11.15.2009-Sunday-RedShed Rest Day

Nice job this week!

Athletes of the week are definitely Deb and McCoy.  Deb for wrecking "D.T." at 95#, and McCoy for shaving double digit minutes off of his "Filthy 50", and his flashy new footgear!

RSCF pics 1084 RSCF pics 1079

Chalk… not straps, no weight belts, speed & quickness, no shoes, no shirts, dropping weights, yelling… these are things you see and hear in a CrossFit gym.  No mirrors needed (and we won't have them in 2010!), be vane on your own time, right!  Many reasons for naysayers to mock or poke fun at our community.  Are we a group of elitists, or is it just that we don't care to be bothered with the "frill" of the commercial gym?  I was there once, in the "frill", and I contributed to it… it was how I supported my family…but one day in November 2007 I had an epiphany… www.crossfit.com.  I watched "Heavy Fran", "Nasty Girls" and "Filthy Fifty" in awe, over and over… and I knew I had to be a part of it!

It changed my life, it changed my attitude, it simplified my training, it helped me understand food and why I eat it, it introduced me to all of you, it opened my eyes to human potential, it keeps me humble, and it provides for my family.

Yes, chalk is hard to clean up… and I have often stuck the hairy eyeball on a few of you for making a mess!!!… but somewhere in that chalk dust is another epiphany… hopefully yours. 

I doubt you will experience that epiphany until you open your mind.  Maybe what you thought fitness was, is not really what fitness is?

Rest Day Topic:

What is it about for you?  Is it about being the best, boosting your ego, having the fastest time on the board?  Or is it about being the best you can be each day, being better today than you were yesterday, helping your fellow athletes be the best they can be??  Is your approach ego driven, or goal oriented?  What is it for you?  Think about it…

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0 thoughts on “11.15.2009-Sunday-RedShed Rest Day”

  1. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore, is not an ACT, but rather a HABIT.”
    – Aristotle
    “Those who say it cannot be done, should not stand in the way of those doing it”
    “The difference between interest and commitment is this…when you are interested in something you do it only when circumstances permit. When you are committed to something you expect no excuses, just results.”
    All of you ShedHeads rock!

  2. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore, is not an ACT, but rather a HABIT.”
    – Aristotle
    “Those who say it cannot be done, should not stand in the way of those doing it”
    “The difference between interest and commitment is this…when you are interested in something you do it only when circumstances permit. When you are committed to something you expect no excuses, just results.”
    All of you ShedHeads rock!

  3. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore, is not an ACT, but rather a HABIT.”
    – Aristotle
    “Those who say it cannot be done, should not stand in the way of those doing it”
    “The difference between interest and commitment is this…when you are interested in something you do it only when circumstances permit. When you are committed to something you expect no excuses, just results.”
    All of you ShedHeads rock!

  4. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore, is not an ACT, but rather a HABIT.”
    – Aristotle
    “Those who say it cannot be done, should not stand in the way of those doing it”
    “The difference between interest and commitment is this…when you are interested in something you do it only when circumstances permit. When you are committed to something you expect no excuses, just results.”
    All of you ShedHeads rock!

  5. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore, is not an ACT, but rather a HABIT.”
    – Aristotle
    “Those who say it cannot be done, should not stand in the way of those doing it”
    “The difference between interest and commitment is this…when you are interested in something you do it only when circumstances permit. When you are committed to something you expect no excuses, just results.”
    All of you ShedHeads rock!

  6. i hear you J9, and i’ve had my eye on them for months, trust me….
    unfortunately they won’t help my ribcage recover…
    I notice you’re posting an awful lot latelty, is any of that coming during work hours?

  7. i hear you J9, and i’ve had my eye on them for months, trust me….
    unfortunately they won’t help my ribcage recover…
    I notice you’re posting an awful lot latelty, is any of that coming during work hours?

  8. i hear you J9, and i’ve had my eye on them for months, trust me….
    unfortunately they won’t help my ribcage recover…
    I notice you’re posting an awful lot latelty, is any of that coming during work hours?

  9. i hear you J9, and i’ve had my eye on them for months, trust me….
    unfortunately they won’t help my ribcage recover…
    I notice you’re posting an awful lot latelty, is any of that coming during work hours?

  10. i hear you J9, and i’ve had my eye on them for months, trust me….
    unfortunately they won’t help my ribcage recover…
    I notice you’re posting an awful lot latelty, is any of that coming during work hours?

  11. my epiphany this week has been about getting hurt. my back has just begun to be normal again and I twisted my knee on friday 🙁
    i have come to realize that sometimes we get hurt, but we get up again and keep going. temporary sideline is not a sign to stop it is a sign that we need to keep going!!
    because…all of this…crossfit is about the overall goal…staying healthy and happy for me and my family.

  12. my epiphany this week has been about getting hurt. my back has just begun to be normal again and I twisted my knee on friday 🙁
    i have come to realize that sometimes we get hurt, but we get up again and keep going. temporary sideline is not a sign to stop it is a sign that we need to keep going!!
    because…all of this…crossfit is about the overall goal…staying healthy and happy for me and my family.

  13. my epiphany this week has been about getting hurt. my back has just begun to be normal again and I twisted my knee on friday 🙁
    i have come to realize that sometimes we get hurt, but we get up again and keep going. temporary sideline is not a sign to stop it is a sign that we need to keep going!!
    because…all of this…crossfit is about the overall goal…staying healthy and happy for me and my family.

  14. my epiphany this week has been about getting hurt. my back has just begun to be normal again and I twisted my knee on friday 🙁
    i have come to realize that sometimes we get hurt, but we get up again and keep going. temporary sideline is not a sign to stop it is a sign that we need to keep going!!
    because…all of this…crossfit is about the overall goal…staying healthy and happy for me and my family.

  15. my epiphany this week has been about getting hurt. my back has just begun to be normal again and I twisted my knee on friday 🙁
    i have come to realize that sometimes we get hurt, but we get up again and keep going. temporary sideline is not a sign to stop it is a sign that we need to keep going!!
    because…all of this…crossfit is about the overall goal…staying healthy and happy for me and my family.

  16. DP actually introduced me to cross-fit and I admit to being skeptical at first, but I have become a true believer.
    I could do without a little of the ongoing aches but what keeps me coming back is:
    A desire to not only get into better shape but I want to be in the best shape of my life.
    I want to be attractive to my wife
    The challenge to continually improve
    The camaraderie of the shed
    The relationships Cheryl and I have developed with fellow ShedHeads
    I hope to be an active member for a long time…and I hope to do a muscle-up before 12/31.

  17. DP actually introduced me to cross-fit and I admit to being skeptical at first, but I have become a true believer.
    I could do without a little of the ongoing aches but what keeps me coming back is:
    A desire to not only get into better shape but I want to be in the best shape of my life.
    I want to be attractive to my wife
    The challenge to continually improve
    The camaraderie of the shed
    The relationships Cheryl and I have developed with fellow ShedHeads
    I hope to be an active member for a long time…and I hope to do a muscle-up before 12/31.

  18. DP actually introduced me to cross-fit and I admit to being skeptical at first, but I have become a true believer.
    I could do without a little of the ongoing aches but what keeps me coming back is:
    A desire to not only get into better shape but I want to be in the best shape of my life.
    I want to be attractive to my wife
    The challenge to continually improve
    The camaraderie of the shed
    The relationships Cheryl and I have developed with fellow ShedHeads
    I hope to be an active member for a long time…and I hope to do a muscle-up before 12/31.

  19. DP actually introduced me to cross-fit and I admit to being skeptical at first, but I have become a true believer.
    I could do without a little of the ongoing aches but what keeps me coming back is:
    A desire to not only get into better shape but I want to be in the best shape of my life.
    I want to be attractive to my wife
    The challenge to continually improve
    The camaraderie of the shed
    The relationships Cheryl and I have developed with fellow ShedHeads
    I hope to be an active member for a long time…and I hope to do a muscle-up before 12/31.

  20. DP actually introduced me to cross-fit and I admit to being skeptical at first, but I have become a true believer.
    I could do without a little of the ongoing aches but what keeps me coming back is:
    A desire to not only get into better shape but I want to be in the best shape of my life.
    I want to be attractive to my wife
    The challenge to continually improve
    The camaraderie of the shed
    The relationships Cheryl and I have developed with fellow ShedHeads
    I hope to be an active member for a long time…and I hope to do a muscle-up before 12/31.

  21. GEE! Thanks! What an honor that is, considering my fellow Shedheads and their awesome accomplishments each and every week….
    I also stumbled on crossfit.com, saw the videos and realised, this is how I want to train. I guess Im the only one that just showed up one day!
    For me its about being the best I can be for me and my family.
    Our coaches are great, and from them I learned the Shed is a place where goals are accomplished, & with hard work & perseverance nothing is impossible.
    I also like that we get to draw on each other’s triumphs. From witnessing first hand, hearing comments/advice, or just reading the blog, each and every Shedhead has inspired/helped me in some way.
    J9- I got to see 10 mins before I had to leave for hockey and it was other people trying muscleups. I’ll have to search to see if it’s on youtube….

  22. GEE! Thanks! What an honor that is, considering my fellow Shedheads and their awesome accomplishments each and every week….
    I also stumbled on crossfit.com, saw the videos and realised, this is how I want to train. I guess Im the only one that just showed up one day!
    For me its about being the best I can be for me and my family.
    Our coaches are great, and from them I learned the Shed is a place where goals are accomplished, & with hard work & perseverance nothing is impossible.
    I also like that we get to draw on each other’s triumphs. From witnessing first hand, hearing comments/advice, or just reading the blog, each and every Shedhead has inspired/helped me in some way.
    J9- I got to see 10 mins before I had to leave for hockey and it was other people trying muscleups. I’ll have to search to see if it’s on youtube….

  23. GEE! Thanks! What an honor that is, considering my fellow Shedheads and their awesome accomplishments each and every week….
    I also stumbled on crossfit.com, saw the videos and realised, this is how I want to train. I guess Im the only one that just showed up one day!
    For me its about being the best I can be for me and my family.
    Our coaches are great, and from them I learned the Shed is a place where goals are accomplished, & with hard work & perseverance nothing is impossible.
    I also like that we get to draw on each other’s triumphs. From witnessing first hand, hearing comments/advice, or just reading the blog, each and every Shedhead has inspired/helped me in some way.
    J9- I got to see 10 mins before I had to leave for hockey and it was other people trying muscleups. I’ll have to search to see if it’s on youtube….

  24. GEE! Thanks! What an honor that is, considering my fellow Shedheads and their awesome accomplishments each and every week….
    I also stumbled on crossfit.com, saw the videos and realised, this is how I want to train. I guess Im the only one that just showed up one day!
    For me its about being the best I can be for me and my family.
    Our coaches are great, and from them I learned the Shed is a place where goals are accomplished, & with hard work & perseverance nothing is impossible.
    I also like that we get to draw on each other’s triumphs. From witnessing first hand, hearing comments/advice, or just reading the blog, each and every Shedhead has inspired/helped me in some way.
    J9- I got to see 10 mins before I had to leave for hockey and it was other people trying muscleups. I’ll have to search to see if it’s on youtube….

  25. GEE! Thanks! What an honor that is, considering my fellow Shedheads and their awesome accomplishments each and every week….
    I also stumbled on crossfit.com, saw the videos and realised, this is how I want to train. I guess Im the only one that just showed up one day!
    For me its about being the best I can be for me and my family.
    Our coaches are great, and from them I learned the Shed is a place where goals are accomplished, & with hard work & perseverance nothing is impossible.
    I also like that we get to draw on each other’s triumphs. From witnessing first hand, hearing comments/advice, or just reading the blog, each and every Shedhead has inspired/helped me in some way.
    J9- I got to see 10 mins before I had to leave for hockey and it was other people trying muscleups. I’ll have to search to see if it’s on youtube….

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