The Rules:
100 days in a row of burpees/double unders… DAY 1=1 burpee/double under, DAY 2=2 burpees/double unders… etc. YOU are responsible to do your burpees/double unders on the days you are not in the shed, or when the shed is closed, otherwise, see rule #3. (hint, you might want to get yourself a jump rope before the days jump into the double digits! You can use the performbetter link in the right sidebar.)
1. You can choose between the burpees and the double unders, or both. You cannot switch from one to the other.
2. You can complete each day’s burpees/double unders all at once, or broken up and done at different times throughout the day
3. If for some reason you miss a day, you have to make up all the missed burpees/double unders the following day
4. If you don’t start the challenge with us today, you can “buy-in” at any time by doing ALL the missed day’s burpees/double unders on your first day
5. Any burpees/double unders you complete during your regular workout can count towards that day’s Challenge burpees/double unders, if you want them to
6. Have fun doing burpees/double unders and getting stronger doing it!