS! we are ready to go tonight!
    J9 – EHC = english hothouse cucumber…and it only gets more weird! LOL

  35. Happy Birthday Miller & Charlie! Hope you guys enjoy your days. Cake is definitely a great fix for illnesses!!
    I am all full of glucose from my glucose test today, EHC was going NUTS! we are ready to go tonight!
    J9 – EHC = english hothouse cucumber…and it only gets more weird! LOL

  36. Happy Birthday Miller & Charlie! Hope you guys enjoy your days. Cake is definitely a great fix for illnesses!!
    I am all full of glucose from my glucose test today, EHC was going NUTS! we are ready to go tonight!
    J9 – EHC = english hothouse cucumber…and it only gets more weird! LOL

  37. NOW I’VE SEEN EVERYTHING! JR & the “Plante” mask!!!
    Feel better Charlie.
    After almost a year, and hours reading at the C2 site and being totally confused when they say to go faster you need to go slower…. I may FINALLY be starting to understand the rower. I’m obsessed with that thing now!

  38. NOW I’VE SEEN EVERYTHING! JR & the “Plante” mask!!!
    Feel better Charlie.
    After almost a year, and hours reading at the C2 site and being totally confused when they say to go faster you need to go slower…. I may FINALLY be starting to understand the rower. I’m obsessed with that thing now!

  39. NOW I’VE SEEN EVERYTHING! JR & the “Plante” mask!!!
    Feel better Charlie.
    After almost a year, and hours reading at the C2 site and being totally confused when they say to go faster you need to go slower…. I may FINALLY be starting to understand the rower. I’m obsessed with that thing now!

  40. NOW I’VE SEEN EVERYTHING! JR & the “Plante” mask!!!
    Feel better Charlie.
    After almost a year, and hours reading at the C2 site and being totally confused when they say to go faster you need to go slower…. I may FINALLY be starting to understand the rower. I’m obsessed with that thing now!

  41. NOW I’VE SEEN EVERYTHING! JR & the “Plante” mask!!!
    Feel better Charlie.
    After almost a year, and hours reading at the C2 site and being totally confused when they say to go faster you need to go slower…. I may FINALLY be starting to understand the rower. I’m obsessed with that thing now!

  42. NOW I’VE SEEN EVERYTHING! JR & the “Plante” mask!!!
    Feel better Charlie.
    After almost a year, and hours reading at the C2 site and being totally confused when they say to go faster you need to go slower…. I may FINALLY be starting to understand the rower. I’m obsessed with that thing now!

  43. i don’t know? i don’t think cheryl’s remarks were that bad when in comparison to the bleeding but and the petroleum jelly comments tht have have become common place on the shed blog. gotta love the shed 🙂

  44. i don’t know? i don’t think cheryl’s remarks were that bad when in comparison to the bleeding but and the petroleum jelly comments tht have have become common place on the shed blog. gotta love the shed 🙂

  45. i don’t know? i don’t think cheryl’s remarks were that bad when in comparison to the bleeding but and the petroleum jelly comments tht have have become common place on the shed blog. gotta love the shed 🙂

  46. i don’t know? i don’t think cheryl’s remarks were that bad when in comparison to the bleeding but and the petroleum jelly comments tht have have become common place on the shed blog. gotta love the shed 🙂

  47. i don’t know? i don’t think cheryl’s remarks were that bad when in comparison to the bleeding but and the petroleum jelly comments tht have have become common place on the shed blog. gotta love the shed 🙂

  48. i don’t know? i don’t think cheryl’s remarks were that bad when in comparison to the bleeding but and the petroleum jelly comments tht have have become common place on the shed blog. gotta love the shed 🙂

  49. Miller WOD:
    Pete-29:29 75#
    CKL-23:27 45#, jpu
    KennyG-23:20 row, jpu
    Sena-23:07 row, jpu
    DawnB-19:46 35#, jpu
    Ryan-22:41 jpu
    Adriana-22:31 45#, jpu
    Keith-24:15 65#, jpu
    Shannon-29:20 jpu (rx weight and looking strong!)
    CK-25:34 row, ghd su, jpu
    Lisa(+ehc)-24:50 mom-ified
    Lou-24:11 jpu
    as rx’d:

  50. Miller WOD:
    Pete-29:29 75#
    CKL-23:27 45#, jpu
    KennyG-23:20 row, jpu
    Sena-23:07 row, jpu
    DawnB-19:46 35#, jpu
    Ryan-22:41 jpu
    Adriana-22:31 45#, jpu
    Keith-24:15 65#, jpu
    Shannon-29:20 jpu (rx weight and looking strong!)
    CK-25:34 row, ghd su, jpu
    Lisa(+ehc)-24:50 mom-ified
    Lou-24:11 jpu
    as rx’d:

  51. Miller WOD:
    Pete-29:29 75#
    CKL-23:27 45#, jpu
    KennyG-23:20 row, jpu
    Sena-23:07 row, jpu
    DawnB-19:46 35#, jpu
    Ryan-22:41 jpu
    Adriana-22:31 45#, jpu
    Keith-24:15 65#, jpu
    Shannon-29:20 jpu (rx weight and looking strong!)
    CK-25:34 row, ghd su, jpu
    Lisa(+ehc)-24:50 mom-ified
    Lou-24:11 jpu
    as rx’d:

  52. Miller WOD:
    Pete-29:29 75#
    CKL-23:27 45#, jpu
    KennyG-23:20 row, jpu
    Sena-23:07 row, jpu
    DawnB-19:46 35#, jpu
    Ryan-22:41 jpu
    Adriana-22:31 45#, jpu
    Keith-24:15 65#, jpu
    Shannon-29:20 jpu (rx weight and looking strong!)
    CK-25:34 row, ghd su, jpu
    Lisa(+ehc)-24:50 mom-ified
    Lou-24:11 jpu
    as rx’d:

  53. Miller WOD:
    Pete-29:29 75#
    CKL-23:27 45#, jpu
    KennyG-23:20 row, jpu
    Sena-23:07 row, jpu
    DawnB-19:46 35#, jpu
    Ryan-22:41 jpu
    Adriana-22:31 45#, jpu
    Keith-24:15 65#, jpu
    Shannon-29:20 jpu (rx weight and looking strong!)
    CK-25:34 row, ghd su, jpu
    Lisa(+ehc)-24:50 mom-ified
    Lou-24:11 jpu
    as rx’d:

  54. Miller WOD:
    Pete-29:29 75#
    CKL-23:27 45#, jpu
    KennyG-23:20 row, jpu
    Sena-23:07 row, jpu
    DawnB-19:46 35#, jpu
    Ryan-22:41 jpu
    Adriana-22:31 45#, jpu
    Keith-24:15 65#, jpu
    Shannon-29:20 jpu (rx weight and looking strong!)
    CK-25:34 row, ghd su, jpu
    Lisa(+ehc)-24:50 mom-ified
    Lou-24:11 jpu
    as rx’d:

  55. Shedkicker WOD:
    as rx’d:
    JR-26:02 (+mask)
    Does the mask qualify as scaling up or modified?!
    Pics of that are a little scary!

  56. Shedkicker WOD:
    as rx’d:
    JR-26:02 (+mask)
    Does the mask qualify as scaling up or modified?!
    Pics of that are a little scary!

  57. Shedkicker WOD:
    as rx’d:
    JR-26:02 (+mask)
    Does the mask qualify as scaling up or modified?!
    Pics of that are a little scary!

  58. Shedkicker WOD:
    as rx’d:
    JR-26:02 (+mask)
    Does the mask qualify as scaling up or modified?!
    Pics of that are a little scary!

  59. Shedkicker WOD:
    as rx’d:
    JR-26:02 (+mask)
    Does the mask qualify as scaling up or modified?!
    Pics of that are a little scary!

  60. Shedkicker WOD:
    as rx’d:
    JR-26:02 (+mask)
    Does the mask qualify as scaling up or modified?!
    Pics of that are a little scary!

  61. mask is SCALED UP.
    Happy birthday Charlie!
    Happy birthday karen!
    Happy birthday Steve!
    Congrats to Brandon on his first muscle up!
    Great job Pat in showing Brandon HOW to DO a muscle up.

  62. mask is SCALED UP.
    Happy birthday Charlie!
    Happy birthday karen!
    Happy birthday Steve!
    Congrats to Brandon on his first muscle up!
    Great job Pat in showing Brandon HOW to DO a muscle up.

  63. mask is SCALED UP.
    Happy birthday Charlie!
    Happy birthday karen!
    Happy birthday Steve!
    Congrats to Brandon on his first muscle up!
    Great job Pat in showing Brandon HOW to DO a muscle up.

  64. mask is SCALED UP.
    Happy birthday Charlie!
    Happy birthday karen!
    Happy birthday Steve!
    Congrats to Brandon on his first muscle up!
    Great job Pat in showing Brandon HOW to DO a muscle up.

  65. mask is SCALED UP.
    Happy birthday Charlie!
    Happy birthday karen!
    Happy birthday Steve!
    Congrats to Brandon on his first muscle up!
    Great job Pat in showing Brandon HOW to DO a muscle up.

  66. mask is SCALED UP.
    Happy birthday Charlie!
    Happy birthday karen!
    Happy birthday Steve!
    Congrats to Brandon on his first muscle up!
    Great job Pat in showing Brandon HOW to DO a muscle up.

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