0 thoughts on “04.09.2011-Saturday-Day 6”

  1. The weekly suspense is killing dp. Everybody waits to the last minute to post their scores. Did everybody complete Wod # 3 yet? How did we all do? Website works all week, you don’t have to wait to 5 pm on Sunday t post.

  2. The weekly suspense is killing dp. Everybody waits to the last minute to post their scores. Did everybody complete Wod # 3 yet? How did we all do? Website works all week, you don’t have to wait to 5 pm on Sunday t post.

  3. The weekly suspense is killing dp. Everybody waits to the last minute to post their scores. Did everybody complete Wod # 3 yet? How did we all do? Website works all week, you don’t have to wait to 5 pm on Sunday t post.

  4. The weekly suspense is killing dp. Everybody waits to the last minute to post their scores. Did everybody complete Wod # 3 yet? How did we all do? Website works all week, you don’t have to wait to 5 pm on Sunday t post.

  5. The weekly suspense is killing dp. Everybody waits to the last minute to post their scores. Did everybody complete Wod # 3 yet? How did we all do? Website works all week, you don’t have to wait to 5 pm on Sunday t post.

  6. The weekly suspense is killing dp. Everybody waits to the last minute to post their scores. Did everybody complete Wod # 3 yet? How did we all do? Website works all week, you don’t have to wait to 5 pm on Sunday t post.

  7. The weekly suspense is killing dp. Everybody waits to the last minute to post their scores. Did everybody complete Wod # 3 yet? How did we all do? Website works all week, you don’t have to wait to 5 pm on Sunday t post.

  8. The weekly suspense is killing dp. Everybody waits to the last minute to post their scores. Did everybody complete Wod # 3 yet? How did we all do? Website works all week, you don’t have to wait to 5 pm on Sunday t post.

  9. Actually, not working DP!! RedShed wasn’t listed as an official affiliate when I tried to submit my score. They’re “working on it.” If you really can’t wait to know, I got 1 rep.

  10. Actually, not working DP!! RedShed wasn’t listed as an official affiliate when I tried to submit my score. They’re “working on it.” If you really can’t wait to know, I got 1 rep.

  11. Actually, not working DP!! RedShed wasn’t listed as an official affiliate when I tried to submit my score. They’re “working on it.” If you really can’t wait to know, I got 1 rep.

  12. Actually, not working DP!! RedShed wasn’t listed as an official affiliate when I tried to submit my score. They’re “working on it.” If you really can’t wait to know, I got 1 rep.

  13. Actually, not working DP!! RedShed wasn’t listed as an official affiliate when I tried to submit my score. They’re “working on it.” If you really can’t wait to know, I got 1 rep.

  14. Actually, not working DP!! RedShed wasn’t listed as an official affiliate when I tried to submit my score. They’re “working on it.” If you really can’t wait to know, I got 1 rep.

  15. Actually, not working DP!! RedShed wasn’t listed as an official affiliate when I tried to submit my score. They’re “working on it.” If you really can’t wait to know, I got 1 rep.

  16. Actually, not working DP!! RedShed wasn’t listed as an official affiliate when I tried to submit my score. They’re “working on it.” If you really can’t wait to know, I got 1 rep.

  17. hahaha, i guess its diff when youre competing and want a good score. I gotta tackle that one again when I get back in shape; maybe w/pcleans, can pull those to my neck all night. cleans, ugh!

  18. hahaha, i guess its diff when youre competing and want a good score. I gotta tackle that one again when I get back in shape; maybe w/pcleans, can pull those to my neck all night. cleans, ugh!

  19. hahaha, i guess its diff when youre competing and want a good score. I gotta tackle that one again when I get back in shape; maybe w/pcleans, can pull those to my neck all night. cleans, ugh!

  20. hahaha, i guess its diff when youre competing and want a good score. I gotta tackle that one again when I get back in shape; maybe w/pcleans, can pull those to my neck all night. cleans, ugh!

  21. hahaha, i guess its diff when youre competing and want a good score. I gotta tackle that one again when I get back in shape; maybe w/pcleans, can pull those to my neck all night. cleans, ugh!

  22. hahaha, i guess its diff when youre competing and want a good score. I gotta tackle that one again when I get back in shape; maybe w/pcleans, can pull those to my neck all night. cleans, ugh!

  23. hahaha, i guess its diff when youre competing and want a good score. I gotta tackle that one again when I get back in shape; maybe w/pcleans, can pull those to my neck all night. cleans, ugh!

  24. hahaha, i guess its diff when youre competing and want a good score. I gotta tackle that one again when I get back in shape; maybe w/pcleans, can pull those to my neck all night. cleans, ugh!

  25. Scott, Janinie, Janice Paleo book olive oil information is as follows: olive oil high in monounsaturated fatty acids 73.9% not great omegas but 11.3 omega 6 to 3 ratio. He says ok but not in excessive consumption. He says need to add more Omega 3s.
    Thanks to all for your support this morning! as always great to be at the shed!

  26. Scott, Janinie, Janice Paleo book olive oil information is as follows: olive oil high in monounsaturated fatty acids 73.9% not great omegas but 11.3 omega 6 to 3 ratio. He says ok but not in excessive consumption. He says need to add more Omega 3s.
    Thanks to all for your support this morning! as always great to be at the shed!

  27. Scott, Janinie, Janice Paleo book olive oil information is as follows: olive oil high in monounsaturated fatty acids 73.9% not great omegas but 11.3 omega 6 to 3 ratio. He says ok but not in excessive consumption. He says need to add more Omega 3s.
    Thanks to all for your support this morning! as always great to be at the shed!

  28. Scott, Janinie, Janice Paleo book olive oil information is as follows: olive oil high in monounsaturated fatty acids 73.9% not great omegas but 11.3 omega 6 to 3 ratio. He says ok but not in excessive consumption. He says need to add more Omega 3s.
    Thanks to all for your support this morning! as always great to be at the shed!

  29. Scott, Janinie, Janice Paleo book olive oil information is as follows: olive oil high in monounsaturated fatty acids 73.9% not great omegas but 11.3 omega 6 to 3 ratio. He says ok but not in excessive consumption. He says need to add more Omega 3s.
    Thanks to all for your support this morning! as always great to be at the shed!

  30. Scott, Janinie, Janice Paleo book olive oil information is as follows: olive oil high in monounsaturated fatty acids 73.9% not great omegas but 11.3 omega 6 to 3 ratio. He says ok but not in excessive consumption. He says need to add more Omega 3s.
    Thanks to all for your support this morning! as always great to be at the shed!

  31. Scott, Janinie, Janice Paleo book olive oil information is as follows: olive oil high in monounsaturated fatty acids 73.9% not great omegas but 11.3 omega 6 to 3 ratio. He says ok but not in excessive consumption. He says need to add more Omega 3s.
    Thanks to all for your support this morning! as always great to be at the shed!

  32. Scott, Janinie, Janice Paleo book olive oil information is as follows: olive oil high in monounsaturated fatty acids 73.9% not great omegas but 11.3 omega 6 to 3 ratio. He says ok but not in excessive consumption. He says need to add more Omega 3s.
    Thanks to all for your support this morning! as always great to be at the shed!

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