Day 1
WOD 141117
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. deadlift 9/7/5, rest 2min, build each set
B1. ring push-up clusters x 3, stop 1-2 reps shy of failure, rest 10-15sec between attempts, rest 1min then B2
B2. push-up clusters w/feet elevated on 20” box x 3, stop 1-2 reps shy of failure, rest 10-15sec between attempts, rest 1min then B3
B3. hrpu clusters x 3 (feet on floor), stop 1-2 reps shy of failure, rest 10-15sec between attempts, rest 2min then back to B1, x 2
-rest accordingly-
C. 85-95% effort
10 TGU – tough, total reps, alternating arms
25 box jump overs – 24”/20”
10 TGU – tough, total reps, alternating arms
rest 3:00, x 2