Day 1
WOD 150615
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
warm-up and build to 85% of 1RM front squat
A. 3 x AMRAP (-1) front squats @ 85% 1RM, squat @ 0:00, 3:30, 7:00
-perform 30sec side bridge each side during rest periods
B1. 5 strict press, rest 30sec then B2
B2. 6-10 chin-ups (supinated grip)… work within your skill set… think “time under tension”, rest 2min then back to B1, x 3
C. 3-4 sets @ 85% effort
15 g20h – 75/45
10 bjsd – athlete’s choice
200’ sprint
rest 1:00
D. 5-10min post WOD flexibility – Coach’s Choice