Day 2
WOD 140506
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
0:00 – 5 deadlifts
2:30 – 5 deadlifts
5:00 – 5 deadlifts
7:30 – 5 deadlifts
10:00 – 5 deadlifts
-by set 2 or 3, you should be at your number from last week
-by set 5, you should be heavier… no more than 10# if possible
-if increase in weight is not allowing for 5 consecutive reps, remain at weight from previous week… do not go backwards
-rest accordingly-
Accumulate as many reps as possible in 3:00 of:
strict pull-ups OR strict muscle-ups
*if you don’t have strict pull-ups, work on pull-ups within your skill set for 3:00*
-rest exactly 3:00-
For time:
50 kb swings – 24kg/16kg
50 burpee box jumps
L1 – 20” box
Rx’d – 24” box
SK – 30” box