08.01.2009-Saturday-Rest Day

RedShed Rest Day

As we enter into two consecutive days of rest (a rare occurrence), I would like to send a message of thanks to all of the ShedHeads, new and seasoned! 

Thanks for supporting your fellow athletes, and being respectful to the gym and all who inhabit it.

Thanks for helping me coach and support the group.

Thanks for listening and following our directions and suggestions.

Thanks for leading by example, never quitting, and striving to excel at every movement.

Thanks for your competitiveness.

And thanks for NOT tolerating anything less than EVERYTHING you got!

If you visit here often, and read the comments… you are well aware that Janine (aka J9) often posts very useful and thoughtful information.  Yesterday's topic was in regard to FEAR.  What happens in the shed is amazing stuff, thanks to CrossFit.  But the fears we overcome each week are relative!  The main site video is proof of that, my friends, so watch it!  Are you with us to compete against the powers that are out to crush the human spirit, or are you just looking to have the fastest time on the board?  If Kim can beat cancer AND compete in the games… what can you do?

Think about it

Enjoy the weekend… don't forget to do your burpees… and have some fun!  Someone start a topic!

main site wod

DAY 73 of the burpee challenge (I am going to do mine on the dance floor at Steph's wedding!)

0 thoughts on “08.01.2009-Saturday-Rest Day”

  1. Burpees on the dance floor,? interesting. I think you could pull it off. Although you should expand dance repertoire. Try this: Running man, Burpee, The Sprinkler, and end with the Cabbage patch. If you can produce video of above choreography, even better.
    I’m was thinking of a bet for video proof but im to tired from an 18 hour workday.

  2. Burpees on the dance floor,? interesting. I think you could pull it off. Although you should expand dance repertoire. Try this: Running man, Burpee, The Sprinkler, and end with the Cabbage patch. If you can produce video of above choreography, even better.
    I’m was thinking of a bet for video proof but im to tired from an 18 hour workday.

  3. Burpees on the dance floor,? interesting. I think you could pull it off. Although you should expand dance repertoire. Try this: Running man, Burpee, The Sprinkler, and end with the Cabbage patch. If you can produce video of above choreography, even better.
    I’m was thinking of a bet for video proof but im to tired from an 18 hour workday.

  4. Burpees on the dance floor,? interesting. I think you could pull it off. Although you should expand dance repertoire. Try this: Running man, Burpee, The Sprinkler, and end with the Cabbage patch. If you can produce video of above choreography, even better.
    I’m was thinking of a bet for video proof but im to tired from an 18 hour workday.

  5. My fear it and do it anyway:
    distance rowing
    reducing WOD anxiety
    As Coaches, Pat and I have a very good idea of your weaknesses. Everyone’s got them!
    Let’s dedicate the month of August to addressing them with skills practice and before you know it – they will be no longer.
    What is yours?

  6. My fear it and do it anyway:
    distance rowing
    reducing WOD anxiety
    As Coaches, Pat and I have a very good idea of your weaknesses. Everyone’s got them!
    Let’s dedicate the month of August to addressing them with skills practice and before you know it – they will be no longer.
    What is yours?

  7. My fear it and do it anyway:
    distance rowing
    reducing WOD anxiety
    As Coaches, Pat and I have a very good idea of your weaknesses. Everyone’s got them!
    Let’s dedicate the month of August to addressing them with skills practice and before you know it – they will be no longer.
    What is yours?

  8. My fear it and do it anyway:
    distance rowing
    reducing WOD anxiety
    As Coaches, Pat and I have a very good idea of your weaknesses. Everyone’s got them!
    Let’s dedicate the month of August to addressing them with skills practice and before you know it – they will be no longer.
    What is yours?

  9. First thing, Burpees on the dance floor, I think you could do a modified worm to cover the burpees.(if so we need video tape)
    Second, Muscle ups are nearly impossible for me so I need to practice. Hopefully by the end of august I’ll be able to do one.

  10. First thing, Burpees on the dance floor, I think you could do a modified worm to cover the burpees.(if so we need video tape)
    Second, Muscle ups are nearly impossible for me so I need to practice. Hopefully by the end of august I’ll be able to do one.

  11. First thing, Burpees on the dance floor, I think you could do a modified worm to cover the burpees.(if so we need video tape)
    Second, Muscle ups are nearly impossible for me so I need to practice. Hopefully by the end of august I’ll be able to do one.

  12. First thing, Burpees on the dance floor, I think you could do a modified worm to cover the burpees.(if so we need video tape)
    Second, Muscle ups are nearly impossible for me so I need to practice. Hopefully by the end of august I’ll be able to do one.

    There are three things I want to tackle by the end of the year in this order:
    Double Unders
    Handstand Pushups
    I finally got off the box for ring dips (Accounting for my horrific time yesterday)
    I have come a long way since I first appeared in the shed back in late March and I am very happy with the changes in my fitness and physique…Looking forward to more progress, after all I have a pretty wife whose interest I intend to keep!
    Reception pictures are a must. Steph, J9 and Pat all doing line burpees!!!

    There are three things I want to tackle by the end of the year in this order:
    Double Unders
    Handstand Pushups
    I finally got off the box for ring dips (Accounting for my horrific time yesterday)
    I have come a long way since I first appeared in the shed back in late March and I am very happy with the changes in my fitness and physique…Looking forward to more progress, after all I have a pretty wife whose interest I intend to keep!
    Reception pictures are a must. Steph, J9 and Pat all doing line burpees!!!

    There are three things I want to tackle by the end of the year in this order:
    Double Unders
    Handstand Pushups
    I finally got off the box for ring dips (Accounting for my horrific time yesterday)
    I have come a long way since I first appeared in the shed back in late March and I am very happy with the changes in my fitness and physique…Looking forward to more progress, after all I have a pretty wife whose interest I intend to keep!
    Reception pictures are a must. Steph, J9 and Pat all doing line burpees!!!

    There are three things I want to tackle by the end of the year in this order:
    Double Unders
    Handstand Pushups
    I finally got off the box for ring dips (Accounting for my horrific time yesterday)
    I have come a long way since I first appeared in the shed back in late March and I am very happy with the changes in my fitness and physique…Looking forward to more progress, after all I have a pretty wife whose interest I intend to keep!
    Reception pictures are a must. Steph, J9 and Pat all doing line burpees!!!

  17. if your training for the 1/2 in Sept. I would think the 5 miler would be your staple distance. I am going out for 4 tomorrow am…….little hesitant running is the only thing haven’t really done since the knee maintenance…

  18. if your training for the 1/2 in Sept. I would think the 5 miler would be your staple distance. I am going out for 4 tomorrow am…….little hesitant running is the only thing haven’t really done since the knee maintenance…

  19. if your training for the 1/2 in Sept. I would think the 5 miler would be your staple distance. I am going out for 4 tomorrow am…….little hesitant running is the only thing haven’t really done since the knee maintenance…

  20. if your training for the 1/2 in Sept. I would think the 5 miler would be your staple distance. I am going out for 4 tomorrow am…….little hesitant running is the only thing haven’t really done since the knee maintenance…

  21. we already discussed the burpee/worm, but jazz it up, two claps at the top, spin move on the landing, maybe a little mj flair to boot… transition straight into the windmill and your fitness goals are met for the day!

  22. we already discussed the burpee/worm, but jazz it up, two claps at the top, spin move on the landing, maybe a little mj flair to boot… transition straight into the windmill and your fitness goals are met for the day!

  23. we already discussed the burpee/worm, but jazz it up, two claps at the top, spin move on the landing, maybe a little mj flair to boot… transition straight into the windmill and your fitness goals are met for the day!

  24. we already discussed the burpee/worm, but jazz it up, two claps at the top, spin move on the landing, maybe a little mj flair to boot… transition straight into the windmill and your fitness goals are met for the day!

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