Day 1
WOD 140324
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Choose a barbell weight, and perform the following workloads. Use the same barbell for each EMOM & the WOD:
75/45, 95/65, 115/75
EMOM for 3:00 of:
21 deadlifts
EMOM for 3:00 of:
18 hang cleans
EMOM for 3:00 of:
15 front squats
EMOM for 3:00 of:
12 shoulder to overhead
-rest accordingly, prep for WOD-
AMRAP in 15:00 of:
1 thruster*
1 wall climb*
10 double unders (bar hops)**
*add 1 rep each round
**add 10 reps each round