Day 3
WOD 150902
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 6-8 back squats @ 3010 tempo, go immediately to A2
A2. AMRAP (-2) strict ring dips – OR – box dips, rest 1min then back to A1, x 2
-rest as needed-
B1. 8-10 deadlifts @ controlled tempo (no bouncing), go immediately to B2
B2. AMRAP (-2) strict pull-ups – OR – strict ring rows, rest 1min then back to B2, x 2
-rest as needed-
C. AMRAP 7:00 @ 100% effort
burpees to target
D. post WOD flexibility
post all results to comments
Felt old, slow and weak this morning.
A1. 6 back squats @ (185lbs,195lbs)
A2. strict ring dips (12,10)
B1. 10 dead lifts @ (215lbs,225lbs)
B2. strict pull ups (6,5)
Burpees to target – 79 (worse than last time)
Saving my legs for a long run tomorrow.
8 back squats 95# x 2
5 ring dips
10, 8 deadlifts 115#
Strict pull-ups 5,4
92 burpees
CFG Open 12.1 – posting this to ease Marc’s anxiety and he can strategize all day…
My fav part were these (little) chicas doing the 7:00 of this as well (link on this date’s post):
We did the burpee part on 9/15/14 for anyone that wants to look back in their own records. (No whiteboard for me to link.)
A1 185lb – 7, 6
A2 strict ring dips – 9, 11
B1 225lb – 8, 8
B2 strict pull ups – 7, 5 (holy oxygen deficit!)
C 97 burpees to the pull up bars on the front wall (> 6″ above reach) at a steady grind pace ~ 14/min no breaks
103 on J9’s link and ermahgerd!!!
112 on Kieran’s date.
Um… yeah….
8 bs. 185, 205
7,7 dips
10 dl 205, 235
3,3 spu
88 Burpees. Boo. 6 worse than last year, 17 worse than ’12
Holy sweaty.
185×8, 8
185×6, 10
275×10, 7
275×8, 5
111 (114)