Day 3
WOD 140716
Repeat WOD 140421
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
EMOM for 10:00 of:
1 deadlift
5 burpees
choose a barbell weight that will allow for 10 rounds of perfect deadlifts (this should not be a 1RM)
135/95, 185/125, 225/155, 275/185, 315/205
-rest accordingly-
Perform the following workload for time:
barbell levels – L1 95/65, L2 115/75, Rx’d 135/95, SK 165/115
3 rounds of:
6 hang power cleans
9 box jumps/step-ups with step down – 24”/20”
12 wall balls
upon completing the third round of 12 wall balls…
200m run with med ball
15 wall balls
200m run with med ball
18 wall balls
200m run with med ball
21 wall balls
-once you start the back half of the WOD, you cannot drop the med ball
-dropping the med ball = 10 burpees on the spot