Day 1
WOD 140224
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
no racks, push press ~75% of 1RM/effort
5 rounds of:
1:00 – 5 push press + max box jumps w/step down
0:30 – rest
@ 10:00…
max effort unbroken set of:
L1 – ring row
Rx’d – pull-ups
SK – bar muscle-ups
-keep the push presses push presses, no jerks or fails
-box height is up to the athlete… goal is to jump, not step up, so use the 6” risers or bumper plates to get the jumping stimulus if a 20” box is too high.
-max effort unbroken set is a one shot deal! See how far you can go, but save your hands… The Open is Saturday!
-rest accordingly-
AMRAP in 6:00 of: (barbells are 95/65, scale accordingly, no scaling up)
3 ohs, 3 burpee bar hops
6 ohs, 6 burpee bar hops
9 ohs, 9 burpee bar hops
… and so on, until time expires