Day 1
WOD 140630
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
0:00, 3:00, 6:00
3 push press
-use last week’s weight for all 3 sets
-keep them presses… no jerks!
-rest to 10:00-
EMOM for 10:00 of:
on the evens – 3 touch-n-go power cleans… add 5# each round… focus on keeping feet in squat position every time you receive the barbell
on the odds – 5 squat jumps on to box , height of box is athlete’s choice… squat to full depth, explode out of the hole and jump on to the box… if hopping down, land and absorb the landing into depth squat and perform next rep with fluidity
@ 20:00…
3 rounds of:
2:00 – 200m run + max effort hrpu
1:00 – rest
@ 30:00…
max effort unbroken reps of:
kb swings – 24kg/16kg