Day 2
WOD 160315
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
MAP 2… 80-90% effort
A1. 60sec row, rest 1min then A2
A2. 60sec AD, rest 1min then A3
A3. 60sec burpees, rest 1min then A4
A4. 60sec wall balls, rest 1min then back to A1, x 2
rest exactly 5min then the Bs
B1. 60sec jump rope, rest 1min then B2
B2. 60sec thrusters (75/45), rest 1min then B3
B3. 60sec wall climbs, rest 1min then B4
B4. 60sec sdhp (75/45), rest 1min then back to B1, x 2
C. post WOD body maintenance