RedShed Rest Day
Recently, we have been getting a lot of questions about nutrition. It seems that many of you are finally understanding that hard work in the gym "by itself" is not getting you where you want to go.
Janine and I would never claim to be experts in the realm of nutrition, but we have been smart enough to utilize the information provided to us by CrossFit and the CrossFit Journals. If achieving your fitness goals is important to you, it is time to apply the same effort to your diet. Below you will find some CrossFit Journals that got us started. Again, we haven't mastered "The Zone", but just educating ourselves and experimenting with it have resulted in great performance in and out of the gym.
If you haven't subscribed to the CF Journal, we strongly suggest you consider it. There is a wealth of information there, and it is very inexpensive.
Download CFJ_Amundson_TupperwareMan
Today is also a make-up day for those who missed WODs this week due to work, etc.
Less sugar (crack) + more good fats = faster times and the ability to move heavier weights!
Less sugar (crack) + more good fats = faster times and the ability to move heavier weights!