Day 1
WOD 141110
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 5 x 2 back squat @ 32X1, 70-75% 1RM, rest 90-120sec
B. 4 x 2 front squat @ 30X0, 60-65% 1RM, rest 90-120sec
C. 3 x 5 ring row @ 5012, perform 10 waiter’s bow between sets (self-loaded)
D. ring dip clusters x 5, rest 10-15sec between each attempt, stop 1-2 reps shy of failure for all 5 attempts
E. AMRAP 5:00 – stone to shoulder (athlete’s choice)… if you get to 30 reps before time expires, make note of your time and terminate workout… then F.
F. 25 burpees AFAP