110412-Tuesday-Day 2

Day 2
1000m row
5:00 foam roll

WOD (last done 101229)
Athlete's Choice
LEVEL 1 – For time: 750 jump rope singles… Every time you stop or trip up
on the rope, you must perform 10 hand release push-up
LEVEL 2 – For time: 250 double unders… Every time you stop or trip up on
the rope, you must perform 5 pull-ups
LEVEL 3 – For time: 250 double unders… Every time you stop or trip up on
the rope, you must perform 3 muscle-ups



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0 thoughts on “110412-Tuesday-Day 2”

  1. WOD 4 is just hours away…
    What is it this week? Do we see KBs and pull-ups? Burpees breaking up a barbell movement?
    Who will be the first to post (the complete and correct WOD information)?
    Good luck!

  2. WOD 4 is just hours away…
    What is it this week? Do we see KBs and pull-ups? Burpees breaking up a barbell movement?
    Who will be the first to post (the complete and correct WOD information)?
    Good luck!

  3. WOD 4 is just hours away…
    What is it this week? Do we see KBs and pull-ups? Burpees breaking up a barbell movement?
    Who will be the first to post (the complete and correct WOD information)?
    Good luck!

  4. WOD 4 is just hours away…
    What is it this week? Do we see KBs and pull-ups? Burpees breaking up a barbell movement?
    Who will be the first to post (the complete and correct WOD information)?
    Good luck!

  5. WOD 4 is just hours away…
    What is it this week? Do we see KBs and pull-ups? Burpees breaking up a barbell movement?
    Who will be the first to post (the complete and correct WOD information)?
    Good luck!

  6. WOD 4 is just hours away…
    What is it this week? Do we see KBs and pull-ups? Burpees breaking up a barbell movement?
    Who will be the first to post (the complete and correct WOD information)?
    Good luck!

  7. WOD 4 is just hours away…
    What is it this week? Do we see KBs and pull-ups? Burpees breaking up a barbell movement?
    Who will be the first to post (the complete and correct WOD information)?
    Good luck!

  8. WOD 4 is just hours away…
    What is it this week? Do we see KBs and pull-ups? Burpees breaking up a barbell movement?
    Who will be the first to post (the complete and correct WOD information)?
    Good luck!

  9. Harold "aka Norm"

    Going on a mini-vacation today through Friday. Going to miss the Shed! I think I am going through relapse…starting to feel spasms on my neck!!!

  10. Harold "aka Norm"

    Going on a mini-vacation today through Friday. Going to miss the Shed! I think I am going through relapse…starting to feel spasms on my neck!!!

  11. Harold "aka Norm"

    Going on a mini-vacation today through Friday. Going to miss the Shed! I think I am going through relapse…starting to feel spasms on my neck!!!

  12. Harold "aka Norm"

    Going on a mini-vacation today through Friday. Going to miss the Shed! I think I am going through relapse…starting to feel spasms on my neck!!!

  13. Harold "aka Norm"

    Going on a mini-vacation today through Friday. Going to miss the Shed! I think I am going through relapse…starting to feel spasms on my neck!!!

  14. Harold "aka Norm"

    Going on a mini-vacation today through Friday. Going to miss the Shed! I think I am going through relapse…starting to feel spasms on my neck!!!

  15. Harold "aka Norm"

    Going on a mini-vacation today through Friday. Going to miss the Shed! I think I am going through relapse…starting to feel spasms on my neck!!!

  16. Harold "aka Norm"

    Going on a mini-vacation today through Friday. Going to miss the Shed! I think I am going through relapse…starting to feel spasms on my neck!!!

  17. leaderboard has not been updated since mid day on Sunday. It shut down before the 5pm cut off. So we are listed as tied for 28th on the leaderboard but if you go to our team page we are listed in 32nd place. The discrepancy is due to Matt W not being ranked officially. He is still listed as n/a, yet his score is listed in our top 3. Plus if you click on any particular team, none of them are officially ranked under their name by region or overall. I think the leaderboard piece crashed. Hopefully they are working on it.

  18. leaderboard has not been updated since mid day on Sunday. It shut down before the 5pm cut off. So we are listed as tied for 28th on the leaderboard but if you go to our team page we are listed in 32nd place. The discrepancy is due to Matt W not being ranked officially. He is still listed as n/a, yet his score is listed in our top 3. Plus if you click on any particular team, none of them are officially ranked under their name by region or overall. I think the leaderboard piece crashed. Hopefully they are working on it.

  19. leaderboard has not been updated since mid day on Sunday. It shut down before the 5pm cut off. So we are listed as tied for 28th on the leaderboard but if you go to our team page we are listed in 32nd place. The discrepancy is due to Matt W not being ranked officially. He is still listed as n/a, yet his score is listed in our top 3. Plus if you click on any particular team, none of them are officially ranked under their name by region or overall. I think the leaderboard piece crashed. Hopefully they are working on it.

  20. leaderboard has not been updated since mid day on Sunday. It shut down before the 5pm cut off. So we are listed as tied for 28th on the leaderboard but if you go to our team page we are listed in 32nd place. The discrepancy is due to Matt W not being ranked officially. He is still listed as n/a, yet his score is listed in our top 3. Plus if you click on any particular team, none of them are officially ranked under their name by region or overall. I think the leaderboard piece crashed. Hopefully they are working on it.

  21. leaderboard has not been updated since mid day on Sunday. It shut down before the 5pm cut off. So we are listed as tied for 28th on the leaderboard but if you go to our team page we are listed in 32nd place. The discrepancy is due to Matt W not being ranked officially. He is still listed as n/a, yet his score is listed in our top 3. Plus if you click on any particular team, none of them are officially ranked under their name by region or overall. I think the leaderboard piece crashed. Hopefully they are working on it.

  22. leaderboard has not been updated since mid day on Sunday. It shut down before the 5pm cut off. So we are listed as tied for 28th on the leaderboard but if you go to our team page we are listed in 32nd place. The discrepancy is due to Matt W not being ranked officially. He is still listed as n/a, yet his score is listed in our top 3. Plus if you click on any particular team, none of them are officially ranked under their name by region or overall. I think the leaderboard piece crashed. Hopefully they are working on it.

  23. leaderboard has not been updated since mid day on Sunday. It shut down before the 5pm cut off. So we are listed as tied for 28th on the leaderboard but if you go to our team page we are listed in 32nd place. The discrepancy is due to Matt W not being ranked officially. He is still listed as n/a, yet his score is listed in our top 3. Plus if you click on any particular team, none of them are officially ranked under their name by region or overall. I think the leaderboard piece crashed. Hopefully they are working on it.

  24. leaderboard has not been updated since mid day on Sunday. It shut down before the 5pm cut off. So we are listed as tied for 28th on the leaderboard but if you go to our team page we are listed in 32nd place. The discrepancy is due to Matt W not being ranked officially. He is still listed as n/a, yet his score is listed in our top 3. Plus if you click on any particular team, none of them are officially ranked under their name by region or overall. I think the leaderboard piece crashed. Hopefully they are working on it.

  25. Men
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.
    Overhead squat
    This is a standard overhead squat. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if the standard depth is achieved. The hip crease must be below the knee at the bottom. The hips and knees must fully open at the top with the barbell locked out overhead.
    In the muscle-up you must pass from a hang below the rings to support above them. A kipping muscle-up is ok, swings or rolls to support are not permitted. The hands must roll out while at a full hang (with or without a “false grip”). The elbows must fully lock out while supporting yourself above the rings.

  26. Men
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.
    Overhead squat
    This is a standard overhead squat. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if the standard depth is achieved. The hip crease must be below the knee at the bottom. The hips and knees must fully open at the top with the barbell locked out overhead.
    In the muscle-up you must pass from a hang below the rings to support above them. A kipping muscle-up is ok, swings or rolls to support are not permitted. The hands must roll out while at a full hang (with or without a “false grip”). The elbows must fully lock out while supporting yourself above the rings.

  27. Men
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.
    Overhead squat
    This is a standard overhead squat. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if the standard depth is achieved. The hip crease must be below the knee at the bottom. The hips and knees must fully open at the top with the barbell locked out overhead.
    In the muscle-up you must pass from a hang below the rings to support above them. A kipping muscle-up is ok, swings or rolls to support are not permitted. The hands must roll out while at a full hang (with or without a “false grip”). The elbows must fully lock out while supporting yourself above the rings.

  28. Men
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.
    Overhead squat
    This is a standard overhead squat. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if the standard depth is achieved. The hip crease must be below the knee at the bottom. The hips and knees must fully open at the top with the barbell locked out overhead.
    In the muscle-up you must pass from a hang below the rings to support above them. A kipping muscle-up is ok, swings or rolls to support are not permitted. The hands must roll out while at a full hang (with or without a “false grip”). The elbows must fully lock out while supporting yourself above the rings.

  29. Men
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.
    Overhead squat
    This is a standard overhead squat. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if the standard depth is achieved. The hip crease must be below the knee at the bottom. The hips and knees must fully open at the top with the barbell locked out overhead.
    In the muscle-up you must pass from a hang below the rings to support above them. A kipping muscle-up is ok, swings or rolls to support are not permitted. The hands must roll out while at a full hang (with or without a “false grip”). The elbows must fully lock out while supporting yourself above the rings.

  30. Men
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.
    Overhead squat
    This is a standard overhead squat. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if the standard depth is achieved. The hip crease must be below the knee at the bottom. The hips and knees must fully open at the top with the barbell locked out overhead.
    In the muscle-up you must pass from a hang below the rings to support above them. A kipping muscle-up is ok, swings or rolls to support are not permitted. The hands must roll out while at a full hang (with or without a “false grip”). The elbows must fully lock out while supporting yourself above the rings.

  31. Men
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.
    Overhead squat
    This is a standard overhead squat. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if the standard depth is achieved. The hip crease must be below the knee at the bottom. The hips and knees must fully open at the top with the barbell locked out overhead.
    In the muscle-up you must pass from a hang below the rings to support above them. A kipping muscle-up is ok, swings or rolls to support are not permitted. The hands must roll out while at a full hang (with or without a “false grip”). The elbows must fully lock out while supporting yourself above the rings.

  32. Men
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120lbs / 55kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.
    Overhead squat
    This is a standard overhead squat. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if the standard depth is achieved. The hip crease must be below the knee at the bottom. The hips and knees must fully open at the top with the barbell locked out overhead.
    In the muscle-up you must pass from a hang below the rings to support above them. A kipping muscle-up is ok, swings or rolls to support are not permitted. The hands must roll out while at a full hang (with or without a “false grip”). The elbows must fully lock out while supporting yourself above the rings.

  33. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120/90)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.

  34. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120/90)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.

  35. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120/90)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.

  36. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120/90)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.

  37. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120/90)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.

  38. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120/90)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.

  39. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120/90)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.

  40. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    60 Bar-facing burpees
    30 Overhead squats (120/90)
    10 Muscle-ups
    Bar-facing burpees
    Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. Your head cannot be over the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. You must jump over the barbell from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the barbell.

  41. Two new recipes tried for this week and both were GREAT!!!
    Last night I did the meatloaf with spinach and mushrooms, bacon layered on top (think it was Sunday’s meal).
    Tonight I made the sausage with cabbage & onions served with the apples and raisin mixture. The apples were delicious and think it may be a new dessert for me when I am needing something sweet. I totally forgot to put the coconut milk in it so I am interested how it will taste the next time.
    Plus Steve and Jack loved both of them too!!!

  42. Two new recipes tried for this week and both were GREAT!!!
    Last night I did the meatloaf with spinach and mushrooms, bacon layered on top (think it was Sunday’s meal).
    Tonight I made the sausage with cabbage & onions served with the apples and raisin mixture. The apples were delicious and think it may be a new dessert for me when I am needing something sweet. I totally forgot to put the coconut milk in it so I am interested how it will taste the next time.
    Plus Steve and Jack loved both of them too!!!

  43. Two new recipes tried for this week and both were GREAT!!!
    Last night I did the meatloaf with spinach and mushrooms, bacon layered on top (think it was Sunday’s meal).
    Tonight I made the sausage with cabbage & onions served with the apples and raisin mixture. The apples were delicious and think it may be a new dessert for me when I am needing something sweet. I totally forgot to put the coconut milk in it so I am interested how it will taste the next time.
    Plus Steve and Jack loved both of them too!!!

  44. Two new recipes tried for this week and both were GREAT!!!
    Last night I did the meatloaf with spinach and mushrooms, bacon layered on top (think it was Sunday’s meal).
    Tonight I made the sausage with cabbage & onions served with the apples and raisin mixture. The apples were delicious and think it may be a new dessert for me when I am needing something sweet. I totally forgot to put the coconut milk in it so I am interested how it will taste the next time.
    Plus Steve and Jack loved both of them too!!!

  45. Two new recipes tried for this week and both were GREAT!!!
    Last night I did the meatloaf with spinach and mushrooms, bacon layered on top (think it was Sunday’s meal).
    Tonight I made the sausage with cabbage & onions served with the apples and raisin mixture. The apples were delicious and think it may be a new dessert for me when I am needing something sweet. I totally forgot to put the coconut milk in it so I am interested how it will taste the next time.
    Plus Steve and Jack loved both of them too!!!

  46. Two new recipes tried for this week and both were GREAT!!!
    Last night I did the meatloaf with spinach and mushrooms, bacon layered on top (think it was Sunday’s meal).
    Tonight I made the sausage with cabbage & onions served with the apples and raisin mixture. The apples were delicious and think it may be a new dessert for me when I am needing something sweet. I totally forgot to put the coconut milk in it so I am interested how it will taste the next time.
    Plus Steve and Jack loved both of them too!!!

  47. Two new recipes tried for this week and both were GREAT!!!
    Last night I did the meatloaf with spinach and mushrooms, bacon layered on top (think it was Sunday’s meal).
    Tonight I made the sausage with cabbage & onions served with the apples and raisin mixture. The apples were delicious and think it may be a new dessert for me when I am needing something sweet. I totally forgot to put the coconut milk in it so I am interested how it will taste the next time.
    Plus Steve and Jack loved both of them too!!!

  48. Two new recipes tried for this week and both were GREAT!!!
    Last night I did the meatloaf with spinach and mushrooms, bacon layered on top (think it was Sunday’s meal).
    Tonight I made the sausage with cabbage & onions served with the apples and raisin mixture. The apples were delicious and think it may be a new dessert for me when I am needing something sweet. I totally forgot to put the coconut milk in it so I am interested how it will taste the next time.
    Plus Steve and Jack loved both of them too!!!

  49. Level 1:
    as rx’d:
    Keith-11:46, 60
    Adriana-13:57, 70
    Carrie-23:44, 180 – Welcome to the Shed!
    Dom-21:49, 150
    Janice-13:52, 120
    Level 2:
    Deb-25:24 65 pull-ups, 30 push-ups
    as rx’d:
    J9-3:57, 15
    DP-4:52, 20
    Christian-7:18, 70
    Lily-17:13, 75
    MVR-7:35, 40
    CKL-15:25, 45
    Mike-<37:20, 170 (some practice on just d-u in there)
    Melanie-17:34, 65
    Kat-18:11, 75
    Level 3:
    JoeB-7:00, 12
    Marc-7:06, 9 (1st mu WOD)
    McCoy-10:59, 9 (10# vest)

  50. Level 1:
    as rx’d:
    Keith-11:46, 60
    Adriana-13:57, 70
    Carrie-23:44, 180 – Welcome to the Shed!
    Dom-21:49, 150
    Janice-13:52, 120
    Level 2:
    Deb-25:24 65 pull-ups, 30 push-ups
    as rx’d:
    J9-3:57, 15
    DP-4:52, 20
    Christian-7:18, 70
    Lily-17:13, 75
    MVR-7:35, 40
    CKL-15:25, 45
    Mike-<37:20, 170 (some practice on just d-u in there)
    Melanie-17:34, 65
    Kat-18:11, 75
    Level 3:
    JoeB-7:00, 12
    Marc-7:06, 9 (1st mu WOD)
    McCoy-10:59, 9 (10# vest)

  51. Level 1:
    as rx’d:
    Keith-11:46, 60
    Adriana-13:57, 70
    Carrie-23:44, 180 – Welcome to the Shed!
    Dom-21:49, 150
    Janice-13:52, 120
    Level 2:
    Deb-25:24 65 pull-ups, 30 push-ups
    as rx’d:
    J9-3:57, 15
    DP-4:52, 20
    Christian-7:18, 70
    Lily-17:13, 75
    MVR-7:35, 40
    CKL-15:25, 45
    Mike-<37:20, 170 (some practice on just d-u in there)
    Melanie-17:34, 65
    Kat-18:11, 75
    Level 3:
    JoeB-7:00, 12
    Marc-7:06, 9 (1st mu WOD)
    McCoy-10:59, 9 (10# vest)

  52. Level 1:
    as rx’d:
    Keith-11:46, 60
    Adriana-13:57, 70
    Carrie-23:44, 180 – Welcome to the Shed!
    Dom-21:49, 150
    Janice-13:52, 120
    Level 2:
    Deb-25:24 65 pull-ups, 30 push-ups
    as rx’d:
    J9-3:57, 15
    DP-4:52, 20
    Christian-7:18, 70
    Lily-17:13, 75
    MVR-7:35, 40
    CKL-15:25, 45
    Mike-<37:20, 170 (some practice on just d-u in there)
    Melanie-17:34, 65
    Kat-18:11, 75
    Level 3:
    JoeB-7:00, 12
    Marc-7:06, 9 (1st mu WOD)
    McCoy-10:59, 9 (10# vest)

  53. Level 1:
    as rx’d:
    Keith-11:46, 60
    Adriana-13:57, 70
    Carrie-23:44, 180 – Welcome to the Shed!
    Dom-21:49, 150
    Janice-13:52, 120
    Level 2:
    Deb-25:24 65 pull-ups, 30 push-ups
    as rx’d:
    J9-3:57, 15
    DP-4:52, 20
    Christian-7:18, 70
    Lily-17:13, 75
    MVR-7:35, 40
    CKL-15:25, 45
    Mike-<37:20, 170 (some practice on just d-u in there)
    Melanie-17:34, 65
    Kat-18:11, 75
    Level 3:
    JoeB-7:00, 12
    Marc-7:06, 9 (1st mu WOD)
    McCoy-10:59, 9 (10# vest)

  54. Level 1:
    as rx’d:
    Keith-11:46, 60
    Adriana-13:57, 70
    Carrie-23:44, 180 – Welcome to the Shed!
    Dom-21:49, 150
    Janice-13:52, 120
    Level 2:
    Deb-25:24 65 pull-ups, 30 push-ups
    as rx’d:
    J9-3:57, 15
    DP-4:52, 20
    Christian-7:18, 70
    Lily-17:13, 75
    MVR-7:35, 40
    CKL-15:25, 45
    Mike-<37:20, 170 (some practice on just d-u in there)
    Melanie-17:34, 65
    Kat-18:11, 75
    Level 3:
    JoeB-7:00, 12
    Marc-7:06, 9 (1st mu WOD)
    McCoy-10:59, 9 (10# vest)

  55. Level 1:
    as rx’d:
    Keith-11:46, 60
    Adriana-13:57, 70
    Carrie-23:44, 180 – Welcome to the Shed!
    Dom-21:49, 150
    Janice-13:52, 120
    Level 2:
    Deb-25:24 65 pull-ups, 30 push-ups
    as rx’d:
    J9-3:57, 15
    DP-4:52, 20
    Christian-7:18, 70
    Lily-17:13, 75
    MVR-7:35, 40
    CKL-15:25, 45
    Mike-<37:20, 170 (some practice on just d-u in there)
    Melanie-17:34, 65
    Kat-18:11, 75
    Level 3:
    JoeB-7:00, 12
    Marc-7:06, 9 (1st mu WOD)
    McCoy-10:59, 9 (10# vest)

  56. Level 1:
    as rx’d:
    Keith-11:46, 60
    Adriana-13:57, 70
    Carrie-23:44, 180 – Welcome to the Shed!
    Dom-21:49, 150
    Janice-13:52, 120
    Level 2:
    Deb-25:24 65 pull-ups, 30 push-ups
    as rx’d:
    J9-3:57, 15
    DP-4:52, 20
    Christian-7:18, 70
    Lily-17:13, 75
    MVR-7:35, 40
    CKL-15:25, 45
    Mike-<37:20, 170 (some practice on just d-u in there)
    Melanie-17:34, 65
    Kat-18:11, 75
    Level 3:
    JoeB-7:00, 12
    Marc-7:06, 9 (1st mu WOD)
    McCoy-10:59, 9 (10# vest)

  57. marc, looks like your going to have two muscle up wods this week. good job. i wanted to do level 3 but was worried it would go wrong. next time i’ll go level 3. pr on du for dp, 110

  58. marc, looks like your going to have two muscle up wods this week. good job. i wanted to do level 3 but was worried it would go wrong. next time i’ll go level 3. pr on du for dp, 110

  59. marc, looks like your going to have two muscle up wods this week. good job. i wanted to do level 3 but was worried it would go wrong. next time i’ll go level 3. pr on du for dp, 110

  60. marc, looks like your going to have two muscle up wods this week. good job. i wanted to do level 3 but was worried it would go wrong. next time i’ll go level 3. pr on du for dp, 110

  61. marc, looks like your going to have two muscle up wods this week. good job. i wanted to do level 3 but was worried it would go wrong. next time i’ll go level 3. pr on du for dp, 110

  62. marc, looks like your going to have two muscle up wods this week. good job. i wanted to do level 3 but was worried it would go wrong. next time i’ll go level 3. pr on du for dp, 110

  63. marc, looks like your going to have two muscle up wods this week. good job. i wanted to do level 3 but was worried it would go wrong. next time i’ll go level 3. pr on du for dp, 110

  64. marc, looks like your going to have two muscle up wods this week. good job. i wanted to do level 3 but was worried it would go wrong. next time i’ll go level 3. pr on du for dp, 110

  65. Many PRs out there again today!
    Nice work!
    Your perseverance (spell check, DP?) was awesome. Your time does not reflect the extra practice you put in during the WOD to just focus on stringing together the du!
    MU WOD under your belt!
    Wolverine pics are too funny as well as the fact of Brendan being able to pull out the Wolverine comment from awhile back!
    DU looking good!
    Nice job everyone!

  66. Many PRs out there again today!
    Nice work!
    Your perseverance (spell check, DP?) was awesome. Your time does not reflect the extra practice you put in during the WOD to just focus on stringing together the du!
    MU WOD under your belt!
    Wolverine pics are too funny as well as the fact of Brendan being able to pull out the Wolverine comment from awhile back!
    DU looking good!
    Nice job everyone!

  67. Many PRs out there again today!
    Nice work!
    Your perseverance (spell check, DP?) was awesome. Your time does not reflect the extra practice you put in during the WOD to just focus on stringing together the du!
    MU WOD under your belt!
    Wolverine pics are too funny as well as the fact of Brendan being able to pull out the Wolverine comment from awhile back!
    DU looking good!
    Nice job everyone!

  68. Many PRs out there again today!
    Nice work!
    Your perseverance (spell check, DP?) was awesome. Your time does not reflect the extra practice you put in during the WOD to just focus on stringing together the du!
    MU WOD under your belt!
    Wolverine pics are too funny as well as the fact of Brendan being able to pull out the Wolverine comment from awhile back!
    DU looking good!
    Nice job everyone!

  69. Many PRs out there again today!
    Nice work!
    Your perseverance (spell check, DP?) was awesome. Your time does not reflect the extra practice you put in during the WOD to just focus on stringing together the du!
    MU WOD under your belt!
    Wolverine pics are too funny as well as the fact of Brendan being able to pull out the Wolverine comment from awhile back!
    DU looking good!
    Nice job everyone!

  70. Many PRs out there again today!
    Nice work!
    Your perseverance (spell check, DP?) was awesome. Your time does not reflect the extra practice you put in during the WOD to just focus on stringing together the du!
    MU WOD under your belt!
    Wolverine pics are too funny as well as the fact of Brendan being able to pull out the Wolverine comment from awhile back!
    DU looking good!
    Nice job everyone!

  71. Many PRs out there again today!
    Nice work!
    Your perseverance (spell check, DP?) was awesome. Your time does not reflect the extra practice you put in during the WOD to just focus on stringing together the du!
    MU WOD under your belt!
    Wolverine pics are too funny as well as the fact of Brendan being able to pull out the Wolverine comment from awhile back!
    DU looking good!
    Nice job everyone!

  72. Many PRs out there again today!
    Nice work!
    Your perseverance (spell check, DP?) was awesome. Your time does not reflect the extra practice you put in during the WOD to just focus on stringing together the du!
    MU WOD under your belt!
    Wolverine pics are too funny as well as the fact of Brendan being able to pull out the Wolverine comment from awhile back!
    DU looking good!
    Nice job everyone!

  73. Thanks for the props, y’all. So happy to have a MU WOD under my belt. Hopefully I’ll get to the part where they come in, in WOD4.
    Holy crap, Mike! Way to stick it out. Your back and arms definitely got a workout today.

  74. Thanks for the props, y’all. So happy to have a MU WOD under my belt. Hopefully I’ll get to the part where they come in, in WOD4.
    Holy crap, Mike! Way to stick it out. Your back and arms definitely got a workout today.

  75. Thanks for the props, y’all. So happy to have a MU WOD under my belt. Hopefully I’ll get to the part where they come in, in WOD4.
    Holy crap, Mike! Way to stick it out. Your back and arms definitely got a workout today.

  76. Thanks for the props, y’all. So happy to have a MU WOD under my belt. Hopefully I’ll get to the part where they come in, in WOD4.
    Holy crap, Mike! Way to stick it out. Your back and arms definitely got a workout today.

  77. Thanks for the props, y’all. So happy to have a MU WOD under my belt. Hopefully I’ll get to the part where they come in, in WOD4.
    Holy crap, Mike! Way to stick it out. Your back and arms definitely got a workout today.

  78. Thanks for the props, y’all. So happy to have a MU WOD under my belt. Hopefully I’ll get to the part where they come in, in WOD4.
    Holy crap, Mike! Way to stick it out. Your back and arms definitely got a workout today.

  79. Thanks for the props, y’all. So happy to have a MU WOD under my belt. Hopefully I’ll get to the part where they come in, in WOD4.
    Holy crap, Mike! Way to stick it out. Your back and arms definitely got a workout today.

  80. Thanks for the props, y’all. So happy to have a MU WOD under my belt. Hopefully I’ll get to the part where they come in, in WOD4.
    Holy crap, Mike! Way to stick it out. Your back and arms definitely got a workout today.

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