Day 6
WOD 151107
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. EMOM 12:00:
Evens: 3 back squats
Odds: 10 Russian KB Swings
Rest 8:00 and set up for B
For Time:
15-12-9 of:
Power snatch – 85/55#
Box jump overs – 24/20"
-2 rope climbs or 5 plank ascents after each set-
Rest 5:00 and prep for C
For time:
30 pull-ups or 20 CTB or 15 ring muscle ups
A. 235# / 32kg
B. 5:10
C. MU – 1:40
A. 205lb, 32kg
B. 6:20
C. MU – 3:00
Nice, Justin. I had no ability to move with speed today. It was one of those wods I kept thinking, “this shouldn’t be so tough.”