Day 2
WOD 150421
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 5-3-1 cgbp, search for 1RM in 3 sets, perform sets @ 0:00, 3:30, 7:00
-perform 10 hollow rocks + 10 supermans during rest periods
B. EMOM 10:00 (see notes for specific directions here)
evens – 6-12 pull-ups
odds – AMRAP 30sec ohs – barbells not to exceed 95/65
-rest as needed-
C. For time @ 100% effort
300m row
75 double unders – OR – 25 bjsd – 24”/20”
10 muscle-ups – OR – 15 burpee pull-ups
D. 5-10min post WOD flexibility – Coach’s Choice
Notes for B:
-if you established a 1RM weighted pull-up, use 65% of 1RM, rep range is 6-8
-if 1RM not established, rep range is 6-12 w/in your strength and skill set… make it challenging!
-keep the ohs! even if you have to scale to pvc pipe! goal is to create function here!!