Day 1
WOD 140908
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
EMOM for 8:00 of:
evens – 5 strict press, no racks, press with tempo
odds – 3-5 strict pull-ups – OR – 6-8 strict ring rows w/feet elevated (20”box)
EMOM for 8:00 of:
evens – 3-5 ring dips, tough… go weighted, strict or negative
odds – 2-5 stone to shoulder… (look at the rep range and choose a stone accordingly)
-rest to 20:00-
row repeats x4, 2:00 rest
Level 1 – 300m
Level 2 – 400m
Level 3 – 500m
-remain within 5 seconds each round
-row at 5-10 seconds above your 2k pace