Day 1
WOD 140602
Repeat WOD 140226
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
AMRAP in 10:00 of: (100% effort)
4 rope ascents – 15’ or planks (same reps for each)
20 box jump up & over/step-ups up & over – 24”/20”
30 ground to overhead – 75/55 (scale accordingly, no scaling up)
40 wall balls – men, 20# to 10’ target… women, 14# to 9’ target
50 double unders/lateral bar hops
-100% effort… try to get back to the ropes
-ground to overhead can be power snatch or clean & jerk
-scale wall balls so you can hit the target consistently (or as close as possible!)
-rest walk at 10:00… fight the urge to lie down or flop over!