121211 Day 2


Day 2
WOD 121211
Basic Training, 6-7am
Coach's Hour, 7-8am

3 rounds of:
1:00 – 3 weighted dips + max distance on rower
1:00 – rest

3 rounds of:
1:00 – 3 weighted pull-ups + max ghd sit-ups
1:00 – rest

@ 12:00…
AMRAP in 12:00 of:
4 power cleans
8 pull-ups
12 squats

L1 – 95/65, assisted or rx'd pull-ups, air squats
L2 – 135/95, ctb pull-ups, air squats
SK – 175/115, (M)muscle-ups (W)jumping muscle-ups, air squats



SB Melanie T2B









0 thoughts on “121211 Day 2”

  1. umm..
    just a thought here…
    if you have been visiting the main site for some time, you might have noticed they have been posting some coaching videos on some of the barbell movements…
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that we will see some, if not all, of those movements in The Open.

  2. umm..
    just a thought here…
    if you have been visiting the main site for some time, you might have noticed they have been posting some coaching videos on some of the barbell movements…
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that we will see some, if not all, of those movements in The Open.

  3. umm..
    just a thought here…
    if you have been visiting the main site for some time, you might have noticed they have been posting some coaching videos on some of the barbell movements…
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that we will see some, if not all, of those movements in The Open.

  4. umm..
    just a thought here…
    if you have been visiting the main site for some time, you might have noticed they have been posting some coaching videos on some of the barbell movements…
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that we will see some, if not all, of those movements in The Open.

  5. umm..
    just a thought here…
    if you have been visiting the main site for some time, you might have noticed they have been posting some coaching videos on some of the barbell movements…
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that we will see some, if not all, of those movements in The Open.

  6. umm..
    just a thought here…
    if you have been visiting the main site for some time, you might have noticed they have been posting some coaching videos on some of the barbell movements…
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that we will see some, if not all, of those movements in The Open.

  7. umm..
    just a thought here…
    if you have been visiting the main site for some time, you might have noticed they have been posting some coaching videos on some of the barbell movements…
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that we will see some, if not all, of those movements in The Open.

  8. umm..
    just a thought here…
    if you have been visiting the main site for some time, you might have noticed they have been posting some coaching videos on some of the barbell movements…
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that we will see some, if not all, of those movements in The Open.

  9. umm..
    just a thought here…
    if you have been visiting the main site for some time, you might have noticed they have been posting some coaching videos on some of the barbell movements…
    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that we will see some, if not all, of those movements in The Open.

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