Day 4
WOD 140918
warm-up – Coach’s Choice (deadlift prep)
0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00
3 deadlifts – build an approximate 3RM in 4 sets
-fill up rest time with practice of any of the skills listed below:
single leg squatting
straight arm support (rings)
inversion holds (head or handstands)
muscle-up progressions
-rest to 20:00-
10:00 segment of:
40 wall balls
30 walking lunges
20 clean to overhead – 115/75 (scale from here)
10 bar muscle-ups – OR – 10 pull-ups
double unders – OR – singles for remainder of training segment
-use this as an opportunity to see where you are at with your strength and skill sets
-stronger athletes use a barbell of 135/95… no heavier than that!!
-ghost riding is frowned upon, but will not be penalized in this segment
-if you have ctb pull-ups, do them!!