Day 1
WOD 150420
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 3 x 8 RFESS @ 77% of 8RM (if you don’t have 8RM, find it today!)
tempo = 30X1
rest between legs = 30sec side bridge + 30sec FLR + 30sec side bridge
rest between sets = 90-120sec
B1. 10 unbroken deadlifts @ 110 – 65% bodyweight… choose weight according to strength and skill set, go immediately to B2
B2. 200m run at moderate pace (don’t sprint), rest 1min then back to B1, x 3
C. 5 x 1:00 @ 85-95% effort, rest 1:00 between sets
6-8 db clean & jerk + max burpees until time expires
D. 5-10min post WOD flexibility – Coach’s Choice