Day 1
WOD 150817
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
(static step-ups=keep foot of working leg on the box, don’t step down)
A1. barbell complex – 3 hang power cleans + 5 static step-ups (R) + 3 hang power cleans + 5 static step-ups (L), rest 30sec then A2
A2. mixed grip pull-up cluster, switch grip each set – 5. 5. 5. 5, rest 10sec @ dots, then go immediately to A3
A3. 60sec FLR, rest 1min then back to A1, x 3
-rest as needed-
B. 3 sets @ 80-90% effort
30 calorie – AD
200m run
30 calorie – row
rest 1min between sets… rest 1min after 3rd set, then go immediately to C
C. 50 burpees AFAP
D. post WOD flexibility