Day 1
WOD 140714
Repeat WOD 140304
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
press stimulus: no racks
0:00-1:30 – 10 unbroken strict press
1:30-3:00 – 10 unbroken push press
3:00-4:30 – 10 unbroken push jerks
@ 5:00…
30 burpee box jumps w/step-down (24”/20”) unbroken, step-ups acceptable, 75-85% effort (no score, just try to keep moving until you get to 30!)
-rest 5:00-8:00-
AMRAP in 10:00 of:
t2b/k2e/abmat sit-ups
buy-in = unbroken ascending ladder 1-10 of dumbbell snatches – 45/25 + 100 double unders or 50 lateral jumps over your barbell
-before you can begin t2b/k2e/abmat sit-ups, you must perform an ascending ladder of single arm dumbbell snatches… 1 right, 1 left, 2 right, 2 left… and so on until you reach 10 (each set must be unbroken)… then 100 du or 50 bar hops.
-then perform the AMRAP until time expires.