Day 3
WOD 140820
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
establish what you can snatch for 3 touch-n-go reps, based on percentage of your bodyweight…
(BT graduates perform power snatches)
Level 1 – less than or equal to 51%
Level 2 – 55%-65%
Level 3 – 65%-75%
EMOM for 20:00 of:
on the evens – 3 snatches touch-n-go + burpees to top of the minute
on the odds – 5-7 t2b/k2e – OR – 9-12 abmat sit-up
-keep burpees at a moderate pace, no score here… focus should be on snatch technique and consistency
-on the odd minutes… athletes should be working on getting those t2b/k2e linked.
-regardless of movements performed in the odd minutes… work to create rest for yourself
-rest to 22:00-
@ 22:00…
ARMAP in 3:00 of:
bear complex, strict (use snatch weight), movements will be:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push jerk
1 back squat
1 behind the neck push jerk
no ghost riding