Day 1
WOD 140310
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
10:00 to build a 3 rep (touch-n-go) power clean
-rest exactly 5:00, and set up barbell at 60%-
@ 15:00…
AMRAP in 10:00 of:
3 hang squat cleans, 3 burpee box jump up and over (step-ups are acceptable) – 20” box
6 hang squat cleans, 6 burpee box jump up and over
9 hang squat cleans, 9 burpee box jump up and over
… and so on, increasing reps by 3 each round
-rest exactly 5:00-
@ 15:00…
AMRAP in 2:00 of:
t2b/k2e/abmat sit-ups