Day 4
WOD 150416
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Barbells are not to exceed 95/65… loading should allow for high cycle times and consistent effort
A. 30sec @ 90% effort (@ 0:00, 25:00)
9 sdhp + 3 burpees + max shuttle sprints, rest 4:30 then B
B. 30sec @ 90% effort (@ 5:00, 30:00)
9 hang power cleans + 3 burpees + max shuttle sprints, rest 4:30 then C
C. 30sec @ 90% effort (@ 10:00, 35:00)
9 shoulder to overhead + 3 burpees + max shuttle sprints, rest 4:30 then D
D. 30sec @ 90% effort (@ 15:00, 40:00)
9 thrusters + 3 burpees + max shuttle sprints, go immediately into 5:00 Z1 walk/jog in parking lot, rest 4:30, and then repeat A+B+C+D
E. Post WOD Flexibility – Coach’s Choice