120117 Day 2

Day 2
WOD 120117

For time:
100 kb swings – 24kg/16kg
100 burpees
100 abmat sit-ups
(partition as desired)


Boat shoes…so many kinds…so little time!

Which is your favorite?

 Boat Shoes





0 thoughts on “120117 Day 2”

  1. let me make it very clear, that there are no executives training in my antiquated fitness center! they are too busy trying to keep a sinking ship afloat!
    the people here love zumba. they are always laughing and smiling as they dance!
    sorta like what happens at the shed while you guys are hitting the WOD!
    I am in a position NOT TO JUDGE! If it gets them moving, it’s all good!

  2. let me make it very clear, that there are no executives training in my antiquated fitness center! they are too busy trying to keep a sinking ship afloat!
    the people here love zumba. they are always laughing and smiling as they dance!
    sorta like what happens at the shed while you guys are hitting the WOD!
    I am in a position NOT TO JUDGE! If it gets them moving, it’s all good!

  3. let me make it very clear, that there are no executives training in my antiquated fitness center! they are too busy trying to keep a sinking ship afloat!
    the people here love zumba. they are always laughing and smiling as they dance!
    sorta like what happens at the shed while you guys are hitting the WOD!
    I am in a position NOT TO JUDGE! If it gets them moving, it’s all good!

  4. let me make it very clear, that there are no executives training in my antiquated fitness center! they are too busy trying to keep a sinking ship afloat!
    the people here love zumba. they are always laughing and smiling as they dance!
    sorta like what happens at the shed while you guys are hitting the WOD!
    I am in a position NOT TO JUDGE! If it gets them moving, it’s all good!

  5. let me make it very clear, that there are no executives training in my antiquated fitness center! they are too busy trying to keep a sinking ship afloat!
    the people here love zumba. they are always laughing and smiling as they dance!
    sorta like what happens at the shed while you guys are hitting the WOD!
    I am in a position NOT TO JUDGE! If it gets them moving, it’s all good!

  6. let me make it very clear, that there are no executives training in my antiquated fitness center! they are too busy trying to keep a sinking ship afloat!
    the people here love zumba. they are always laughing and smiling as they dance!
    sorta like what happens at the shed while you guys are hitting the WOD!
    I am in a position NOT TO JUDGE! If it gets them moving, it’s all good!

  7. let me make it very clear, that there are no executives training in my antiquated fitness center! they are too busy trying to keep a sinking ship afloat!
    the people here love zumba. they are always laughing and smiling as they dance!
    sorta like what happens at the shed while you guys are hitting the WOD!
    I am in a position NOT TO JUDGE! If it gets them moving, it’s all good!

  8. let me make it very clear, that there are no executives training in my antiquated fitness center! they are too busy trying to keep a sinking ship afloat!
    the people here love zumba. they are always laughing and smiling as they dance!
    sorta like what happens at the shed while you guys are hitting the WOD!
    I am in a position NOT TO JUDGE! If it gets them moving, it’s all good!

  9. Kat (and Olive Martial Arts too!)

    I agree Shannon & Pat – Any movement is a heck of a lot better than sitting around watching people exercise on TV.
    I personally have tried the Zumba but concluded that my “Moves Like Jagger” go into hiding UNLESS I have had a few cocktails. I think they frown upon drinking during fitness classes.
    Either way – whatever it takes to get people moving their bodies – I am a fan.
    Of course – CrossFit is still the King.

  10. Kat (and Olive Martial Arts too!)

    I agree Shannon & Pat – Any movement is a heck of a lot better than sitting around watching people exercise on TV.
    I personally have tried the Zumba but concluded that my “Moves Like Jagger” go into hiding UNLESS I have had a few cocktails. I think they frown upon drinking during fitness classes.
    Either way – whatever it takes to get people moving their bodies – I am a fan.
    Of course – CrossFit is still the King.

  11. Kat (and Olive Martial Arts too!)

    I agree Shannon & Pat – Any movement is a heck of a lot better than sitting around watching people exercise on TV.
    I personally have tried the Zumba but concluded that my “Moves Like Jagger” go into hiding UNLESS I have had a few cocktails. I think they frown upon drinking during fitness classes.
    Either way – whatever it takes to get people moving their bodies – I am a fan.
    Of course – CrossFit is still the King.

  12. Kat (and Olive Martial Arts too!)

    I agree Shannon & Pat – Any movement is a heck of a lot better than sitting around watching people exercise on TV.
    I personally have tried the Zumba but concluded that my “Moves Like Jagger” go into hiding UNLESS I have had a few cocktails. I think they frown upon drinking during fitness classes.
    Either way – whatever it takes to get people moving their bodies – I am a fan.
    Of course – CrossFit is still the King.

  13. Kat (and Olive Martial Arts too!)

    I agree Shannon & Pat – Any movement is a heck of a lot better than sitting around watching people exercise on TV.
    I personally have tried the Zumba but concluded that my “Moves Like Jagger” go into hiding UNLESS I have had a few cocktails. I think they frown upon drinking during fitness classes.
    Either way – whatever it takes to get people moving their bodies – I am a fan.
    Of course – CrossFit is still the King.

  14. Kat (and Olive Martial Arts too!)

    I agree Shannon & Pat – Any movement is a heck of a lot better than sitting around watching people exercise on TV.
    I personally have tried the Zumba but concluded that my “Moves Like Jagger” go into hiding UNLESS I have had a few cocktails. I think they frown upon drinking during fitness classes.
    Either way – whatever it takes to get people moving their bodies – I am a fan.
    Of course – CrossFit is still the King.

  15. Kat (and Olive Martial Arts too!)

    I agree Shannon & Pat – Any movement is a heck of a lot better than sitting around watching people exercise on TV.
    I personally have tried the Zumba but concluded that my “Moves Like Jagger” go into hiding UNLESS I have had a few cocktails. I think they frown upon drinking during fitness classes.
    Either way – whatever it takes to get people moving their bodies – I am a fan.
    Of course – CrossFit is still the King.

  16. Kat (and Olive Martial Arts too!)

    I agree Shannon & Pat – Any movement is a heck of a lot better than sitting around watching people exercise on TV.
    I personally have tried the Zumba but concluded that my “Moves Like Jagger” go into hiding UNLESS I have had a few cocktails. I think they frown upon drinking during fitness classes.
    Either way – whatever it takes to get people moving their bodies – I am a fan.
    Of course – CrossFit is still the King.

  17. OMG Shan, that video had me rolling! Agreed, any movement better than none. Just not a fan of zumba—or shaker weights. 🙂
    Kat, Pat/J9, Kevin– anybody who owns their own biz–do you ever deal with bounced checks? Just had my first one with NJ Fit and I have no policy written anywhere. Not sure how to handle? get cash from here on out? charge for my extra bank fee? let slide since first time? any guidance appreciated…

  18. OMG Shan, that video had me rolling! Agreed, any movement better than none. Just not a fan of zumba—or shaker weights. 🙂
    Kat, Pat/J9, Kevin– anybody who owns their own biz–do you ever deal with bounced checks? Just had my first one with NJ Fit and I have no policy written anywhere. Not sure how to handle? get cash from here on out? charge for my extra bank fee? let slide since first time? any guidance appreciated…

  19. OMG Shan, that video had me rolling! Agreed, any movement better than none. Just not a fan of zumba—or shaker weights. 🙂
    Kat, Pat/J9, Kevin– anybody who owns their own biz–do you ever deal with bounced checks? Just had my first one with NJ Fit and I have no policy written anywhere. Not sure how to handle? get cash from here on out? charge for my extra bank fee? let slide since first time? any guidance appreciated…

  20. OMG Shan, that video had me rolling! Agreed, any movement better than none. Just not a fan of zumba—or shaker weights. 🙂
    Kat, Pat/J9, Kevin– anybody who owns their own biz–do you ever deal with bounced checks? Just had my first one with NJ Fit and I have no policy written anywhere. Not sure how to handle? get cash from here on out? charge for my extra bank fee? let slide since first time? any guidance appreciated…

  21. OMG Shan, that video had me rolling! Agreed, any movement better than none. Just not a fan of zumba—or shaker weights. 🙂
    Kat, Pat/J9, Kevin– anybody who owns their own biz–do you ever deal with bounced checks? Just had my first one with NJ Fit and I have no policy written anywhere. Not sure how to handle? get cash from here on out? charge for my extra bank fee? let slide since first time? any guidance appreciated…

  22. OMG Shan, that video had me rolling! Agreed, any movement better than none. Just not a fan of zumba—or shaker weights. 🙂
    Kat, Pat/J9, Kevin– anybody who owns their own biz–do you ever deal with bounced checks? Just had my first one with NJ Fit and I have no policy written anywhere. Not sure how to handle? get cash from here on out? charge for my extra bank fee? let slide since first time? any guidance appreciated…

  23. OMG Shan, that video had me rolling! Agreed, any movement better than none. Just not a fan of zumba—or shaker weights. 🙂
    Kat, Pat/J9, Kevin– anybody who owns their own biz–do you ever deal with bounced checks? Just had my first one with NJ Fit and I have no policy written anywhere. Not sure how to handle? get cash from here on out? charge for my extra bank fee? let slide since first time? any guidance appreciated…

  24. OMG Shan, that video had me rolling! Agreed, any movement better than none. Just not a fan of zumba—or shaker weights. 🙂
    Kat, Pat/J9, Kevin– anybody who owns their own biz–do you ever deal with bounced checks? Just had my first one with NJ Fit and I have no policy written anywhere. Not sure how to handle? get cash from here on out? charge for my extra bank fee? let slide since first time? any guidance appreciated…

  25. ask them to pay in cash + bank fee.
    we are too small to incorporate EFT or a direct withdrawal system… but even with that, you will get returned payments due to overdrafts and expired/lost credit cards. I deal with it here at work every month… and it drives me nuts!
    best practice is to now address it with all new clients up front, so they are aware that they will owe the bank fee if checks are returned.

  26. ask them to pay in cash + bank fee.
    we are too small to incorporate EFT or a direct withdrawal system… but even with that, you will get returned payments due to overdrafts and expired/lost credit cards. I deal with it here at work every month… and it drives me nuts!
    best practice is to now address it with all new clients up front, so they are aware that they will owe the bank fee if checks are returned.

  27. ask them to pay in cash + bank fee.
    we are too small to incorporate EFT or a direct withdrawal system… but even with that, you will get returned payments due to overdrafts and expired/lost credit cards. I deal with it here at work every month… and it drives me nuts!
    best practice is to now address it with all new clients up front, so they are aware that they will owe the bank fee if checks are returned.

  28. ask them to pay in cash + bank fee.
    we are too small to incorporate EFT or a direct withdrawal system… but even with that, you will get returned payments due to overdrafts and expired/lost credit cards. I deal with it here at work every month… and it drives me nuts!
    best practice is to now address it with all new clients up front, so they are aware that they will owe the bank fee if checks are returned.

  29. ask them to pay in cash + bank fee.
    we are too small to incorporate EFT or a direct withdrawal system… but even with that, you will get returned payments due to overdrafts and expired/lost credit cards. I deal with it here at work every month… and it drives me nuts!
    best practice is to now address it with all new clients up front, so they are aware that they will owe the bank fee if checks are returned.

  30. ask them to pay in cash + bank fee.
    we are too small to incorporate EFT or a direct withdrawal system… but even with that, you will get returned payments due to overdrafts and expired/lost credit cards. I deal with it here at work every month… and it drives me nuts!
    best practice is to now address it with all new clients up front, so they are aware that they will owe the bank fee if checks are returned.

  31. ask them to pay in cash + bank fee.
    we are too small to incorporate EFT or a direct withdrawal system… but even with that, you will get returned payments due to overdrafts and expired/lost credit cards. I deal with it here at work every month… and it drives me nuts!
    best practice is to now address it with all new clients up front, so they are aware that they will owe the bank fee if checks are returned.

  32. ask them to pay in cash + bank fee.
    we are too small to incorporate EFT or a direct withdrawal system… but even with that, you will get returned payments due to overdrafts and expired/lost credit cards. I deal with it here at work every month… and it drives me nuts!
    best practice is to now address it with all new clients up front, so they are aware that they will owe the bank fee if checks are returned.

  33. modified:
    as rx’d:

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    as rx’d:

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    as rx’d:

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    as rx’d:

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    as rx’d:

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    as rx’d:

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  41. soo.. My pull ups were LESS than prtety and I’m prtety sure..Nick was nailing me for chin to bar every time but how am I going to get better if I don’t just keep trying w/o using the bands right??? ok..they were really ugly..but I did them (kind of????)

  42. soo.. My pull ups were LESS than prtety and I’m prtety sure..Nick was nailing me for chin to bar every time but how am I going to get better if I don’t just keep trying w/o using the bands right??? ok..they were really ugly..but I did them (kind of????)

  43. soo.. My pull ups were LESS than prtety and I’m prtety sure..Nick was nailing me for chin to bar every time but how am I going to get better if I don’t just keep trying w/o using the bands right??? ok..they were really ugly..but I did them (kind of????)

  44. soo.. My pull ups were LESS than prtety and I’m prtety sure..Nick was nailing me for chin to bar every time but how am I going to get better if I don’t just keep trying w/o using the bands right??? ok..they were really ugly..but I did them (kind of????)

  45. soo.. My pull ups were LESS than prtety and I’m prtety sure..Nick was nailing me for chin to bar every time but how am I going to get better if I don’t just keep trying w/o using the bands right??? ok..they were really ugly..but I did them (kind of????)

  46. soo.. My pull ups were LESS than prtety and I’m prtety sure..Nick was nailing me for chin to bar every time but how am I going to get better if I don’t just keep trying w/o using the bands right??? ok..they were really ugly..but I did them (kind of????)

  47. soo.. My pull ups were LESS than prtety and I’m prtety sure..Nick was nailing me for chin to bar every time but how am I going to get better if I don’t just keep trying w/o using the bands right??? ok..they were really ugly..but I did them (kind of????)

  48. soo.. My pull ups were LESS than prtety and I’m prtety sure..Nick was nailing me for chin to bar every time but how am I going to get better if I don’t just keep trying w/o using the bands right??? ok..they were really ugly..but I did them (kind of????)

  49. Did the swim workout today 12 100 on 2:30. All 12 were beewten 1:33 and 1:36.I did the WOD from the local box this afternoon and it was a beast Against a 30 Minute continuously running clock, Perform the following WOD where after completing each movement for 30 reps, you must perform as many burpees as possible with the remaining 3 minutes:3 Minutes…30 Box jumps, 24/20″3 Minutes…30 Pull-ups3 Minutes…30 Thrusters, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Kettlebell swings, 55/35lb3 Minutes…Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lb), 30 steps3 Minutes…30 Knees to elbows3 Minutes…30 Push press, 95/65lb pounds3 Minutes…30 Power Clean, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Wall ball shots, 20/14lb3 Minutes…30 Double undersYou may perform the WOD in any order you wish. Subtract 5 burpees from your score each time you’re unable to complete the 30 reps within the 3 minute interval.I did everything RX except the Thrusters (65) and the KB Swings (35). Total Burpees = 55. No penalties (although I was close on the double unders). I couldn’t feel my arms at the end and had to lay on the floor for awhile

  50. Did the swim workout today 12 100 on 2:30. All 12 were beewten 1:33 and 1:36.I did the WOD from the local box this afternoon and it was a beast Against a 30 Minute continuously running clock, Perform the following WOD where after completing each movement for 30 reps, you must perform as many burpees as possible with the remaining 3 minutes:3 Minutes…30 Box jumps, 24/20″3 Minutes…30 Pull-ups3 Minutes…30 Thrusters, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Kettlebell swings, 55/35lb3 Minutes…Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lb), 30 steps3 Minutes…30 Knees to elbows3 Minutes…30 Push press, 95/65lb pounds3 Minutes…30 Power Clean, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Wall ball shots, 20/14lb3 Minutes…30 Double undersYou may perform the WOD in any order you wish. Subtract 5 burpees from your score each time you’re unable to complete the 30 reps within the 3 minute interval.I did everything RX except the Thrusters (65) and the KB Swings (35). Total Burpees = 55. No penalties (although I was close on the double unders). I couldn’t feel my arms at the end and had to lay on the floor for awhile

  51. Did the swim workout today 12 100 on 2:30. All 12 were beewten 1:33 and 1:36.I did the WOD from the local box this afternoon and it was a beast Against a 30 Minute continuously running clock, Perform the following WOD where after completing each movement for 30 reps, you must perform as many burpees as possible with the remaining 3 minutes:3 Minutes…30 Box jumps, 24/20″3 Minutes…30 Pull-ups3 Minutes…30 Thrusters, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Kettlebell swings, 55/35lb3 Minutes…Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lb), 30 steps3 Minutes…30 Knees to elbows3 Minutes…30 Push press, 95/65lb pounds3 Minutes…30 Power Clean, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Wall ball shots, 20/14lb3 Minutes…30 Double undersYou may perform the WOD in any order you wish. Subtract 5 burpees from your score each time you’re unable to complete the 30 reps within the 3 minute interval.I did everything RX except the Thrusters (65) and the KB Swings (35). Total Burpees = 55. No penalties (although I was close on the double unders). I couldn’t feel my arms at the end and had to lay on the floor for awhile

  52. Did the swim workout today 12 100 on 2:30. All 12 were beewten 1:33 and 1:36.I did the WOD from the local box this afternoon and it was a beast Against a 30 Minute continuously running clock, Perform the following WOD where after completing each movement for 30 reps, you must perform as many burpees as possible with the remaining 3 minutes:3 Minutes…30 Box jumps, 24/20″3 Minutes…30 Pull-ups3 Minutes…30 Thrusters, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Kettlebell swings, 55/35lb3 Minutes…Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lb), 30 steps3 Minutes…30 Knees to elbows3 Minutes…30 Push press, 95/65lb pounds3 Minutes…30 Power Clean, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Wall ball shots, 20/14lb3 Minutes…30 Double undersYou may perform the WOD in any order you wish. Subtract 5 burpees from your score each time you’re unable to complete the 30 reps within the 3 minute interval.I did everything RX except the Thrusters (65) and the KB Swings (35). Total Burpees = 55. No penalties (although I was close on the double unders). I couldn’t feel my arms at the end and had to lay on the floor for awhile

  53. Did the swim workout today 12 100 on 2:30. All 12 were beewten 1:33 and 1:36.I did the WOD from the local box this afternoon and it was a beast Against a 30 Minute continuously running clock, Perform the following WOD where after completing each movement for 30 reps, you must perform as many burpees as possible with the remaining 3 minutes:3 Minutes…30 Box jumps, 24/20″3 Minutes…30 Pull-ups3 Minutes…30 Thrusters, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Kettlebell swings, 55/35lb3 Minutes…Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lb), 30 steps3 Minutes…30 Knees to elbows3 Minutes…30 Push press, 95/65lb pounds3 Minutes…30 Power Clean, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Wall ball shots, 20/14lb3 Minutes…30 Double undersYou may perform the WOD in any order you wish. Subtract 5 burpees from your score each time you’re unable to complete the 30 reps within the 3 minute interval.I did everything RX except the Thrusters (65) and the KB Swings (35). Total Burpees = 55. No penalties (although I was close on the double unders). I couldn’t feel my arms at the end and had to lay on the floor for awhile

  54. Did the swim workout today 12 100 on 2:30. All 12 were beewten 1:33 and 1:36.I did the WOD from the local box this afternoon and it was a beast Against a 30 Minute continuously running clock, Perform the following WOD where after completing each movement for 30 reps, you must perform as many burpees as possible with the remaining 3 minutes:3 Minutes…30 Box jumps, 24/20″3 Minutes…30 Pull-ups3 Minutes…30 Thrusters, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Kettlebell swings, 55/35lb3 Minutes…Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lb), 30 steps3 Minutes…30 Knees to elbows3 Minutes…30 Push press, 95/65lb pounds3 Minutes…30 Power Clean, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Wall ball shots, 20/14lb3 Minutes…30 Double undersYou may perform the WOD in any order you wish. Subtract 5 burpees from your score each time you’re unable to complete the 30 reps within the 3 minute interval.I did everything RX except the Thrusters (65) and the KB Swings (35). Total Burpees = 55. No penalties (although I was close on the double unders). I couldn’t feel my arms at the end and had to lay on the floor for awhile

  55. Did the swim workout today 12 100 on 2:30. All 12 were beewten 1:33 and 1:36.I did the WOD from the local box this afternoon and it was a beast Against a 30 Minute continuously running clock, Perform the following WOD where after completing each movement for 30 reps, you must perform as many burpees as possible with the remaining 3 minutes:3 Minutes…30 Box jumps, 24/20″3 Minutes…30 Pull-ups3 Minutes…30 Thrusters, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Kettlebell swings, 55/35lb3 Minutes…Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lb), 30 steps3 Minutes…30 Knees to elbows3 Minutes…30 Push press, 95/65lb pounds3 Minutes…30 Power Clean, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Wall ball shots, 20/14lb3 Minutes…30 Double undersYou may perform the WOD in any order you wish. Subtract 5 burpees from your score each time you’re unable to complete the 30 reps within the 3 minute interval.I did everything RX except the Thrusters (65) and the KB Swings (35). Total Burpees = 55. No penalties (although I was close on the double unders). I couldn’t feel my arms at the end and had to lay on the floor for awhile

  56. Did the swim workout today 12 100 on 2:30. All 12 were beewten 1:33 and 1:36.I did the WOD from the local box this afternoon and it was a beast Against a 30 Minute continuously running clock, Perform the following WOD where after completing each movement for 30 reps, you must perform as many burpees as possible with the remaining 3 minutes:3 Minutes…30 Box jumps, 24/20″3 Minutes…30 Pull-ups3 Minutes…30 Thrusters, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Kettlebell swings, 55/35lb3 Minutes…Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25lb), 30 steps3 Minutes…30 Knees to elbows3 Minutes…30 Push press, 95/65lb pounds3 Minutes…30 Power Clean, 95/65lb3 Minutes…30 Wall ball shots, 20/14lb3 Minutes…30 Double undersYou may perform the WOD in any order you wish. Subtract 5 burpees from your score each time you’re unable to complete the 30 reps within the 3 minute interval.I did everything RX except the Thrusters (65) and the KB Swings (35). Total Burpees = 55. No penalties (although I was close on the double unders). I couldn’t feel my arms at the end and had to lay on the floor for awhile

  57. No Slaughter!!! Totally understand, but tollaty sad. We will be sad, but COL is tollaty stoked, for sure. We definitely need to have farewell beer pong, bull riding party!!! You will tollaty be missed Chris, but will kick toosh in any thing you do. Good Luck

  58. No Slaughter!!! Totally understand, but tollaty sad. We will be sad, but COL is tollaty stoked, for sure. We definitely need to have farewell beer pong, bull riding party!!! You will tollaty be missed Chris, but will kick toosh in any thing you do. Good Luck

  59. No Slaughter!!! Totally understand, but tollaty sad. We will be sad, but COL is tollaty stoked, for sure. We definitely need to have farewell beer pong, bull riding party!!! You will tollaty be missed Chris, but will kick toosh in any thing you do. Good Luck

  60. No Slaughter!!! Totally understand, but tollaty sad. We will be sad, but COL is tollaty stoked, for sure. We definitely need to have farewell beer pong, bull riding party!!! You will tollaty be missed Chris, but will kick toosh in any thing you do. Good Luck

  61. No Slaughter!!! Totally understand, but tollaty sad. We will be sad, but COL is tollaty stoked, for sure. We definitely need to have farewell beer pong, bull riding party!!! You will tollaty be missed Chris, but will kick toosh in any thing you do. Good Luck

  62. No Slaughter!!! Totally understand, but tollaty sad. We will be sad, but COL is tollaty stoked, for sure. We definitely need to have farewell beer pong, bull riding party!!! You will tollaty be missed Chris, but will kick toosh in any thing you do. Good Luck

  63. No Slaughter!!! Totally understand, but tollaty sad. We will be sad, but COL is tollaty stoked, for sure. We definitely need to have farewell beer pong, bull riding party!!! You will tollaty be missed Chris, but will kick toosh in any thing you do. Good Luck

  64. No Slaughter!!! Totally understand, but tollaty sad. We will be sad, but COL is tollaty stoked, for sure. We definitely need to have farewell beer pong, bull riding party!!! You will tollaty be missed Chris, but will kick toosh in any thing you do. Good Luck

  65. Gosh I just got started and now your levaing:( I kinda got teary from your blog and everyone’s responses. You certainly have impacted everyone at CFSB. Thank you for pushing me to step it up at the workouts, best of luck to you!!

  66. Gosh I just got started and now your levaing:( I kinda got teary from your blog and everyone’s responses. You certainly have impacted everyone at CFSB. Thank you for pushing me to step it up at the workouts, best of luck to you!!

  67. Gosh I just got started and now your levaing:( I kinda got teary from your blog and everyone’s responses. You certainly have impacted everyone at CFSB. Thank you for pushing me to step it up at the workouts, best of luck to you!!

  68. Gosh I just got started and now your levaing:( I kinda got teary from your blog and everyone’s responses. You certainly have impacted everyone at CFSB. Thank you for pushing me to step it up at the workouts, best of luck to you!!

  69. Gosh I just got started and now your levaing:( I kinda got teary from your blog and everyone’s responses. You certainly have impacted everyone at CFSB. Thank you for pushing me to step it up at the workouts, best of luck to you!!

  70. Gosh I just got started and now your levaing:( I kinda got teary from your blog and everyone’s responses. You certainly have impacted everyone at CFSB. Thank you for pushing me to step it up at the workouts, best of luck to you!!

  71. Gosh I just got started and now your levaing:( I kinda got teary from your blog and everyone’s responses. You certainly have impacted everyone at CFSB. Thank you for pushing me to step it up at the workouts, best of luck to you!!

  72. Gosh I just got started and now your levaing:( I kinda got teary from your blog and everyone’s responses. You certainly have impacted everyone at CFSB. Thank you for pushing me to step it up at the workouts, best of luck to you!!

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