Day 2
WOD 140225
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
6:00, perform the following format
15 seconds – touch-n-go power cleans
15 seconds – rest
15 seconds – double unders or lateral bar hops
15 seconds – rest
-power cleans should be at a weight that provides a touch-n-go stimulus, don’t go too heavy or too light (try about 60-70%, there should be zero single drops!)
-think technique over speed.
rest accordingly, set up for WOD
For time: (100% effort)
300m row
30 hrpu
20 kb swings – 24kg/16kg
5 burpee shuttle sprints
-make note of your time
-rest = work time + 1:00, then do it again! (for example, if you finished in 4:00, rest 5:00 and then do it again)
-burpee shuttle sprints – down and back = 1, and each change of direction is initiated by a burpee.
-be willing to “go there”
-if we have more athletes than rowers, we will stagger starts by the length of the 300m row.