121203 Day 1

Day 1
WOD 121203

Warm-up Skills & Drills:
med ball clean and jerk

5 rounds of:
1:00 – 5 wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' target + 5 kb swings – 32kg/24kg + 5 burpees + max effort double unders
1:00 – rest
goal = double unders remain within 5-8 reps of round 1

@ 10:00…
AMRAP in 12:00 of
10 clean to overhead
10 pull-ups

L1 – 95/65, pull-ups (jumping, assisted, ring rows)
L2 – 115/85, non-assisted pull-ups
SK – 135/95, ctb pull-ups or muscle-ups



JaniRo 2012 Colin kb







0 thoughts on “121203 Day 1”

  1. Moving forward into December, please make a note of the following:
    We will be adding “Strength & Oly Practice” into the daily WODs.
    The metcons (most of them anyway) will have 3 levels to choose from based on your strength, fitness & skill.
    Thursdays will be mandatory rest days, and the shed will only be open for Competition Training and Basic Training.

  2. Moving forward into December, please make a note of the following:
    We will be adding “Strength & Oly Practice” into the daily WODs.
    The metcons (most of them anyway) will have 3 levels to choose from based on your strength, fitness & skill.
    Thursdays will be mandatory rest days, and the shed will only be open for Competition Training and Basic Training.

  3. Moving forward into December, please make a note of the following:
    We will be adding “Strength & Oly Practice” into the daily WODs.
    The metcons (most of them anyway) will have 3 levels to choose from based on your strength, fitness & skill.
    Thursdays will be mandatory rest days, and the shed will only be open for Competition Training and Basic Training.

  4. Moving forward into December, please make a note of the following:
    We will be adding “Strength & Oly Practice” into the daily WODs.
    The metcons (most of them anyway) will have 3 levels to choose from based on your strength, fitness & skill.
    Thursdays will be mandatory rest days, and the shed will only be open for Competition Training and Basic Training.

  5. Moving forward into December, please make a note of the following:
    We will be adding “Strength & Oly Practice” into the daily WODs.
    The metcons (most of them anyway) will have 3 levels to choose from based on your strength, fitness & skill.
    Thursdays will be mandatory rest days, and the shed will only be open for Competition Training and Basic Training.

  6. Moving forward into December, please make a note of the following:
    We will be adding “Strength & Oly Practice” into the daily WODs.
    The metcons (most of them anyway) will have 3 levels to choose from based on your strength, fitness & skill.
    Thursdays will be mandatory rest days, and the shed will only be open for Competition Training and Basic Training.

  7. Moving forward into December, please make a note of the following:
    We will be adding “Strength & Oly Practice” into the daily WODs.
    The metcons (most of them anyway) will have 3 levels to choose from based on your strength, fitness & skill.
    Thursdays will be mandatory rest days, and the shed will only be open for Competition Training and Basic Training.

  8. Moving forward into December, please make a note of the following:
    We will be adding “Strength & Oly Practice” into the daily WODs.
    The metcons (most of them anyway) will have 3 levels to choose from based on your strength, fitness & skill.
    Thursdays will be mandatory rest days, and the shed will only be open for Competition Training and Basic Training.

  9. Moving forward into December, please make a note of the following:
    We will be adding “Strength & Oly Practice” into the daily WODs.
    The metcons (most of them anyway) will have 3 levels to choose from based on your strength, fitness & skill.
    Thursdays will be mandatory rest days, and the shed will only be open for Competition Training and Basic Training.

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