Day 3
WOD 150506
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. unbroken clean to overhead cluster (barbells not to exceed 135/95) – 3. 3. 3. 3. 3, rest 15sec @ dots, rest 1min then A2
A2. 10 self-loaded RFESS @ 3010 tempo, no rest between legs, rest 2min then back to A1, x 2
-rest as needed, prep for test, Athlete’s Choice (choose 1 and go for it!)-
B. Test 1
500m row @ 90% effort, rest 90sec in seat, 500m row @ 100% effort
C. Test 2
2000m row @ 100% effort
D. Test 3
For time:
75 t2b, 3 burpees every drop… record time and total burpees (for your own records)
E. 5-10min post WOD flexibility – Coach’s Choice