Day 3
WOD 150408
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 10 strict press, no racks, immediately into A2
A2. 60sec side bridge R + 60sec side bridge L, rest 1:00 then back to A1, x 3
B. Barbells are not to exceed 165/115
unbroken touch-n-go power clean cluster – 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, rest 15sec @ dots
C. 5 x 2:00 @ 85% effort, 2:00 rest between sets
walking lunges down and back x 1
farmer’s carry down and back x 2 (use kettlebells and/or dumbbells, athlete’s choice)
max effort burpees
5-10:00 post WOD Flexibility – Coach’s Choice