Day 2
WOD 131015
warm-up – moderate intensity
2:00 partner wall ball
2:00 partner hrb
be strict on the time!
8:00 – find heavy RM of a power clean
2:00 – set barbell up @ 85%
@ 10:00…
AMRAP in 8:00 of:
power clean – 85% of your heavy RM
-rest 5 to 7:00- (set up boxes, explain 3 rounder)
3 rounds for time of:
12 high box jumps w/step-down
6 hrb pull-ups (see levels)
-10:00 cap… choose levels accordingly!
L1 – hrb to jumping pull-up
L2 – hrb to rx’d pull-up
Rx’d – hrb to ctb pull-up
SK – hrb to bar muscle-up