0 thoughts on “140407 Monday”

  1. Congratulations Danielle and welcome Christina to my second home away from home. Just remember, we will be doing this journey together!!!!! 🙂
    On a side note, is there any possibility of having more times available for Saturday mornings????

  2. Congratulations Danielle and welcome Christina to my second home away from home. Just remember, we will be doing this journey together!!!!! 🙂
    On a side note, is there any possibility of having more times available for Saturday mornings????

  3. Congratulations Danielle and welcome Christina to my second home away from home. Just remember, we will be doing this journey together!!!!! 🙂
    On a side note, is there any possibility of having more times available for Saturday mornings????

  4. Congratulations Danielle and welcome Christina to my second home away from home. Just remember, we will be doing this journey together!!!!! 🙂
    On a side note, is there any possibility of having more times available for Saturday mornings????

  5. Congratulations Danielle and welcome Christina to my second home away from home. Just remember, we will be doing this journey together!!!!! 🙂
    On a side note, is there any possibility of having more times available for Saturday mornings????

  6. Congratulations Danielle and welcome Christina to my second home away from home. Just remember, we will be doing this journey together!!!!! 🙂
    On a side note, is there any possibility of having more times available for Saturday mornings????

  7. Congratulations Danielle and welcome Christina to my second home away from home. Just remember, we will be doing this journey together!!!!! 🙂
    On a side note, is there any possibility of having more times available for Saturday mornings????

  8. Congratulations Danielle and welcome Christina to my second home away from home. Just remember, we will be doing this journey together!!!!! 🙂
    On a side note, is there any possibility of having more times available for Saturday mornings????

  9. Congratulations Danielle and welcome Christina to my second home away from home. Just remember, we will be doing this journey together!!!!! 🙂
    On a side note, is there any possibility of having more times available for Saturday mornings????

  10. Huge Jackedman aka Truckhouse

    For this WOD I’ll def need to some preworkout supps. These magic chemicals will inject strength directly into your muscles via triple blue explosion berry…Taste the Gainbow!

  11. Huge Jackedman aka Truckhouse

    For this WOD I’ll def need to some preworkout supps. These magic chemicals will inject strength directly into your muscles via triple blue explosion berry…Taste the Gainbow!

  12. Huge Jackedman aka Truckhouse

    For this WOD I’ll def need to some preworkout supps. These magic chemicals will inject strength directly into your muscles via triple blue explosion berry…Taste the Gainbow!

  13. Huge Jackedman aka Truckhouse

    For this WOD I’ll def need to some preworkout supps. These magic chemicals will inject strength directly into your muscles via triple blue explosion berry…Taste the Gainbow!

  14. Huge Jackedman aka Truckhouse

    For this WOD I’ll def need to some preworkout supps. These magic chemicals will inject strength directly into your muscles via triple blue explosion berry…Taste the Gainbow!

  15. Huge Jackedman aka Truckhouse

    For this WOD I’ll def need to some preworkout supps. These magic chemicals will inject strength directly into your muscles via triple blue explosion berry…Taste the Gainbow!

  16. Huge Jackedman aka Truckhouse

    For this WOD I’ll def need to some preworkout supps. These magic chemicals will inject strength directly into your muscles via triple blue explosion berry…Taste the Gainbow!

  17. Huge Jackedman aka Truckhouse

    For this WOD I’ll def need to some preworkout supps. These magic chemicals will inject strength directly into your muscles via triple blue explosion berry…Taste the Gainbow!

  18. Huge Jackedman aka Truckhouse

    For this WOD I’ll def need to some preworkout supps. These magic chemicals will inject strength directly into your muscles via triple blue explosion berry…Taste the Gainbow!

  19. Biceps Curliski

    Constantly varied arm blasting… Three movements for three tricep heads…. Good thing yesterday was calf day.
    Don’t forget to squeeze at the top for maximum meat peaks!

  20. Biceps Curliski

    Constantly varied arm blasting… Three movements for three tricep heads…. Good thing yesterday was calf day.
    Don’t forget to squeeze at the top for maximum meat peaks!

  21. Biceps Curliski

    Constantly varied arm blasting… Three movements for three tricep heads…. Good thing yesterday was calf day.
    Don’t forget to squeeze at the top for maximum meat peaks!

  22. Biceps Curliski

    Constantly varied arm blasting… Three movements for three tricep heads…. Good thing yesterday was calf day.
    Don’t forget to squeeze at the top for maximum meat peaks!

  23. Biceps Curliski

    Constantly varied arm blasting… Three movements for three tricep heads…. Good thing yesterday was calf day.
    Don’t forget to squeeze at the top for maximum meat peaks!

  24. Biceps Curliski

    Constantly varied arm blasting… Three movements for three tricep heads…. Good thing yesterday was calf day.
    Don’t forget to squeeze at the top for maximum meat peaks!

  25. Biceps Curliski

    Constantly varied arm blasting… Three movements for three tricep heads…. Good thing yesterday was calf day.
    Don’t forget to squeeze at the top for maximum meat peaks!

  26. Biceps Curliski

    Constantly varied arm blasting… Three movements for three tricep heads…. Good thing yesterday was calf day.
    Don’t forget to squeeze at the top for maximum meat peaks!

  27. Biceps Curliski

    Constantly varied arm blasting… Three movements for three tricep heads…. Good thing yesterday was calf day.
    Don’t forget to squeeze at the top for maximum meat peaks!

  28. Today was killer and just what I need for myself! You vs you ! PRed on thrusters and 500m row time. Today was a testing day and I am feeling the success! Thank you red shed !!!

  29. Today was killer and just what I need for myself! You vs you ! PRed on thrusters and 500m row time. Today was a testing day and I am feeling the success! Thank you red shed !!!

  30. Today was killer and just what I need for myself! You vs you ! PRed on thrusters and 500m row time. Today was a testing day and I am feeling the success! Thank you red shed !!!

  31. Today was killer and just what I need for myself! You vs you ! PRed on thrusters and 500m row time. Today was a testing day and I am feeling the success! Thank you red shed !!!

  32. Today was killer and just what I need for myself! You vs you ! PRed on thrusters and 500m row time. Today was a testing day and I am feeling the success! Thank you red shed !!!

  33. Today was killer and just what I need for myself! You vs you ! PRed on thrusters and 500m row time. Today was a testing day and I am feeling the success! Thank you red shed !!!

  34. Today was killer and just what I need for myself! You vs you ! PRed on thrusters and 500m row time. Today was a testing day and I am feeling the success! Thank you red shed !!!

  35. Today was killer and just what I need for myself! You vs you ! PRed on thrusters and 500m row time. Today was a testing day and I am feeling the success! Thank you red shed !!!

  36. Today was killer and just what I need for myself! You vs you ! PRed on thrusters and 500m row time. Today was a testing day and I am feeling the success! Thank you red shed !!!

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