Day 2
WOD 140819
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00
1 ohs
-warm-up and build to your 3RM
-find estimated 1RM over 4 sets
(BT graduates do 4×3 back squats)
-rest to 15:00-
15:00-18:00 – 15 calorie row + 15 db push press + max effort jump rope
18:00-21:00 – rest
21:00-24:00 – jump rope + 15 calorie row + max effort db push press
24:00-27:00 – rest
27:00-30:00 – 15 db push press + jump rope + max effort row (calories)
-dumbbells are athlete’s choice… choose a weight that will challenge but not create a roadblock
-first jump rope effort dictates reps for interval 2 & 3