Day 2
WOD 140826
Repeat WOD 140514
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
(strength is modified from 140514 WOD)
0:00-8:00 – warm up to perform 1 set of 20 unbroken back squats
8:00-10:00 – perform 20 unbroken back squats
-rest accordingly-
EMOM for 10:00 of:
on the evens – 6 pendlay rows (this is a link to view a pendlay row)
on the odds – 1 OR 3 OR 5 wall climbs
-rest to 12:00-
For time:
ring dips
Rx’d – perform 35 box jumps/step-ups after each round of dips – 24”/20”
SK – perform 100 double unders after each round of dips