Day 4
WOD 141009
warm-up – Coach’s Choice – Deadlift prep
Men – prep to train with a barbell @ 135-225
Women – prep to train with a barbell @ 95-165
Focus: Deadlift/Pacing
Practice: Core
Training: Single Leg/Single Arm
A1. deadlift clusters,, rest 15 seconds x 3
A2. accumulate 60 seconds x 3 of isometric holds, inversion, plank, side bridges, straight arm support or “L” sit (rings), rest 60-90 seconds before back to A1
-rest accordingly-
EMOM for 10:00 of:
evens – 6-8 pistols, total reps, alternating legs
odds – 8-10 single arm push press (athlete’s choice)
EMOM for 10:00 of:
evens – 6-8 split squats, self-loaded @ 31X1
odds – 8-10 single arm chest press (athlete’s choice)