Day 3
WOD 150923
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 60sec SB, rest 30sec then A2
A2. 60sec SB, rest 30sec then A3
A3. 60sec FLR, rest 30sec then A4
A4. 3 x 10sec “L” hang, rest 10sec btw attempts
-rest as needed-
B. For time @ 85-95% effort
1500m row
60 back squats, no racks, barbells not to exceed 135/95
30 shoulder to overhead, no racks, barbells not to exceed 135/95
C. post WOD body maintenance
post all results to comments
16:52 @ 115lbs
Row 6:00ish
Squats 30, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5 – slow like molasses
S2OH 10, 10, 5, 5
1500m row, 60 bs 95#, 30 s2oh 95#
FOREVER (19:25)
15:19 @ 135#
Row 6:03
BS 15,15,15,15
S2OH 10,5,5,5,5
Kieran, what are you waiting for? ;P
16:39 @ 135#
You, Marc. I don’t want you whiteboarding me.
16:37 @ 135lbs
5:55 row + ~ 20s rest before picking up the bar
11:30 squat split + ~ 20s rest & chalking
Squats – rested a few seconds with the bar on my back every 5 reps, dropped the bar @ 25 & 45 reps
S2OH – 6, 5, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3
I/we know how you operate… It worked! :). Also, I think you know it’s not a deliberate whiteboard… Had I known, I would’ve cut down somewhere. Although, my very last rep was so dicey…. I rested about 6 seconds on my chest before putting it up. I really thought was gonna fail.
Interesting reps. I knew going in, that we’d be close. You have freakish squat endurance at moderate weight.
Went down, kind of like this:
Row: 5:48 – tried to back off with about 300M left but still wasn’t enough because I rested way long before picking up the bar. Not sure when I picked it up.
25 w/o putting the bar down. Rested on my back around 21.
14 w/o putting the bar down. Few rests on back, finished those @ 9:29
6 more before putting the bar down. Slow. Done with that at 10:46.
Last 15 were the same. Something like 5, 5, 5 with short rests on my back. Finished with that at 12:28 and took an unknown amount of rest time.
Did 8 pp/pj – 13:50
7 pj – 14:41
last 15 were sets of 5, finishing at 16:39. Last 2 reps were scary. If there was one more, I certainly would’ve failed it.
CPJ (and anyone else interested):
I tried finding it, but all I came up with is below, per our convo:
Not the same WOD by any means but there’s relevance to it . . .
_TRIED_ to cut down….
Haha. This reminds me of the open. Big dogs waiting to post so the others don’t have a number to chase. Love it.
Saul in good fun
I like setting the bar, even if it’s low
gentlemen, these were scores from August 2011… it was one of three shedkickers during that particular week.
For time:
1500m row
60 back squats – 135/95
30 push press/jerk – 135/95