Day 3
WOD 151223
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 12 rounds of CrossFitmas for time of:
(barbells-95/65, kettlebells-24kg/16kg, box jumps-24"/20") 35:00 CAP!
1 overhead squat (ohs)
2 power snatch + 1 ohs
3 sumo deadlift high pulls (sdhp) + 2 power snatch + 1 ohs
4 push press (pp) + 3 sdhp + 2 power snatch + 1 ohs
5 squat cleans + 4 pp + 3 sdhp + 2 power snatch + 1 ohs
6 kettlebell swings (kbs), 5 squat cleans, 4 pp, 3 sdhp, 2 power snatch, 1 ohs
7 burpees + 6 kbs + 5 squat cleans + 4 pp + 3 sdhp + 2 power snatch + 1 ohs
8 box jumps (bj) + 7 burpees + 6 kbs + 5 squat cleans + 4 pp + 3 sdhp + 2 power snatch + 1 ohs
9 pull-ups + 8 bj + 7 burpees + 6 kbs + 5 squat cleans + 4 pp + 3 sdhp + 2 power snatch + 1 ohs
10 toes to bar (t2b), 9 pull-ups, 8 bj, 7 burpees, 6 kbs, 5 squat cleans, 4 pp, 3 sdhp, 2 power snatch, 1 ohs
11 hand release push-ups (hrpu) + 10 t2b, 9 pull-ups + 8 bj + 7 burpees + 6 kbs + 5 squat cleans + 4 pp + 3 sdhp + 2 power cleans + 1 ohs
12 goblet walking lunges + 11 hrpu + 10 t2b + 9 pull-ups + 8 bj + 7 burpees + 6 kbs + 5 squat cleans + 4 pp + 3 sdhp + 2 power snatch + 1 ohs
B. post WOD body maintenance
Ugh…RX made it to number 12, 2 squat cleans. Farther than I made it last year by a lot but not quite far enough to finish. Theres always next year.
22:58 (24:37 last year)
25:39 Rx
Last year 31:22 Rx
The year before I couldn’t Rx and DNF’d I think.
25:58. 1 sec slower than last year. Negative gainz.
23:06 (24:07) Christmas gainzzz