05.04.2010-Tuesday-Day 2

7 rounds for time of:

10 sumo deadlift high pulls – 95# (65#)

10 ring dips

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Saturday will be a partner workout, please use this week to pick your partner!

0 thoughts on “05.04.2010-Tuesday-Day 2”

  1. I yell SORE!
    You yell LEGS!
    New Mudder chant or new Day 1 chant?!
    Much better as the day went on though. Tomorrow’s ShedKicker will fatigue the body in all different places to help you forget the lower body soreness!

  2. I yell SORE!
    You yell LEGS!
    New Mudder chant or new Day 1 chant?!
    Much better as the day went on though. Tomorrow’s ShedKicker will fatigue the body in all different places to help you forget the lower body soreness!

  3. I yell SORE!
    You yell LEGS!
    New Mudder chant or new Day 1 chant?!
    Much better as the day went on though. Tomorrow’s ShedKicker will fatigue the body in all different places to help you forget the lower body soreness!

  4. I yell SORE!
    You yell LEGS!
    New Mudder chant or new Day 1 chant?!
    Much better as the day went on though. Tomorrow’s ShedKicker will fatigue the body in all different places to help you forget the lower body soreness!

  5. I yell SORE!
    You yell LEGS!
    New Mudder chant or new Day 1 chant?!
    Much better as the day went on though. Tomorrow’s ShedKicker will fatigue the body in all different places to help you forget the lower body soreness!

  6. I yell SORE!
    You yell LEGS!
    New Mudder chant or new Day 1 chant?!
    Much better as the day went on though. Tomorrow’s ShedKicker will fatigue the body in all different places to help you forget the lower body soreness!

  7. I yell SORE!
    You yell LEGS!
    New Mudder chant or new Day 1 chant?!
    Much better as the day went on though. Tomorrow’s ShedKicker will fatigue the body in all different places to help you forget the lower body soreness!

  8. Southwest Regional Events Announced
    I think this is Maria’s Regional this weekend:
    Individual Workouts
    Event #1 On the grass throwing field outside the stadium – Vista Field
    The athlete flips a tire (large truck tires / smaller tires for women) approx. 75m, from behind a start line or cone to beyond a destination line or cone.
    Runs back to the start point.
    Then a log carry (10’ x 8” – approx. 85# – men; 7’ x 7” – approx. 65# women) from behind start cone so the entire log is past the destination cone. if any part of the log hits the ground the athlete must stop completely and re-shoulder the log before continuing.
    Then flip the tire back to start point, passing the start cone.
    Run back to the log and then return it, carrying it until the entire log is past the start cone.
    At all times during the log carry, it must be held above the shoulder.
    Event #2 Held on the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Muscle-ups Men / 2 Women
    10 Power Cleans 135# / 85 #
    200m Run – around a barrier.
    Floater Workout – On the Basketball Courts. (Announced when the athletes register on Friday 5-7-10)
    To be completed on Saturday, based on a time the athlete signs up for at check in:
    The athlete will have 7 minutes to complete a number of repetitions of two movements for the fastest time.
    If an athlete does not complete the event on Saturday he/she will receive a DNF and be disqualified.
    Team Competition
    Event #1 On the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    A relay involving three stages.
    The first member of the team does a shuttle run to 10 yd, then 20 yd line/cones, then to 100m (If the ground is not touched with one hand completely beyond the line he/she will have to return and touch the ground completely past the cone/line.), to a set of 50# (m) or 30# (w) DB’s at the 100yd line.
    The first member does 30 DB Thrusters then runs back and touches the second athlete who starts the shuttle run to the DB’s.
    The first athlete then does 15 (m) or 10 (w) ring dips, sits down and is finished.
    The team continues with each returning member touching/starting the next member before the leading member does his or her ring dips to finish.
    The clock stops when the last team member finishes his/her dips (the last team member runs straight to the rings from the DB Thrusters, not to the start line).
    Event #2 Held in the track/stadium.
    Teams begin on the track in the start positions for a 400m relay race.
    Each team member runs a 100m leg, passing one baton.
    The final leg runner runs his 100m, then runs a full lap, picking up his team members as he goes.
    Once all collected, the team completes another 400m lap from the original start point, together.
    First team finishing the run gets the pick of the work areas along the side of the track in front of the bleachers. Then only two members at a time work, doing the following:
    250 One Arm DB Power Snatches – any member completes as many as they want with a 50 pound or 30 pound dumbbell. The leading edge of the DB touches the deck each rep, finish position is with the arm locked out overhead and the feet inside of 24” wide lines taped on the deck, each rep.
    500 Double-Unders. When all reps are complete, the team runs together around the track in the same direction and lane they initially ran in, to a pull up bar complex where, one at a time, they complete a team total of 125 Pull-ups (chin over the bar). Their clock stops when the last pull up rep is done.

  9. Southwest Regional Events Announced
    I think this is Maria’s Regional this weekend:
    Individual Workouts
    Event #1 On the grass throwing field outside the stadium – Vista Field
    The athlete flips a tire (large truck tires / smaller tires for women) approx. 75m, from behind a start line or cone to beyond a destination line or cone.
    Runs back to the start point.
    Then a log carry (10’ x 8” – approx. 85# – men; 7’ x 7” – approx. 65# women) from behind start cone so the entire log is past the destination cone. if any part of the log hits the ground the athlete must stop completely and re-shoulder the log before continuing.
    Then flip the tire back to start point, passing the start cone.
    Run back to the log and then return it, carrying it until the entire log is past the start cone.
    At all times during the log carry, it must be held above the shoulder.
    Event #2 Held on the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Muscle-ups Men / 2 Women
    10 Power Cleans 135# / 85 #
    200m Run – around a barrier.
    Floater Workout – On the Basketball Courts. (Announced when the athletes register on Friday 5-7-10)
    To be completed on Saturday, based on a time the athlete signs up for at check in:
    The athlete will have 7 minutes to complete a number of repetitions of two movements for the fastest time.
    If an athlete does not complete the event on Saturday he/she will receive a DNF and be disqualified.
    Team Competition
    Event #1 On the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    A relay involving three stages.
    The first member of the team does a shuttle run to 10 yd, then 20 yd line/cones, then to 100m (If the ground is not touched with one hand completely beyond the line he/she will have to return and touch the ground completely past the cone/line.), to a set of 50# (m) or 30# (w) DB’s at the 100yd line.
    The first member does 30 DB Thrusters then runs back and touches the second athlete who starts the shuttle run to the DB’s.
    The first athlete then does 15 (m) or 10 (w) ring dips, sits down and is finished.
    The team continues with each returning member touching/starting the next member before the leading member does his or her ring dips to finish.
    The clock stops when the last team member finishes his/her dips (the last team member runs straight to the rings from the DB Thrusters, not to the start line).
    Event #2 Held in the track/stadium.
    Teams begin on the track in the start positions for a 400m relay race.
    Each team member runs a 100m leg, passing one baton.
    The final leg runner runs his 100m, then runs a full lap, picking up his team members as he goes.
    Once all collected, the team completes another 400m lap from the original start point, together.
    First team finishing the run gets the pick of the work areas along the side of the track in front of the bleachers. Then only two members at a time work, doing the following:
    250 One Arm DB Power Snatches – any member completes as many as they want with a 50 pound or 30 pound dumbbell. The leading edge of the DB touches the deck each rep, finish position is with the arm locked out overhead and the feet inside of 24” wide lines taped on the deck, each rep.
    500 Double-Unders. When all reps are complete, the team runs together around the track in the same direction and lane they initially ran in, to a pull up bar complex where, one at a time, they complete a team total of 125 Pull-ups (chin over the bar). Their clock stops when the last pull up rep is done.

  10. Southwest Regional Events Announced
    I think this is Maria’s Regional this weekend:
    Individual Workouts
    Event #1 On the grass throwing field outside the stadium – Vista Field
    The athlete flips a tire (large truck tires / smaller tires for women) approx. 75m, from behind a start line or cone to beyond a destination line or cone.
    Runs back to the start point.
    Then a log carry (10’ x 8” – approx. 85# – men; 7’ x 7” – approx. 65# women) from behind start cone so the entire log is past the destination cone. if any part of the log hits the ground the athlete must stop completely and re-shoulder the log before continuing.
    Then flip the tire back to start point, passing the start cone.
    Run back to the log and then return it, carrying it until the entire log is past the start cone.
    At all times during the log carry, it must be held above the shoulder.
    Event #2 Held on the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Muscle-ups Men / 2 Women
    10 Power Cleans 135# / 85 #
    200m Run – around a barrier.
    Floater Workout – On the Basketball Courts. (Announced when the athletes register on Friday 5-7-10)
    To be completed on Saturday, based on a time the athlete signs up for at check in:
    The athlete will have 7 minutes to complete a number of repetitions of two movements for the fastest time.
    If an athlete does not complete the event on Saturday he/she will receive a DNF and be disqualified.
    Team Competition
    Event #1 On the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    A relay involving three stages.
    The first member of the team does a shuttle run to 10 yd, then 20 yd line/cones, then to 100m (If the ground is not touched with one hand completely beyond the line he/she will have to return and touch the ground completely past the cone/line.), to a set of 50# (m) or 30# (w) DB’s at the 100yd line.
    The first member does 30 DB Thrusters then runs back and touches the second athlete who starts the shuttle run to the DB’s.
    The first athlete then does 15 (m) or 10 (w) ring dips, sits down and is finished.
    The team continues with each returning member touching/starting the next member before the leading member does his or her ring dips to finish.
    The clock stops when the last team member finishes his/her dips (the last team member runs straight to the rings from the DB Thrusters, not to the start line).
    Event #2 Held in the track/stadium.
    Teams begin on the track in the start positions for a 400m relay race.
    Each team member runs a 100m leg, passing one baton.
    The final leg runner runs his 100m, then runs a full lap, picking up his team members as he goes.
    Once all collected, the team completes another 400m lap from the original start point, together.
    First team finishing the run gets the pick of the work areas along the side of the track in front of the bleachers. Then only two members at a time work, doing the following:
    250 One Arm DB Power Snatches – any member completes as many as they want with a 50 pound or 30 pound dumbbell. The leading edge of the DB touches the deck each rep, finish position is with the arm locked out overhead and the feet inside of 24” wide lines taped on the deck, each rep.
    500 Double-Unders. When all reps are complete, the team runs together around the track in the same direction and lane they initially ran in, to a pull up bar complex where, one at a time, they complete a team total of 125 Pull-ups (chin over the bar). Their clock stops when the last pull up rep is done.

  11. Southwest Regional Events Announced
    I think this is Maria’s Regional this weekend:
    Individual Workouts
    Event #1 On the grass throwing field outside the stadium – Vista Field
    The athlete flips a tire (large truck tires / smaller tires for women) approx. 75m, from behind a start line or cone to beyond a destination line or cone.
    Runs back to the start point.
    Then a log carry (10’ x 8” – approx. 85# – men; 7’ x 7” – approx. 65# women) from behind start cone so the entire log is past the destination cone. if any part of the log hits the ground the athlete must stop completely and re-shoulder the log before continuing.
    Then flip the tire back to start point, passing the start cone.
    Run back to the log and then return it, carrying it until the entire log is past the start cone.
    At all times during the log carry, it must be held above the shoulder.
    Event #2 Held on the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Muscle-ups Men / 2 Women
    10 Power Cleans 135# / 85 #
    200m Run – around a barrier.
    Floater Workout – On the Basketball Courts. (Announced when the athletes register on Friday 5-7-10)
    To be completed on Saturday, based on a time the athlete signs up for at check in:
    The athlete will have 7 minutes to complete a number of repetitions of two movements for the fastest time.
    If an athlete does not complete the event on Saturday he/she will receive a DNF and be disqualified.
    Team Competition
    Event #1 On the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    A relay involving three stages.
    The first member of the team does a shuttle run to 10 yd, then 20 yd line/cones, then to 100m (If the ground is not touched with one hand completely beyond the line he/she will have to return and touch the ground completely past the cone/line.), to a set of 50# (m) or 30# (w) DB’s at the 100yd line.
    The first member does 30 DB Thrusters then runs back and touches the second athlete who starts the shuttle run to the DB’s.
    The first athlete then does 15 (m) or 10 (w) ring dips, sits down and is finished.
    The team continues with each returning member touching/starting the next member before the leading member does his or her ring dips to finish.
    The clock stops when the last team member finishes his/her dips (the last team member runs straight to the rings from the DB Thrusters, not to the start line).
    Event #2 Held in the track/stadium.
    Teams begin on the track in the start positions for a 400m relay race.
    Each team member runs a 100m leg, passing one baton.
    The final leg runner runs his 100m, then runs a full lap, picking up his team members as he goes.
    Once all collected, the team completes another 400m lap from the original start point, together.
    First team finishing the run gets the pick of the work areas along the side of the track in front of the bleachers. Then only two members at a time work, doing the following:
    250 One Arm DB Power Snatches – any member completes as many as they want with a 50 pound or 30 pound dumbbell. The leading edge of the DB touches the deck each rep, finish position is with the arm locked out overhead and the feet inside of 24” wide lines taped on the deck, each rep.
    500 Double-Unders. When all reps are complete, the team runs together around the track in the same direction and lane they initially ran in, to a pull up bar complex where, one at a time, they complete a team total of 125 Pull-ups (chin over the bar). Their clock stops when the last pull up rep is done.

  12. Southwest Regional Events Announced
    I think this is Maria’s Regional this weekend:
    Individual Workouts
    Event #1 On the grass throwing field outside the stadium – Vista Field
    The athlete flips a tire (large truck tires / smaller tires for women) approx. 75m, from behind a start line or cone to beyond a destination line or cone.
    Runs back to the start point.
    Then a log carry (10’ x 8” – approx. 85# – men; 7’ x 7” – approx. 65# women) from behind start cone so the entire log is past the destination cone. if any part of the log hits the ground the athlete must stop completely and re-shoulder the log before continuing.
    Then flip the tire back to start point, passing the start cone.
    Run back to the log and then return it, carrying it until the entire log is past the start cone.
    At all times during the log carry, it must be held above the shoulder.
    Event #2 Held on the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Muscle-ups Men / 2 Women
    10 Power Cleans 135# / 85 #
    200m Run – around a barrier.
    Floater Workout – On the Basketball Courts. (Announced when the athletes register on Friday 5-7-10)
    To be completed on Saturday, based on a time the athlete signs up for at check in:
    The athlete will have 7 minutes to complete a number of repetitions of two movements for the fastest time.
    If an athlete does not complete the event on Saturday he/she will receive a DNF and be disqualified.
    Team Competition
    Event #1 On the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    A relay involving three stages.
    The first member of the team does a shuttle run to 10 yd, then 20 yd line/cones, then to 100m (If the ground is not touched with one hand completely beyond the line he/she will have to return and touch the ground completely past the cone/line.), to a set of 50# (m) or 30# (w) DB’s at the 100yd line.
    The first member does 30 DB Thrusters then runs back and touches the second athlete who starts the shuttle run to the DB’s.
    The first athlete then does 15 (m) or 10 (w) ring dips, sits down and is finished.
    The team continues with each returning member touching/starting the next member before the leading member does his or her ring dips to finish.
    The clock stops when the last team member finishes his/her dips (the last team member runs straight to the rings from the DB Thrusters, not to the start line).
    Event #2 Held in the track/stadium.
    Teams begin on the track in the start positions for a 400m relay race.
    Each team member runs a 100m leg, passing one baton.
    The final leg runner runs his 100m, then runs a full lap, picking up his team members as he goes.
    Once all collected, the team completes another 400m lap from the original start point, together.
    First team finishing the run gets the pick of the work areas along the side of the track in front of the bleachers. Then only two members at a time work, doing the following:
    250 One Arm DB Power Snatches – any member completes as many as they want with a 50 pound or 30 pound dumbbell. The leading edge of the DB touches the deck each rep, finish position is with the arm locked out overhead and the feet inside of 24” wide lines taped on the deck, each rep.
    500 Double-Unders. When all reps are complete, the team runs together around the track in the same direction and lane they initially ran in, to a pull up bar complex where, one at a time, they complete a team total of 125 Pull-ups (chin over the bar). Their clock stops when the last pull up rep is done.

  13. Southwest Regional Events Announced
    I think this is Maria’s Regional this weekend:
    Individual Workouts
    Event #1 On the grass throwing field outside the stadium – Vista Field
    The athlete flips a tire (large truck tires / smaller tires for women) approx. 75m, from behind a start line or cone to beyond a destination line or cone.
    Runs back to the start point.
    Then a log carry (10’ x 8” – approx. 85# – men; 7’ x 7” – approx. 65# women) from behind start cone so the entire log is past the destination cone. if any part of the log hits the ground the athlete must stop completely and re-shoulder the log before continuing.
    Then flip the tire back to start point, passing the start cone.
    Run back to the log and then return it, carrying it until the entire log is past the start cone.
    At all times during the log carry, it must be held above the shoulder.
    Event #2 Held on the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Muscle-ups Men / 2 Women
    10 Power Cleans 135# / 85 #
    200m Run – around a barrier.
    Floater Workout – On the Basketball Courts. (Announced when the athletes register on Friday 5-7-10)
    To be completed on Saturday, based on a time the athlete signs up for at check in:
    The athlete will have 7 minutes to complete a number of repetitions of two movements for the fastest time.
    If an athlete does not complete the event on Saturday he/she will receive a DNF and be disqualified.
    Team Competition
    Event #1 On the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    A relay involving three stages.
    The first member of the team does a shuttle run to 10 yd, then 20 yd line/cones, then to 100m (If the ground is not touched with one hand completely beyond the line he/she will have to return and touch the ground completely past the cone/line.), to a set of 50# (m) or 30# (w) DB’s at the 100yd line.
    The first member does 30 DB Thrusters then runs back and touches the second athlete who starts the shuttle run to the DB’s.
    The first athlete then does 15 (m) or 10 (w) ring dips, sits down and is finished.
    The team continues with each returning member touching/starting the next member before the leading member does his or her ring dips to finish.
    The clock stops when the last team member finishes his/her dips (the last team member runs straight to the rings from the DB Thrusters, not to the start line).
    Event #2 Held in the track/stadium.
    Teams begin on the track in the start positions for a 400m relay race.
    Each team member runs a 100m leg, passing one baton.
    The final leg runner runs his 100m, then runs a full lap, picking up his team members as he goes.
    Once all collected, the team completes another 400m lap from the original start point, together.
    First team finishing the run gets the pick of the work areas along the side of the track in front of the bleachers. Then only two members at a time work, doing the following:
    250 One Arm DB Power Snatches – any member completes as many as they want with a 50 pound or 30 pound dumbbell. The leading edge of the DB touches the deck each rep, finish position is with the arm locked out overhead and the feet inside of 24” wide lines taped on the deck, each rep.
    500 Double-Unders. When all reps are complete, the team runs together around the track in the same direction and lane they initially ran in, to a pull up bar complex where, one at a time, they complete a team total of 125 Pull-ups (chin over the bar). Their clock stops when the last pull up rep is done.

  14. Southwest Regional Events Announced
    I think this is Maria’s Regional this weekend:
    Individual Workouts
    Event #1 On the grass throwing field outside the stadium – Vista Field
    The athlete flips a tire (large truck tires / smaller tires for women) approx. 75m, from behind a start line or cone to beyond a destination line or cone.
    Runs back to the start point.
    Then a log carry (10’ x 8” – approx. 85# – men; 7’ x 7” – approx. 65# women) from behind start cone so the entire log is past the destination cone. if any part of the log hits the ground the athlete must stop completely and re-shoulder the log before continuing.
    Then flip the tire back to start point, passing the start cone.
    Run back to the log and then return it, carrying it until the entire log is past the start cone.
    At all times during the log carry, it must be held above the shoulder.
    Event #2 Held on the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    5 Rounds for time:
    5 Muscle-ups Men / 2 Women
    10 Power Cleans 135# / 85 #
    200m Run – around a barrier.
    Floater Workout – On the Basketball Courts. (Announced when the athletes register on Friday 5-7-10)
    To be completed on Saturday, based on a time the athlete signs up for at check in:
    The athlete will have 7 minutes to complete a number of repetitions of two movements for the fastest time.
    If an athlete does not complete the event on Saturday he/she will receive a DNF and be disqualified.
    Team Competition
    Event #1 On the grass outside the track – Crawford Field
    A relay involving three stages.
    The first member of the team does a shuttle run to 10 yd, then 20 yd line/cones, then to 100m (If the ground is not touched with one hand completely beyond the line he/she will have to return and touch the ground completely past the cone/line.), to a set of 50# (m) or 30# (w) DB’s at the 100yd line.
    The first member does 30 DB Thrusters then runs back and touches the second athlete who starts the shuttle run to the DB’s.
    The first athlete then does 15 (m) or 10 (w) ring dips, sits down and is finished.
    The team continues with each returning member touching/starting the next member before the leading member does his or her ring dips to finish.
    The clock stops when the last team member finishes his/her dips (the last team member runs straight to the rings from the DB Thrusters, not to the start line).
    Event #2 Held in the track/stadium.
    Teams begin on the track in the start positions for a 400m relay race.
    Each team member runs a 100m leg, passing one baton.
    The final leg runner runs his 100m, then runs a full lap, picking up his team members as he goes.
    Once all collected, the team completes another 400m lap from the original start point, together.
    First team finishing the run gets the pick of the work areas along the side of the track in front of the bleachers. Then only two members at a time work, doing the following:
    250 One Arm DB Power Snatches – any member completes as many as they want with a 50 pound or 30 pound dumbbell. The leading edge of the DB touches the deck each rep, finish position is with the arm locked out overhead and the feet inside of 24” wide lines taped on the deck, each rep.
    500 Double-Unders. When all reps are complete, the team runs together around the track in the same direction and lane they initially ran in, to a pull up bar complex where, one at a time, they complete a team total of 125 Pull-ups (chin over the bar). Their clock stops when the last pull up rep is done.

  15. More regional WODs announced…
    European Regional Events Announced
    Individual Workouts:
    Event 1 & 2
    Within a 15 minute timeframe the athletes need to complete a distance run. The athlete with the fastest time will be the winner of that event and receive the appropriate score.
    Then the athlete will use the remaining time to perform as many overhead anyhows (70/50kg) as possible, until the 15 minutes have passed. The athlete who manages to move the weight from the ground to an established overhead position the most times will be declared the winner and receive the appropriate score.
    The clock never stops during this two-in-one event! The faster the athlete is on the run, the more time the athlete will have to perform as many reps as possible.
    Event 3
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    100m overhead carry (80/60kg)
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    Event 4
    For time:
    Run 400m
    3 rounds of 15 power snatches (40/30kg), 35 double-unders
    Run 400m
    Event 5
    5 Rounds for time of:
    5 deadlifts (120/90kg)
    20 Lateral Jumps + Burpee
    Affilliate Team Events:
    Event 1
    50 Front Squats (40/30kg)
    400m Team Run
    40 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
    Two athletes may work at the same time. Every athlete must do 50 front squats. The run is with the entire team. Every athlete must do 40 kettlebell swings. Before the athlete is allowed to begin the squats his/her partner must have his/her weight in a full overhead lock out position. The weight must remain in the overhead lock out position, while the partner performs his/her squats. Once the overhead lock out position is compromised the squats performed no longer count. Once the weight is again in the overhead lock out position the athlete may continue the squats.
    Event 2
    1min AMRAP Deadlift (120/90kg)
    1min AMRAP Push-ups
    1min Squats
    1min Burpees
    Two athletes my work at the same time. The workout is performed with a continously running clock. Two athletes finish the entire WOD before the other two may begin. The second the first two athletes finish the WOD the two other athletes may begin, the clock never stops.
    Athletes will get the same points as their individual placements in each event. Lowest total points will be the winner after 5 events.
    Only 32 men and 16 women will move on to Sundays first event (event 4)
    Only 16 men and 8 women will move on to Sundays second event (event 5)

  16. More regional WODs announced…
    European Regional Events Announced
    Individual Workouts:
    Event 1 & 2
    Within a 15 minute timeframe the athletes need to complete a distance run. The athlete with the fastest time will be the winner of that event and receive the appropriate score.
    Then the athlete will use the remaining time to perform as many overhead anyhows (70/50kg) as possible, until the 15 minutes have passed. The athlete who manages to move the weight from the ground to an established overhead position the most times will be declared the winner and receive the appropriate score.
    The clock never stops during this two-in-one event! The faster the athlete is on the run, the more time the athlete will have to perform as many reps as possible.
    Event 3
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    100m overhead carry (80/60kg)
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    Event 4
    For time:
    Run 400m
    3 rounds of 15 power snatches (40/30kg), 35 double-unders
    Run 400m
    Event 5
    5 Rounds for time of:
    5 deadlifts (120/90kg)
    20 Lateral Jumps + Burpee
    Affilliate Team Events:
    Event 1
    50 Front Squats (40/30kg)
    400m Team Run
    40 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
    Two athletes may work at the same time. Every athlete must do 50 front squats. The run is with the entire team. Every athlete must do 40 kettlebell swings. Before the athlete is allowed to begin the squats his/her partner must have his/her weight in a full overhead lock out position. The weight must remain in the overhead lock out position, while the partner performs his/her squats. Once the overhead lock out position is compromised the squats performed no longer count. Once the weight is again in the overhead lock out position the athlete may continue the squats.
    Event 2
    1min AMRAP Deadlift (120/90kg)
    1min AMRAP Push-ups
    1min Squats
    1min Burpees
    Two athletes my work at the same time. The workout is performed with a continously running clock. Two athletes finish the entire WOD before the other two may begin. The second the first two athletes finish the WOD the two other athletes may begin, the clock never stops.
    Athletes will get the same points as their individual placements in each event. Lowest total points will be the winner after 5 events.
    Only 32 men and 16 women will move on to Sundays first event (event 4)
    Only 16 men and 8 women will move on to Sundays second event (event 5)

  17. More regional WODs announced…
    European Regional Events Announced
    Individual Workouts:
    Event 1 & 2
    Within a 15 minute timeframe the athletes need to complete a distance run. The athlete with the fastest time will be the winner of that event and receive the appropriate score.
    Then the athlete will use the remaining time to perform as many overhead anyhows (70/50kg) as possible, until the 15 minutes have passed. The athlete who manages to move the weight from the ground to an established overhead position the most times will be declared the winner and receive the appropriate score.
    The clock never stops during this two-in-one event! The faster the athlete is on the run, the more time the athlete will have to perform as many reps as possible.
    Event 3
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    100m overhead carry (80/60kg)
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    Event 4
    For time:
    Run 400m
    3 rounds of 15 power snatches (40/30kg), 35 double-unders
    Run 400m
    Event 5
    5 Rounds for time of:
    5 deadlifts (120/90kg)
    20 Lateral Jumps + Burpee
    Affilliate Team Events:
    Event 1
    50 Front Squats (40/30kg)
    400m Team Run
    40 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
    Two athletes may work at the same time. Every athlete must do 50 front squats. The run is with the entire team. Every athlete must do 40 kettlebell swings. Before the athlete is allowed to begin the squats his/her partner must have his/her weight in a full overhead lock out position. The weight must remain in the overhead lock out position, while the partner performs his/her squats. Once the overhead lock out position is compromised the squats performed no longer count. Once the weight is again in the overhead lock out position the athlete may continue the squats.
    Event 2
    1min AMRAP Deadlift (120/90kg)
    1min AMRAP Push-ups
    1min Squats
    1min Burpees
    Two athletes my work at the same time. The workout is performed with a continously running clock. Two athletes finish the entire WOD before the other two may begin. The second the first two athletes finish the WOD the two other athletes may begin, the clock never stops.
    Athletes will get the same points as their individual placements in each event. Lowest total points will be the winner after 5 events.
    Only 32 men and 16 women will move on to Sundays first event (event 4)
    Only 16 men and 8 women will move on to Sundays second event (event 5)

  18. More regional WODs announced…
    European Regional Events Announced
    Individual Workouts:
    Event 1 & 2
    Within a 15 minute timeframe the athletes need to complete a distance run. The athlete with the fastest time will be the winner of that event and receive the appropriate score.
    Then the athlete will use the remaining time to perform as many overhead anyhows (70/50kg) as possible, until the 15 minutes have passed. The athlete who manages to move the weight from the ground to an established overhead position the most times will be declared the winner and receive the appropriate score.
    The clock never stops during this two-in-one event! The faster the athlete is on the run, the more time the athlete will have to perform as many reps as possible.
    Event 3
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    100m overhead carry (80/60kg)
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    Event 4
    For time:
    Run 400m
    3 rounds of 15 power snatches (40/30kg), 35 double-unders
    Run 400m
    Event 5
    5 Rounds for time of:
    5 deadlifts (120/90kg)
    20 Lateral Jumps + Burpee
    Affilliate Team Events:
    Event 1
    50 Front Squats (40/30kg)
    400m Team Run
    40 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
    Two athletes may work at the same time. Every athlete must do 50 front squats. The run is with the entire team. Every athlete must do 40 kettlebell swings. Before the athlete is allowed to begin the squats his/her partner must have his/her weight in a full overhead lock out position. The weight must remain in the overhead lock out position, while the partner performs his/her squats. Once the overhead lock out position is compromised the squats performed no longer count. Once the weight is again in the overhead lock out position the athlete may continue the squats.
    Event 2
    1min AMRAP Deadlift (120/90kg)
    1min AMRAP Push-ups
    1min Squats
    1min Burpees
    Two athletes my work at the same time. The workout is performed with a continously running clock. Two athletes finish the entire WOD before the other two may begin. The second the first two athletes finish the WOD the two other athletes may begin, the clock never stops.
    Athletes will get the same points as their individual placements in each event. Lowest total points will be the winner after 5 events.
    Only 32 men and 16 women will move on to Sundays first event (event 4)
    Only 16 men and 8 women will move on to Sundays second event (event 5)

  19. More regional WODs announced…
    European Regional Events Announced
    Individual Workouts:
    Event 1 & 2
    Within a 15 minute timeframe the athletes need to complete a distance run. The athlete with the fastest time will be the winner of that event and receive the appropriate score.
    Then the athlete will use the remaining time to perform as many overhead anyhows (70/50kg) as possible, until the 15 minutes have passed. The athlete who manages to move the weight from the ground to an established overhead position the most times will be declared the winner and receive the appropriate score.
    The clock never stops during this two-in-one event! The faster the athlete is on the run, the more time the athlete will have to perform as many reps as possible.
    Event 3
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    100m overhead carry (80/60kg)
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    Event 4
    For time:
    Run 400m
    3 rounds of 15 power snatches (40/30kg), 35 double-unders
    Run 400m
    Event 5
    5 Rounds for time of:
    5 deadlifts (120/90kg)
    20 Lateral Jumps + Burpee
    Affilliate Team Events:
    Event 1
    50 Front Squats (40/30kg)
    400m Team Run
    40 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
    Two athletes may work at the same time. Every athlete must do 50 front squats. The run is with the entire team. Every athlete must do 40 kettlebell swings. Before the athlete is allowed to begin the squats his/her partner must have his/her weight in a full overhead lock out position. The weight must remain in the overhead lock out position, while the partner performs his/her squats. Once the overhead lock out position is compromised the squats performed no longer count. Once the weight is again in the overhead lock out position the athlete may continue the squats.
    Event 2
    1min AMRAP Deadlift (120/90kg)
    1min AMRAP Push-ups
    1min Squats
    1min Burpees
    Two athletes my work at the same time. The workout is performed with a continously running clock. Two athletes finish the entire WOD before the other two may begin. The second the first two athletes finish the WOD the two other athletes may begin, the clock never stops.
    Athletes will get the same points as their individual placements in each event. Lowest total points will be the winner after 5 events.
    Only 32 men and 16 women will move on to Sundays first event (event 4)
    Only 16 men and 8 women will move on to Sundays second event (event 5)

  20. More regional WODs announced…
    European Regional Events Announced
    Individual Workouts:
    Event 1 & 2
    Within a 15 minute timeframe the athletes need to complete a distance run. The athlete with the fastest time will be the winner of that event and receive the appropriate score.
    Then the athlete will use the remaining time to perform as many overhead anyhows (70/50kg) as possible, until the 15 minutes have passed. The athlete who manages to move the weight from the ground to an established overhead position the most times will be declared the winner and receive the appropriate score.
    The clock never stops during this two-in-one event! The faster the athlete is on the run, the more time the athlete will have to perform as many reps as possible.
    Event 3
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    100m overhead carry (80/60kg)
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    Event 4
    For time:
    Run 400m
    3 rounds of 15 power snatches (40/30kg), 35 double-unders
    Run 400m
    Event 5
    5 Rounds for time of:
    5 deadlifts (120/90kg)
    20 Lateral Jumps + Burpee
    Affilliate Team Events:
    Event 1
    50 Front Squats (40/30kg)
    400m Team Run
    40 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
    Two athletes may work at the same time. Every athlete must do 50 front squats. The run is with the entire team. Every athlete must do 40 kettlebell swings. Before the athlete is allowed to begin the squats his/her partner must have his/her weight in a full overhead lock out position. The weight must remain in the overhead lock out position, while the partner performs his/her squats. Once the overhead lock out position is compromised the squats performed no longer count. Once the weight is again in the overhead lock out position the athlete may continue the squats.
    Event 2
    1min AMRAP Deadlift (120/90kg)
    1min AMRAP Push-ups
    1min Squats
    1min Burpees
    Two athletes my work at the same time. The workout is performed with a continously running clock. Two athletes finish the entire WOD before the other two may begin. The second the first two athletes finish the WOD the two other athletes may begin, the clock never stops.
    Athletes will get the same points as their individual placements in each event. Lowest total points will be the winner after 5 events.
    Only 32 men and 16 women will move on to Sundays first event (event 4)
    Only 16 men and 8 women will move on to Sundays second event (event 5)

  21. More regional WODs announced…
    European Regional Events Announced
    Individual Workouts:
    Event 1 & 2
    Within a 15 minute timeframe the athletes need to complete a distance run. The athlete with the fastest time will be the winner of that event and receive the appropriate score.
    Then the athlete will use the remaining time to perform as many overhead anyhows (70/50kg) as possible, until the 15 minutes have passed. The athlete who manages to move the weight from the ground to an established overhead position the most times will be declared the winner and receive the appropriate score.
    The clock never stops during this two-in-one event! The faster the athlete is on the run, the more time the athlete will have to perform as many reps as possible.
    Event 3
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    100m overhead carry (80/60kg)
    20 Toes-to-Bar
    20 Box Jumps
    20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
    Event 4
    For time:
    Run 400m
    3 rounds of 15 power snatches (40/30kg), 35 double-unders
    Run 400m
    Event 5
    5 Rounds for time of:
    5 deadlifts (120/90kg)
    20 Lateral Jumps + Burpee
    Affilliate Team Events:
    Event 1
    50 Front Squats (40/30kg)
    400m Team Run
    40 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
    Two athletes may work at the same time. Every athlete must do 50 front squats. The run is with the entire team. Every athlete must do 40 kettlebell swings. Before the athlete is allowed to begin the squats his/her partner must have his/her weight in a full overhead lock out position. The weight must remain in the overhead lock out position, while the partner performs his/her squats. Once the overhead lock out position is compromised the squats performed no longer count. Once the weight is again in the overhead lock out position the athlete may continue the squats.
    Event 2
    1min AMRAP Deadlift (120/90kg)
    1min AMRAP Push-ups
    1min Squats
    1min Burpees
    Two athletes my work at the same time. The workout is performed with a continously running clock. Two athletes finish the entire WOD before the other two may begin. The second the first two athletes finish the WOD the two other athletes may begin, the clock never stops.
    Athletes will get the same points as their individual placements in each event. Lowest total points will be the winner after 5 events.
    Only 32 men and 16 women will move on to Sundays first event (event 4)
    Only 16 men and 8 women will move on to Sundays second event (event 5)

  22. Day 2 modified:
    Day 2 rx’d:
    DP-8:56, vested
    Kevin-6:56, vested
    Alex-6:20, vested
    Adriana & Keith-Day 1

  23. Day 2 modified:
    Day 2 rx’d:
    DP-8:56, vested
    Kevin-6:56, vested
    Alex-6:20, vested
    Adriana & Keith-Day 1

  24. Day 2 modified:
    Day 2 rx’d:
    DP-8:56, vested
    Kevin-6:56, vested
    Alex-6:20, vested
    Adriana & Keith-Day 1

  25. Day 2 modified:
    Day 2 rx’d:
    DP-8:56, vested
    Kevin-6:56, vested
    Alex-6:20, vested
    Adriana & Keith-Day 1

  26. Day 2 modified:
    Day 2 rx’d:
    DP-8:56, vested
    Kevin-6:56, vested
    Alex-6:20, vested
    Adriana & Keith-Day 1

  27. Day 2 modified:
    Day 2 rx’d:
    DP-8:56, vested
    Kevin-6:56, vested
    Alex-6:20, vested
    Adriana & Keith-Day 1

  28. Day 2 modified:
    Day 2 rx’d:
    DP-8:56, vested
    Kevin-6:56, vested
    Alex-6:20, vested
    Adriana & Keith-Day 1

  29. Cheryl,
    if you want we can do a threesome while charlie is watching the kids.
    Pat, on a different subject whats this about needing a partner for Saturdays workout.

  30. Cheryl,
    if you want we can do a threesome while charlie is watching the kids.
    Pat, on a different subject whats this about needing a partner for Saturdays workout.

  31. Cheryl,
    if you want we can do a threesome while charlie is watching the kids.
    Pat, on a different subject whats this about needing a partner for Saturdays workout.

  32. Cheryl,
    if you want we can do a threesome while charlie is watching the kids.
    Pat, on a different subject whats this about needing a partner for Saturdays workout.

  33. Cheryl,
    if you want we can do a threesome while charlie is watching the kids.
    Pat, on a different subject whats this about needing a partner for Saturdays workout.

  34. Cheryl,
    if you want we can do a threesome while charlie is watching the kids.
    Pat, on a different subject whats this about needing a partner for Saturdays workout.

  35. Cheryl,
    if you want we can do a threesome while charlie is watching the kids.
    Pat, on a different subject whats this about needing a partner for Saturdays workout.

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3 Gold Mine Rd.
Flanders, New Jersey 07836



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